Potter News
June 2024
From the Desk of Ms. Cimino
We had a fun-filled May at Potter School and June is shaping up to be a great end to the school year. Please make sure to check out the list of events below. Mr. McShaffrey and I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all of your involvement and support this school year, we are truly happy to have all of you as a part of the H & M Potter School Family. Enjoy Summer Break!
Awards Day
Our 4th Grade Awards Day Ceremony will be on June 7th at 9:45 AM. The students will be recognized for their participation in various groups such as Safety Patrol, Student Council, Battle of the Books and the prestigious President's Academic Award. Families are welcome to attend the ceremony to take pride in their child's accomplishments. All fourth grade students will be recognized.
Please plan for your child to stay in school for the entire day, as they will have their 4th Grade Send Off event in the afternoon.
Kindergarten End of Year Show
Four Hour Sessions
Blue Claws Game!
The Nurse's Office
End of year reminders:
Please pick up your child's medication by the end of the day on June 17th. No medication is sent home with students!
If your child needs medication again in school next year, you must supply the school with new medication orders from your doctor. You can find all medication forms on the district website.
Cafeteria Balances
Summer Hours
Transportation Changes
June Calendar
June 3: Fourth Marking Period Ends
June 5: Car Seat Safety Check, 5-8pm See Flyer Above
June 5: PTA Meeting, 7pm APR
June 6: Getting Ready for Kindergarten Presentation, 6pm at Bayville School (RSVP Required)
June 7: Fourth Grade Awards, 9:45am APR
June 11: Kindergarten End of Year Show, 10am APR
June 12-17: Four Hour Sessions, Dismissal at 1:15pm
June 13: District Strategic Planning Meeting, 1:30pm Potter Library
June 14: Spirit Day, Wear Red, White, and Blue for Flag Day
June 17: Last Day of School!
June 17: Spirit Day, Wear Potter Spirit Wear
June 17: Report Cards Posted to the Parent Portal
June 25: Board of Education Meeting, 7pm at BTES
June 28: Blue Claws Game, 7:05 pm (Tickets required)
Have a safe and relaxing summer! See you September 4th!
PK-4 Principal at H & M Potter School