Mascoma Curriculum Newsletter
🌸 May 2024 🌻
🌓🌚🌖Solar Eclipse Party!! 🌝🌗🌘
Thank you to Title I and EHOP for hosting a wonderful Solar Eclipse Viewing Party on April 8th at IRS! We had a fantastic turn out of families who came for the crafts, pizza, and amazing view of the eclipse.
NH Farm to School Webinar - click on photo for link 🐮 🌲
March Professional Development Day
This March the MVRSD focus on deeper learning continues at all levels. The elementary school teachers will continue their work with Gail Bourn on the transition to competency-based grading practices including the alignment of the report card.
Unified Arts teachers will delve into the BEST (Building Essential Skills Today for the Future) project with leaders from the New Hampshire Learning Initiative.
And secondary teachers will continue learning about project-based learning and performance-based assessments through the Agile Classroom process.
Paraeducators will continue their study of Inclusive Schooling (explore the site, read the text), professional reading/listening, additional videos in Mascoma CIA Google.classroom (cshmptt)
Summer professional development opportunities
Social Studies Resources & Professional Development 🌎
- NH Civics Curriculum Resources
- NH CIVICS has partnered with NHED to share resources with educators via NHED’s Canvas platform. Using the public NH Civics course on Canvas, educators can stay updated on upcoming professional development, public events, in-class programs for students, the NH Civic Learning Coalition and more.
- Keene State College, Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: We believe that Holocaust and Genocide Education has much to contribute to civics education. Although this is difficult and traumatic material, we teach to ensure consistent engagement with the pressing questions of individual and group responsibility towards the other. By exploring values, attitudes, skills, knowledge, and critical understanding of these complex issues and forces, we enable responsible civic engagement. As we remember, we seek to prevent genocide and crimes of mass atrocity by finding points of leverage, intervention, and empowerment.
- “Moose on the Loose” is a social studies curriculum for the State of New Hampshire. Created by the New Hampshire Historical Society, it explores the Granite State’s history, economics, geography, and civic life, introducing students to the state’s rich cultural heritage. The site was designed for kids in the upper elementary grades (Grades 3-6), but much of the material is adaptable for students in other grades. "Moose on the Loose" provides many ways for kids to connect what they learn about the past to current, statewide issues. It also provides a foundation for lifelong learning about New Hampshire, America, and the democratic traditions that unite us all. So dive in and find out more about the state we all love!
- Civics Fundamentals takes the one hundred questions asked by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on the naturalization test for U.S. citizenship and explores the “WHY?” to help the student discover their meaning and importance. We have created a two-minute video for each of the one hundred questions that can be turnkey lessons in civics education classes nationwide. Our goal is to move beyond the rote memorization of facts that dominates the current civics curriculum toward “inquiry-based instruction” that engages learners and is becoming more prevalent in education today. This video based product is available – at no cost to any educator or student – via online streaming.
ELA Review and Professional Development 📖
The MCIA group is currently reviewing the K-12 ELA curriculum, data, programs, and texts. Our work has started to take shape via our action plan. Additionally, members of the group have begun to immerse ourselves in professional development including Lexia LETRS training and a book study on Shifting the Balance.
Summer Professional Development - Math 📏
OGAP - Summer 2024
- 14 Mathematics Trainings in June, July, and August
- Various Locations Throughout NH
- Each Training Consists of:
- Four Consecutive, 7-hour, In-Person Days
- Three Virtual Follow-Up Sessions in the Fall
- SNHU Graduate Credit Available
NH educators attend at no cost.
K-2 Additive - offered four times this summer
3-6 Multiplicative - offered five times this summer
3-5 Fractions - offered four times this summer
6-8 Proportional - offered once this summer
"Not only was the information mind -blowing, but the trainer was very engaging and used a wide variety of techniques to keep our focus and interest." --2023 NH Multiplicative Participant
"Game changing strategies and approaches." --2023 NH Proportional Participant
"As an educator for 25+ years and now an administrator, this was literally the best
training that I have ever been to." --2023 NH Additive Participant
Each training is limited to 24 teachers and tends to fill up quickly.
NHLI and SNHU have partnered to enable participants to earn six (6) graduate credits for their full participation in each individual training. Cost is $195/credit, ($1,170 total) and MUST be paid prior to the start of the training. Cancellation of the graduate credit option must be made in writing before August 16, 2024. After this date there are no cancelations or refunds. You must pay for graduate credit by credit card after you have registered for the OGAP Training and before the start of the Training.
Ann Elise Record - Math Professional Development Videos
Building a Thinking Classroom in Mathematics - Discussion Group folder of recordings and resources.
Math Running Record videos - There is an introduction video and then one for each operation where I interview students and explain how I coded the running record. Teachers can download the recording sheets from the site for free and practice while watching the videos.
Daily Routine Videos - There are separate videos for Kinder through 4th grade. All links to the daily routines shared are on my padlet:
Teachable Courses - Teachers will go to the link and click in the upper right hand side of the site where it says "All products". They will then see all the courses I currently offer on the Teachable site- Cuisenaire Rods, Problem Solving K2, Fraction Essentials, and Place Value.
Please see the Mascoma Curriculum Google.Classroom for the code.
💻 Curriculum Google.Classrom 💻
In an effort to curate curriculum resources, I am in the process of developing a MVRSD Curriculum google.classroom. Check out the class for professional development materials, K-8 math pacing guides, scope and sequence documents, and more. 📚 📏 📖
Course Code: cshmptt
Alma - Student Information System
- Check out the staff help guide
- Elementary Report Card Rollout Plan
- Competency Grade Documents - Elementary (DRAFT!)
✏️ Frontline Professional Growth 📚
PD Master Plan Updates 🏫📑🔖
The professional development committee has been updating the five-year professional development plan for the state this winter. Changes were shared with faculty and staff in March for approval and submission to the NHED in April. Thank you for providing feedback to the PD Committee.
Check with your building P.D. Representatives for individual questions.
App Vetting
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
547 U.S. 4, Enfield, NH, USA 603-632-5563