Week of: May 5, 2024
May 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week
5th grade CAASPP-Science and Make-up tests
May 13: School Site Council Meeting - 3:00pm
May 15: Orchestra Spring Concert @ Rosemont - 6:30pm
May 16: 3rd Grade Recorders Performance - 6:15pm
Open House - 6:30-7:30pm
May 17: Minimum Day Dismissal - K @ 12:20pm; 1st-3rd @ 11:54am; 4th-6th @ 12:14pm
May 21: STEM Night - 6:00-8:00pm
May 23: PTA Association Meeting - 7:00pm
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 5: Last Day of SchoolSCHOOL NEWS
Tomorrow kicks off our Staff Appreciation Week! Thank you to all of our hard-working, dedicated, and caring Monte Vista staff for all they do day in and day out to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all of our students. The PTA and various parent groups have prepared for a week of special treats and lunches for the staff and we appreciate it! This is also a great time for our students to write a note to someone on staff who means a lot to them - their teacher, a teacher from the past, the custodians, office staff or support staff. Everyone loves a card, a note or a picture. Even an email or a text to share your gratitude is appreciated!
CAASPP testing began the week of April 22 for our 3rd-6th grade students. This week, 5th Grade students will be tested in Science. Students who missed any other tests will be taking make-up tests. Here are a few things you can do to help your child be prepared for testing each day:
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep
Provide a nutritious breakfast.
Make sure that your child arrives at school on time.
Please join us for our School Site Council meeting on Monday, 5/13/24 at 3:00 pm. We will be looking at our annual school plan survey results, voting to approve our 24-25 School Plan for School Achievement (SPSA) Goals and Budget, and reviewing school data. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/bfd-ivfk-ubp
Spring is the time of the school year when there seems to be an increase in behaviors in the classroom and on the playground. Please take some time to remind your child/children about continuing to follow the school behavior expectations, PAWS:
Practice Kindness
Act Responsibly
Work and Play Safely
Show Respect
Follow Monte Vista @montevistagusd (Instagram) and @Monte Vista Elementary - GUSD (Facebook) to meet our staff and see all of the amazing things that are happening at our school!
What an amazing way to end our PTA Dine Outs for the year! Thank you to all the teachers who came out to scoop ice cream on Wednesday! We had such a great turnout, and it was all thanks to you! We sold over 900 ice cream scoops and vouchers!!! WOW!!
We also have our winners for the Togo's/Baskin Robbins field trip! Congratulations!
Primary Class Winner - Mrs. Harvey
Upper Grade Class Winner - Mrs. Nelson
A special shout out to our incredible Dine Out Chairs - Margaux Chan and Danielle Bell - thank you!
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week begins tomorrow! This week is dedicated to showing our appreciation for everything our amazing staff and faculty do for Monte Vista! Let’s celebrate our pawsitively awesome teachers/staff and thank them for "Being a Star"
Please see attached flyer outlining the week’s schedule!
STEM NIGHT | MAY 21, 2024
Grab the whole family and come join us for our 2024 STEM Night! Like last year, this year we will be bringing more experiments and demonstrations to Monte Vista! There will be multiple booths to explore where you can learn STEM concepts, see some exciting demonstrations, and even do your own experiments! A drawing will be held at the end of the night with STEM related prizes.
When: May 21, 2024 6-8 pm
Where: Monte Vista Auditorium
Please RSVP here to help us get a count for supplies:
Questions? Email: montevistastemday@gmail.comLAST ASSOCIATION MEETING | MAY 23, 2024
Please join us for the last association meeting of the year on Thursday, May 23rd, as we reflect on the past year and look forward to the new school year! We will be installing the new 2024-2025 Executive Board! Help us also thank the 2023-2024 Executive Board and our Committee Chairs for all they have done for the school and community. We will also be reviewing the budget for the upcoming school year.
Please see the top 5 classes in the lead for participation points! Remember, your attendance at the May 23rd meeting counts toward the competition so bring yourself and any other member in your household that are PTA members! We will announce the class winner at the meeting! The winning class gets their choice of class party!
Teacher Name - Participation Points
Lee - 27
Widholm - 26
Tahk - 25
R Kim - 22
Stephan - 21
Reminder about our ONGOING dine-out at India’s Flavor in Glendale. They will donate 10% of ALL proceeds to our school. Write Monte Vista Elementary School PTA on India’s Flavor receipt (or type in the comment box for online orders).
India’s Flavor
3303 N Verdugo Rd, Glendale, CA 91208
Order online at www.indiasflavor.com for pick-up and delivery
Please submit all reimbursement forms and original receipts by Tuesday, May 21. The only exception is for any 6th grade related activities.
Here's the link to the form: http://downloads.capta.org/toolkit/forms/PaymentAuthorizationRequestforReimbursement.pdf
Payments cannot be made with gift cards. Reimbursements will not be issued if this is the case.
Please email MV PTA Treasurer Geny Kim if you have any questions. geny.kim@gmail.com
Thank you!
Did you know that our PTA can earn money when you grocery shop at Ralphs? Learn more here.
Follow our PTA on Instagram @monte_vista_pta and get updates on what is happening with our PTA in real time! #instagram #pta #weloveMV
RESOURCES: Click on any of the buttons below to find out more information
About Us
Monte Vista Elementary serves students in grades K-6. We are a National Blue Ribbon School offering one of GUSD's DLI programs in Korean. Recently, Monte Vista has been selected as a 2023 California Distinguished School!
Website: https://www.gusd.net/montevista
Location: 2620 Orange Avenue, La Crescenta, CA, 91214
Phone: (818) 248-2617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montevistagusd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montevistagusd