Endeavor Elementary School
Cubs Corner
Upcoming Events
Book Fair Mar 2nd – 6th
Grandparents Lunch Mar 3rd & 5th
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Breakfast
(4th and 5th hosting) Mar 11th
Madison County Board of
Education Meeting Mar 16th
K’garten Registration Mar 16th - 20th
Report Cards Mar 19th
Spring Break Mar 23rd – 27th
Cut and Count Mar 30th
FCA Club Meeting Mar 31st
Mark Your Calendar
School Pictures April 1st
PTA Meeting April 2nd
School Play Apr 16th
Mother/Son Dance - Superhero Theme! Apr 17th
March 3rd PTA Meeting Cancelled!
Next PTA Meeting
April 2nd, 5:30 PM
News from Ms. Hicks
Dear Parents,
I read an interesting article recently that made me realize that “to a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Regardless of what happened yesterday or last year or what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are…always. Many of us have mastered the art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things all at once. We allow past problems and future concerns to dominate our present moments, so much so that we end up anxious, frustrated, and hopeless. On the flip side, we also postpone our gratification, our stated priorities, and our happiness- often convincing ourselves that someday will be better than today. When we are busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up, the people we love are moving away, or our bodies are getting out of shape. In short, we might miss out on life.”
Since we implemented the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we try to remember to let these habits influence our daily lives. Habit 3 – Put First Things First—is a great reminder that prioritizing can help provide peace of mind so that we are able to live in the present.
As we prepare for the last few weeks of this school year, let’s all take time to remember the habits that will make us all more effective. Let’s also help our children learn the art of prioritization.
My staff and I appreciate your support and involvement in our school programs. We are very aware of the countless hours our volunteers provide for Endeavor Elementary. A special thanks to the hundreds of you who completed the Blue Ribbon online survey during the month of February.
Let’s continue the great partnership that we have created. There is certainly no better tool for social, personal, academic or economic advancement than a quality education. We are committed to helping each child achieve in all of these areas.
Let me know if there are ways in which I can assist you and/or your child.
Marilyn Hicks
PTA President’s Update
Hello Everyone,
What a crazy couple of weeks we have had in Alabama. I hope you have all enjoyed sleeping in and the snow, but I am ready for spring! Despite the weather and school delays our teachers and parent volunteers are still hard at work at Endeavor. I want to thank everyone who tirelessly volunteers at school for our teachers and children. Without you so many things would not happen.
I want to point out a schedule change for the PTA meeting. We will not be having the meeting on March 3. This meeting has been moved to April 2. At that meeting we will be announcing officer nominations and voting them in at the May meeting so if you would like to be considered for a position on the board please contact me as soon as possible.
Be on the lookout for our final fundraiser of the year to help raise money for our teachers and students. Also this is book fair and grandparent lunch week. Always a good time for everyone!!
Thank you for your support
Norionna Cox
PTA President
Leader in Me Symposium
We were very excited that we were chosen to participate in the Leader in Me Symposium at Athens State University on Feb. 5-6, 2015. Here is a list of the variety of ways our students participated:
- Patrick Moody, Jamie Simmers, Lauren Watford, Noah Edwards, Deanna Deylami, Isabel Blevins, Rosalee Mahdi, Anna Grady and Jordan Lively were greeters for the Feb. 6th early morning session and represented our school so well.
· Three students served on the “Student Keynote Panel.” Kiran Parameswaren, Anna Ellis, and Grace Ann Ingrum not only presented a speech on what leadership means to them but also “fielded” audience questions in a manner that made us all proud!
· Cade Hopkins and Andrew McKnight were such “polished” Masters of Ceremony; they, too, showcased what great student leaders are developing at EES.
Several pieces of artwork were displayed and focused attention on Endeavor Elementary School, too.
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Treasurer’s Report
Current balances:
General Fund Balance: $18,243.15
Club Account Balance: $6,768.76
EES PTA financial records are public. You can request financial information any time by emailing me.
Allison Centamore
PTA Treasurer
Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Wednesday March 11th
4th & 5th grade Hosting
The PTA sponsors a monthly breakfast on the 2nd Wednesday of each month with a different grade hosting each time.
Please help us say Thank You to our fabulous teachers & staff! Parents, students bring in all kinds of breakfast goodies like, Casseroles, pastries, baked goods, fruit, Milk & OJ. If you would like to help with set up or carline, please email Lisa Mullikin.
Hey Y’all!
Ok, first I have to give the biggest SHOUT OUT to the most AMAZING Parents, EES Teachers & Staff EVER!!!! That would be Y’ALL!!!! We had THE BEST 1st Annual Hug-A-Cub Valentine’s Day 5K EVER!!! We have gotten such awesome feedback and that is because of y’all! Not only did y’all show up, but you showed up with a big, beautiful smile on your face! You were willing and eager to help and do whatever was needed to make our race a success and it was! So, THANK YOU!!! So many people encountered the very, very best of Endeavor Elementary on February 14th! I am so grateful and so proud to serve alongside all of you!
But not so fast…our work is not done!!! BOOK FAIR is HERE!!! Our Spring Book Fair is here March 2-6th and the proceeds benefit our wonderful library! If you have not already signed up to work and would like to, please get in touch with me and we will make it happen! Our busiest days are Tuesday and Thursday because those days are also Grandparent Lunch days!!! Book Fair is open 8-2 and we have volunteer slots open 8-11 or 11-2, but we will totally work with you!
I also have a very flexible volunteer opportunity! I need a little help receipting yearbooks the same week March 2-6th. If you are only available for a little bit of time and book fair is not an option, but you want to do something…maybe this is for you! Email me!
Finally, just a heads up that Spring Pictures are just around the corner! April 1st is when Spring Pictures are scheduled as of now and we always need parent volunteers. I will send emails asking for help as soon as I get more information on that awesome opportunity!
Thank you again for supporting everything going on at Endeavor. We are stronger because of you!
Nikki McElroy
VP of Volunteers
Hey everyone,
I hope all of our grandparents can make it to our Grandparents lunch on March 3rd and/or March 5th. On Tuesday, March 3rd 1st, 2nd, and 5th grade will honor their grandparents and on Thursday, March 5th SpN, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 3rd, and 4th grade will honor their grandparents at their regularly scheduled lunch times. We hope to see all the friendly faces we saw at our Grandparents lunch in the fall this week!! We had a lot of happy children!! After lunch please feel free to shop at the book fair with your grandchild!!
Candace Landers
VP of Academic Affairs
EES Spring Book Fair:
Mar. 2-6, 8 am-2 pm daily
Your child will have several opportunities to visit the book fair with his or her class and can also shop with you or a grandparent during the week. Download the Book Fairs app to help you find the right books for your child at: www.scholastic.com/apps/bookfairs.
If you can't attend the EES book fair, shop online until Mar. 15th at:
If you'd like to help your child's classroom teacher add to her/his classroom library, shop the Classroom Wish List Board (located in the rotunda outside the library). Your child's teacher would appreciate it!
Mother Son Dance
The date of our mother-son dance has changed again. The new date is Friday April 17th. The superhero theme has not changed.
For more information please contact:
Tamra Riley at triley@madison.k12.al.us
Lunches of Love
Please contact Melodie Schroder at melodieschroder@yahoo.com or Beth Trees at trees_eb@bellsouth.net for any information about Lunches of Love. Thank you!
Drama Club
Drama Club
The next Drama Club production will be on April 16 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. The Spring Drama Club will be performing Law and Order: Nursery Rhyme Unit. Come help solve the crime of Humpty Dumpty!
Tamra Riley
Academic Creative Excellence
Random Acts of Kindness Club
ROK Shout outs for this month:
We would like to recognize Lisa Novak, Heather Luthy, Nikki McElroy, and the countless other parent volunteers who recently spent a tremendous amount of time and gave a whole lot of love to make our 5k so successful! Your kindness did not go un-noticed and we truly appreciate you.
We would also like to recognize a special 4th grader named Katie Copeland. Katie showed leadership in kindness by donating her entire allowance to Pennies for Patience in her classroom. Thanks Katie for thinking of others! You Rock!
If you see a student, parent, staff member, or faculty member showing a random act of kindness, please email me at: lmccoy@madison.k12.al.us
We would love to recognize them!
Lori McCoy
Endeavor Fourth Grade Teacher
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Next Club Meeting March 31st
FCA is open to 4th and 5th grade students. Come join us as we learn about Jesus and share in the Word of God. The next meeting will be March 31st at 7:10 in the multipurpose room. Students may pick up information on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria or from any leadership team member.
If you would like more information about this club, contact:
Tamra Riley at triley@madison.k12.al.us
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Henson's class partnered with the community to help teenage high school students in Harris Home. The class donated monthly gift cards to help with school supplies and hygiene products. Mrs. Freeman's class collected dental supplies with the help of Dr. David Bruce’s dentist office. The students packaged the supplies and attached a note of encouragement. The dental kits were delivered to the Hill's Clinic and to some students at Madison Crossroads Elementary School.
Mrs. Henson's class hosted a Dad's reading hour to increase comprehension in reading and motivate students to read Accelerated Reader independently. Dad's came in and read to students and assisted students in mastering common core standards. The learning targets included referring to details in the text and identifying key events in the story. Mrs. Henson's class also hosted a Mom's and Math Day. Mom's and students designed lessons and lesson plans focused on math. Students participated in real life application activities to master common core standards and to develop a deeper understanding of math concepts. Mother's in the class lead in lesson planning and presentations in the class. Math was taught through activities such as musical notes, cooking, engaging interactive games, and multiple measurement activities.
Fourth grade is planning their third annual Math Field Day to help motivate students for the upcoming ACT/Aspire. Students will move through 12 stations dedicated to math concepts studied throughout the year. Parent volunteers will direct students in each station and everyone will enjoy a picnic lunch following the event. Our Math Field Day is scheduled for Friday, April 3rd.
Marlo Freeman – 4th Grade
PTA Contacts/PTA Officers/President
Norionna Cox
VP of Membership
Lisa Mullikan
VP of Academic Affairs
Candace Landers
VP of Volunteers
Nikki McElroy
Stephanie Good
Allison Centamore
Teacher Representative
Shannon Wagoner
Other Important Contacts
Dale Strong, County Commissioner
Matt Massey, Superintendent
1275 Jordan Road
Huntsville, AL 35811
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 226
Huntsville, Alabama 35804
Phone: 256-852-2557
Jeff Anderson, School Board Member