CPHS Weekly Update
Parent Update: February 3rd, 2025
Greetings from Crown Point High School!
Here is some information for our parents and families as we begin a new week at CPHS.
Course Scheduling for 2025-26
The scheduling process for the 2025-2026 school year has begun. CPHS students will attend scheduling presentations with their counselors, during Resource Period, one week prior to their individual scheduling meetings.
You can find the CPHS course catalog here: Bulldog Pursuits CPHS Guide to Academics and Careers
Class of 2026
- January 23: Incoming 12th grade scheduling presentation in resource period
- January 27-31: scheduling Incoming 12th graders
Class of 2027
- January 31: incoming 11th grade scheduling presentation in resource period
- February 3-7: scheduling incoming 11th graders
Class of 2028
- February 6: incoming 10th grade scheduling presentation in resource period
- February 10-14: scheduling incoming 10th graders
CPHS Guidance website: https://cphs.cps.k12.in.us/guidance
February - Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. If you have concerns about teen dating violence or would like more information or assistance, please reach out to us.
10 Warning Signs of Teen Dating Violence (George Mason University)
- Using insults, intimidation, or humiliation
- Extreme jealousy, insecurity, or controlling behavior
- Isolation from friends and family
- Unwanted sexual contact of any kind
- Explosive temper or unusual moodiness
- Constantly monitoring social media activities or location
- Invasions of privacy; showing up unannounced
- Leaving unwanted items, gifts, or flowers
- Abusing alcohol or drugs
- Threatening or causing physical violence; scratches, bruises
Employees of the Year
The nomination forms for teacher and employee of the year are now available online. If you would like to participate, you can click on the link.
8th Grade Parent Orientation
On Thursday, February 20th, Crown Point High School welcomes the families of all incoming freshman students for an orientation night. This event is for parents and guardians only. By attending this orientation, 8th grade parents will learn about the high school experience, the rules for earning a high school diploma, and how students earn credits. There will be a special focus on the scheduling process for incoming freshmen students. Below is a summary of the meeting start times and locations:
5:00pm – optional Advanced Placement and Dual Credit presentation
- Location: CPHS Auditorium
6:00pm – Incoming freshman parent orientation begins.
- Location: CPHS Auditorium
6:30pm – Meet and Greet for parents and CPHS Dept. Chairs (staff)
- Location: CPHS Cafeteria
7:00pm – 21st Century Scholar Meeting
- Location: CPHS Auditorium
7:30pm – Event Ends
If there are questions about this event, please contact Mr. Vince Bauters at vbauters@cps.k12.in.us.
SAT Information
On Wednesday, March 5th, all 11th grade students will be taking the SAT during the school day. All students in state of Indiana take the SAT at school in the spring of their junior year. While our juniors take the SAT, our 9th and 10th graders will take the spring PSAT. Our seniors will have an eLearning day.
The state of Indiana now requires that all high school transcripts display the SAT score of every student.
Getting Started
11th grade parents: Please see the following link that provides you with information about the SAT: SAT Parent Information
Here are some additional links for you to view:
Full-Length Linear Practice Tests (Non-Computer Adaptive)
5 Ways the SAT Can Help Your Student
Why Test Prep Matters For All Students
We will continue to provide SAT information to our 11th grade parents as we move towards the March 5th test day.
Here is a website that provides information on college admissions, SAT scores, etc.: https://www.collegesimply.com/
Senior Parents - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
During the 2023 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly passed Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 167-2023 which requires high school seniors to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or affirmatively opt out of filing by April 15. Completing the FAFSA is an important step in a postsecondary education. Students pursuing short-term certificate training, associate/bachelor’s degrees and even some apprenticeships may receive financial aid by completing the FAFSA.
It is important to file your FAFSA as early as you can for three reasons:
1) The sooner you file, the sooner colleges can put together your financial aid offer. The sooner you have all your financial aid offers, the sooner you can begin to compare offers and make the best decisions for your families.
2) Money that is available through FAFSA is limited. Once the FAFSA money is gone, it's gone. It's a "first come, first served" kind of situation. The Indiana deadline for filing the FAFSA is April 15, but don't wait!
3) Federal student loans are only available through FAFSA. If you are planning to use federal student loans at all, you must file the FAFSA. Also, most colleges and universities don't like to give out scholarship money unless you have a FAFSA on file.
For those needing assistance with FAFSA filing, please plan to attend the CPHS Finalizing Financial Aid Night on 3/13/2025 at 6 pm, check out the attachments to this email, and/or visit the helpful links below:
- Contact INvestEd: https://www.investedindiana.org/funding/completing-the-fafsa/
- Contact your Outreach Coordinator: https://learnmoreindiana.org/contact/
- Contact CHE’s Financial Aid Support Center at 1-888-528-4729
**Families choosing to opt out of FAFSA filing must complete the FAFSA Opt Out form at this link: 25-26 FAFSA Opt Out Form. Once complete, print the form and return it to the CPHS guidance office.**
Here are some helpful links:
Create FSA ID link:
Create FSA ID
FAFSA Essentials link:
FAFSA Essentials
Scholarship Search Help link:
Scholarship Search Help
If you have any questions about FAFSA, please contact your CPHS school counselor.
Spring Play
Mr. Flewelling and the CPHS Theatre Department are proud to present the 2025 Spring Play, The Play That Goes Wrong. Ticket information will be shared in upcoming newsletters. Please see below for show dates and times.
- March 7, 8, 14, 15 | 7:00 pm
- March 9 & 16 | 2:00 pm
PowerSchool and Buzz Sync
There is now a nightly sync between PowerSchool and Buzz for student grades.
- Each night, your student's grades will update in PowerSchool to match their grade in Buzz.
- Grades in PowerSchool are only the overall grade for a class. To see detailed information about each assignment, you will need to log in to your parent Buzz account, which is accessed through a link in PowerSchool.
- If you need guidance for navigating Buzz, please see our September newsletter with Parent Buzz Account information.
Naviance is a college and career exploration resource available to all CPHS students. Each student is assigned an account in which they have single sign-on access. A student can access their Naviance account by going to www.student.naviance.com/crownphs. Parents do not have an account, but are able to use their student's account to navigate all of the resources in Naviance.
Naviance is a tool for students interested in applying to colleges that fit the specific criteria they are looking for. It is also a resource for students who are unsure of their post-secondary path. It allows students to take personality assessments as well as strength/interest inventories to help align them with post-secondary options. Each military branch has an area in Naviance that allows students to research opportunities with our armed services.
Naviance is a good tool for parents and students to explore and generate conversations about post-secondary options. If you have questions about Naviance, you can contact your student's counselor for more information
The CPHS graduation ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 4th, at 6 pm in Bulldog Stadium with a rain date of Thursday, June 5th.
Graduation orders can be made with Herff Jones now until March 21, 2025. Please click the following link for more information: Class of 2025
Your senior's cap and gown for the graduation ceremony can be purchased from Herff Jones using this direct link: Cap, Gown and Tassel Unit. Cap and Gown orders will be delivered to CPHS this spring (delivery dates/times TBD).
Herff Jones also offers a variety of optional packages and graduation items on their website: Herff Jones
Questions should be directed to our Herff Jones representative, Doug Kingsley and Kingsley Group staff at 574-583-3420.
If you have questions about our ceremony you can contact Mike Depta at mdepta@cps.k12.in.us or Melissa Holbrook at mholbrook@cps.k12.in.us.
Senior Panoramic Picture
The Class of 2025 Senior Panoramic Picture was taken at CPHS in October.
If you wish to purchase a picture, here is a link from Legends Photography: Senior Picture
Orders for the 2025 Class Panoramic Photo will be accepted until Friday, February 21.
If you have questions about the senior panoramic picture you can contact senior class sponsors Becky Smith or Brooke Yeager at rsmith@cps.k12.in.us or byeager@cps.k12.in.us.
Yearbooks can be ordered by using this link: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job/3840
You can contact Lisa Keene at lkeene@cps.k12.in.us if you have questions about yearbooks.
Parking Passes
Student drivers may pick up parking passes in the CPHS Attendance Office before or after school. In order to receive a parking pass, students must bring their driver’s license, car registration, proof of insurance, and parking permit application. There is no charge for the pass. All students who drive to school should have the pass displayed while in the school lot.
Student Handbook
- Student handbooks are available on our website.
- Please note changes to two important policies: cell phones and attendance. These changes are in alignment with new state legislation.
Cell Phones
At CPHS, all cell phones and earbuds must be secured (out of sight) and silenced during all classes. Please talk to your students about the importance of attention and participation during classes.
As your student prepares for the 2024-25 school year, please remind them of the importance of attendance. The Indiana Department of Education now requires that all school corporations include student attendance records on their official transcript. Good attendance is also vital to academic success and growth.
Transcripts - Required Components
IC 20-33-2-13 requires that school corporations include the following information in the official
transcript of a high school student:
1. Attendance records
2. The student’s latest statewide assessment program results
3. Any secondary or postsecondary certificates of achievement earned by the student
4. Dual credit courses from the Core Transfer Library taken by the student
School Safety
School safety is always on our minds and is our top priority. Thank you for partnering with CPHS to keep our students safe. If you have information or concerns about student safety, please contact us via phone/email or make a report using the link below.
Safe schools anonymous tip line - If you see or hear something, say something.
Safety Reminders for Students
Students should report to a teacher, counselor, administrator, police officer, or any adult in the building if there is a safety concern. It is always better to overreport and be on the safe side.
During school hours (7:00 a.m. to 2:37 p.m.) hats and hoods are not allowed to be worn in our building. This is so that all students can be identified. This is also a part of the CPHS dress code.
Student drivers must remain cautious in the parking lot and near the school. Please remind students to drive slowly and follow the directions of our police officers. All student drivers must have a parking pass displayed in their vehicle while in the CPHS lot.
Student dismissal is at 2:37 pm. Students who do not have supervised after-school activities should leave the building by 3 pm. Students who are waiting for rides should wait in the lobby of the school near the front entrance.
Upcoming Dates
- February 17th - President's Day - No School
- March 11th - eLearning Day - Staff Professional Development
- March 24th - 28th - Spring Break
- April 18th - Good Friday - No School
- April 26th - Prom
- May 26th - Memorial Day - No School
- June 2nd - End of Semester One
- June 4th - Graduation Ceremony
- June 5th - Graduation Rain Date
Food Services
Free/Reduced Lunch
If you need meal assistance, you must complete a free/reduced application at www.cps.k12.in.us/food.
Bus routes and information are available at www.cps.k12.in.us/transportation.
Connected Pursuits
Thank you to our parents and families for your help. CPHS students are doing many wonderful things. Their efforts are noticed in the classroom, with co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and in the community. These things reflect the positive support that they receive from their parents and families. We appreciate all that you do for our students and school.
Have a great week and Go Bulldogs!
Band Class
Mr. Sletto and his band students were hard at work last week preparing for their ISSMA competition and their spring concerts.
Spring Play
Frequent Links
Please see the links below for more information about Crown Point High School.
Contact Us - Crown Point High School
Website: www.cps.k12.in.us/cphs
Location: 1500 South Main Street, Crown Point, IN, USA
Phone: 219-663-4885
Facebook: facebook.com/crownpointhighschool
Twitter: @school_crown