Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know For the Coming Week
September 15, 2024
A Note From Principal Hauser
We made it to the end of the quarter! I hope everyone has a wonderful fall break!
Safety and Security
Last week our Superintendent, Dr. Lewis, shared our district’s stance on vigilance in the wake of local, state, and national threats against our schools. As your principal, I want you to know how very serious we are about keeping our students safe. We know that threatening situations may be unsettling for our students. Our school counselors are also available to support any student who may be feeling anxious or need to express their thoughts or concerns. When you come to the school and ring the bell, please be sure to stand in front of the camera so Ms. Middleton is able to get a clear visual of your face. If she doesn't recognize the person she asks how she can help you and may ask to see identification. Please know this is in place to keep our students and staff safe. Please also be mindful not to hold the door for someone else; I know this feels a bit rude and is not the typical norm of engagement but we need to be the ones granting access to the building. Please know that we will continue to utilize our safety protocols and precautions. The safety and well being or our students and staff is my number one priority. Thank you for your continued support and entrusting us with your little children each day.
Morning Carline
Speaking of safety, we have some concerns regarding morning drop off. Please take a moment and review the carline procedures.
A few reminders:
- Students should exit on the passenger side only, along the curb
- Please do not pull out of line until the person in front of you has moved.
- Student should not be dropped of in the parking lot.
- There is no one to supervise students prior to 7:15 a.m. and the doors do not open until that time. Students dropped off prior to 7:15 a.m. (except for safety patrol) are not let in the building. This is a safety concern.
Finally, please be patient. We have 485 students arriving in a thirty minute period. We've worked to streamline the drop off procedures and it generally runs pretty well. Please follow the procedures and don't risk the safety of an Easley student or staff member to save a minute or two.
Early Release Day: Tuesday, September 17
Tuesday is an early release day and students will be dismissed two hours early. Students return to school on Monday, October 7th.
From Your PTA
Thanks to everyone who has been working hard to make our PTA such a success this year. We enjoyed seeing so many new faces at Monday night's meeting! It has definitely been a spectacular first quarter and we are excited for the rest of the school year. Wishing you a safe and relaxing fall break!
Easley Night Out LocoPops: Monday and Tuesday
LocoPops will donate 10% of net revenue to Easley PTA for online and in person purchases on
Monday, 9/16 & Tuesday, 9/17. Please note: gift certificate purchases and Friday Nite Dinner are not included in the offer. Shop online at mylocopops.com
Here is a link to a newsletter with all the info you need including how to join the PTA, key dates, and ways to get involved. Haga clic aquí para ver el boletín en español.
PTA Meeting Dates - 6:30 pm in the media center
September 9, 2024
November 18, 2024
December 9, 2024
January 13, 2025
February 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
PTA Community Events
Fall Festival: October 19, 2024, 1-4 pm at Easley
Spring Fling: April 25, 2025
Cafeteria Menus - Free for all students