Doyle Elementary Weekly Update
March 25-29
PowerSchool Parent Portal is back on!
Having troubles with Parent Portal? Click HERE for help.
Minimum Days for Parent-Teacher Conferences
It's Conference Week!
If you would like a conference with your students teacher and have not scheduled one yet, reach out to the teacher as soon as possible.
Every day this week is a minimum day. Dismissal is at 11:30 for UTK and 11:45 for grades K-5.
California Healthy Kids Survey - Parent Input
If you haven't done so yet, we are asking for your input using the California Healthy Kids Survey. The information you provide will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement.
Access the survey using the following URL:
Doyle International Festival - Cultural Representation
The Doyle International Festival is looking for more families to host International Booths or put together group performances!
Have information you'd like to share with families about your country? Or know someone who would like to come out and share fun facts? Email us today!
Doyle International Festival Committee:
Kristen DeLeon: kdeleon1@sandi.net
Lupe Velez: gvelez@sandi.net
Amy Gonzales: agonzales4@sandi.net
UCHS Spring Carnival
UCHS is hosting a Spring Carnival on April 19th from 5:00 - 8:30 pm.
Entry is FREE and includes so many fun activities!
- Bouncy Castle
- Booths
- Vendors
- Food Trucks
- and more!
23-24 Yearbooks On Sale!
Get your yearbooks now! Softcover $20 + additional fees, and hardcover $ 26.50 + additional fees.
No orders will be accepted after April 24th.
Spring Picture Proofs/Purchase Options Update
Spring picture proofs will be arriving soon! Proofs will include purchase options for you and the family.
We do not have a confirmed date just yet, but they are expected to arrive before spring break.
Open eBooks - FREE Books to Read
Did you know your student has access to thousands of books for FREE!?
When your student logs into Clever, school down to Library Services and select Open eBooks.
This benefit is not available to all schools in the district, so...lucky us!! Clever can be logged into on any device, not just the school issued Chromebooks. Check it out!
Save the Dates
- Spring Break : April 1-5
- Jog-a-thon: April 10
- Open House : April 25
- Spring Book Fair: April 22-26
- Doyle International Festival: May 17
Doyle Traffic Circle Reminders
Just a few friendly reminders for procedures during arrival and dismissal:
- Please always have students exit the vehicle on the passenger side. This is incredibly important for the safety of your student.
- Please pull your vehicle all the way forward to the "Pull Up To Here" sign. Do not leave large gaps in front of you. This helps us get the most students possible out of their cars and in school on time.
- Please pull as close to the curb as you can. When students are dropped off in the middle of the lane, this creates a safety hazard and severe traffic jam.
- Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the traffic circle. This creates an unnecessary traffic jam, creating a delay in many students arriving on time.
We thank you for your continued support in ensuring all students and families are safe.
Breakfast Reminder - Only Served Until 7:37 am
Please remember - breakfast is only served until 7:37 each morning.
We are seeing an increase in students arriving after 7:37 and have not eaten breakfast. This creates a delay in them getting to class and making them late for instruction. Our cafeteria doors will be closed starting at 7:37 - if your student has not eaten, they will need to first report to class. Our health office is always equipped with snacks for students if they need it.
Arriving to school early and on time is incredibly important for your students education.
We appreciate your support.
Doyle PTA Announcements
Jog-a-Thon Volunteers Needed
We are still looking for Jog-a-Thon volunteers!
Sign up any time here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D45AEA823A6FF2-47287767-doyle#/
How to "do" Jog-a-Thon
1. Make sure to REGISTER your child TODAY so that they can get that first Emoji bag clip prize! Register here: https://doylepta.org
2. Make a DONATION (however big or small), either on the website or by cash or check (cash and checks should go in your student's Jog-a-Thon envelope, and be brought to school on April 10th).
3. Next, ASK OTHERS FOR DONATIONS. Don't be shy! The culture here is to ask family, friends, colleagues and neighbors for donations. Most people will chip in, especially as it's in the news that San Diego Unified School District is facing a budget deficit of $93 million. So every little donation helps!
4. Finally, be sure to check with your employer if they MATCH DONATIONS. For example, if you donate $50, the company can MATCH that donation and donate $50 as well. We already have companies like LPL Financial, Novartis, Charles Schwab, Dropbox, and Pfizer pledging to match donations!
Coffee with PTA - Every Friday
Join us on Dolphin Drive at arrival every Friday! Spiritwear will be on sale, and cash is preferred. Please note that not all sizes will be available! Swing by to see what we have in stock.
We currently have female shirts, a few male shirts, some children's shirts, visors, and sweatpants available for purchase.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Doyle After School Enrichment Programs
Check out the upcoming sessions of after school enrichment programs!
All this, and more, can be found on our website or by clicking here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WRyy1Y27eJc4hgwJag0H9DPq4fJYvPK8?usp=sharing
Expressive Art
Students learn how to express themselves through art! The group meets on Fridays at the lunch tables.
More about their programs and how to sign up at https://www.ayaart.co/
AYSO Play! Soccer
Before we can book a session, we need to find out if there is interest. AYSO is a reputable company that teaches students the fundamentals of sports. Sports helps students learn the value of not only teamwork and problem solving, but good sportsmanship as well!
Let us know if you are interested by filling out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFBWNimE5RKcAlpJEL7STlLWE5j0j_mYOGsSjxJTIo_5N8ug/viewform?usp=pp_url
Connect the World - NEW After School Program 24-25
San Diego Yokohama Sister Society’s Connect the World After School Enrichment Program:
Connect the World will be starting a new after school program at Doyle Elementary in 2024-2025. Connect the World provides a variety of academic, physical, and cultural enrichment activities after school such as Homework Help, Japanese Language, World Cultures, Dance, Arts & Crafts, Karate, and STEM.
If you are interested in the program for the 2024-25 year, we would love to hear back from you! Filling out the interest form will help us structure our program to best fit your family's needs and we will make sure to prioritize your family when we begin enrollment. Additional information about our program can be found on our website: connect-world.org. If you have any additional questions please email our Program Director, Cynthia Le, at cynthia@connect-world.org. Thank you!
Interest Form: https://forms.gle/8BLw98HJsEuGYEC98
Science Guys of San Diego
Science Guys of San Diego is back with their spring session! This after school enrichment program encourages and instills the love of science in students.
Check out their programs and fees by scanning the QR code in the image or visit www.scienceguysofsandiego.com/des
Stay Connected
Email: doylelm@sandi.net
Website: https://doyle.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoyleElementarySD