Week Five!
September 20, 2024
Week Five!
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Important Dates
9.19.24 -- 1st Grade Crabtree Field Trip
9.20.24 -- PTO interest meeting at 8:15am AND 4:30pm
9.23.24 -- Picture Day
9.24.24 -- Kindergarten Crab Tree Field Trip
9.24.24 -- 4th Grade Galloping Hills Field Trip
9.27.24 -- Early Release at 10:45 am
9.28.24 -- BHS Homecoming Parade
9.30.24 -- Super Meeting! Referendum Presentation, 5th-grade camp meeting, and PTO meeting. 6pm
A list of the district calendar dates can be found HERE. For the printable version, please CLICK HERE.
Every Friday! Rep Hispanic Heritage Attire
Each Friday during Hispanic Heritage Month, wear something that honors Hispanic culture!
Come walk in the Barrington Homecoming Parade!
Students and families can walk with our Student Council to represent Sunny Hill. Wear your Sunny Hill shirt or our district colors, red, black and white. The theme this year is Under the Stars. You can add some bling to your Sunny Hill spirit wear or bring your own star wand to carry in your hand. We will meet at 9:30 on 9.28 in the Barrington train station parking lot. Can’t wait to see you there!
NEWS! Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
All of you are invited to a PTO informational meeting! This is just to talk about how we are restarting the PTO and what it looks like in the near future. Please come at 4:30pm today at Sunny Hill. Then, we will have our first official PTO meeting on September 30 at 6pm.
Car Seat Check Event on 9/21 from 10am-2pm
First Annual Car Seat Check Event in partnership with the Hoffman and Schaumburg Police Departments. There will also be a touch-a-truck, Kona Ice, and Batman for the kiddos!
Here is the link to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-car-seat-checkup-0921-tickets-988695784707?aff=oddtdtcreator
RESPECT: Have you talked to your student about respect? During the entire month of September, we will focus on respect. :)
7:30pm "Bath, Books, and Bed"!
It is time to get back into those summer routines! Please develop a home routine that prioritizes learning. Bathing, then reading (at least 20 minutes a day), and then bed time is one great routine. Experts recommend 9-12 hours of sleep for elementary aged students.