Milo School News
February 2024
Principal's Point
Hello Families,
Of all the exciting things to come throughout March, the one that holds the most attention is the vote regarding our school calendar. To be clear, the school and School Council are both in full support of continuing our 4-day week schedule. This schedule is a long-standing part of our community that we are proud of, dating back to 1993!
This vote is not being held because we are hoping to create a 5-day schedule next year. We are undergoing this process to ensure that our 4-day schedule has been created and approved following the proper procedures expected by Palliser School Division and Alberta Education. For more detailed information about that, see Palliser School Division Administrative Procedure #111 .
Timeline of Events:
February 27th: Presentation and discussion at School Council meeting. Ballots distributed to those in attendance.
February 28th: Ballots will be sent home with students for families not in attendance at the School Council meeting.
March 7th: A reminder will be sent to families who have not yet returned their ballot.
March 14th: All ballots are due to the school for counting.
March 18th: Vote results will be communicated to the Palliser School Division Board of Trustees.
If the vote receives the support of 65% or more of our families, and the results are approved by the Board of Trustees, Milo School will enter into an official 2 year pilot process. At the end of this process we will hold a second vote on whether or not we continue the four day school week.
Voting Information
The question families will be asked to vote on is “Do you support the continuation of a four day school week at Milo School?”
A vote of “yes” to this question means you would like our school calendar to remain as it
currently is with no scheduled classes on Friday.
A vote of “no” to this question will mean we explore options to add Friday classes to our
school schedule.
Voting will follow these guidelines:
Families with students currently enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 8 will receive one ballot each. This will come with a sealable, return envelope.
Each ballot will be numbered to ensure that we can track which families have returned their votes.
Families who have not returned their ballot by March 7th will receive one reminder.
Votes will be tallied by impartial Returning Officers from our community. Our Returning Officers will be Celia Lahd and Grant Turner
In order for this motion to pass, we need 65% support or higher.
Votes not returned by the deadline will be treated as abstentions and will not be counted in the results.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact me at dakota.mattson@pallisersd.ab.ca or by calling the school.
Thanks to the Milo School Foundation all classes were able to have a Scientists in Schools virtual workshop. The Gr. 1-3 class did a workshop called Structures, Materials and more, the 4-6 classes' workshop was called Shine a Light! and the 7-9 class did the Finding Solutions workshop. Each student receives a mini science bag containing materials for activities that reinforce the learning outcomes for each hour-long workshop. It's a great program and we are thankful to have the opportunity to share it with our students.
Phys Ed Skating
Hitmen Be Brave Hockey Game
On Wednesday, February 28th our students and staff will travel to the Calgary Saddledome to take part in this fun educational event.
Wear Red for Valentine's Day
Phys Ed Class Curling
Please check your email & spam folder for the invitation to join Edsby.
Edsby is the platform we use for report cards, attendance, instant messaging, booking Learning Conferences and calendar updates. You can click on the link below to log in or download the free app.
Click on the settings icon in the hamburger menu and turn on notifications, you can customize the notifications you want to receive.
Aquaponics at work!
Next time you are here at the school wander down the hall and check out Mr. Mattson's aquaphonics set up. The tilapia fish create waste and bacteria turns it into nutrients to feed the plants. The Jr. high science students all have a job related to keeping both the fish and plants happy and growing. From testing and adjusting the water pH, feeding the fish and tending the plants they are all playing a part in the success of the project.
School Clothing
Parents, students, community members can purchase t-shirts, hats, jackets, hoodies, bags etc. with the Milo School logo with the link below. For every dollar spent the school gets 10% towards student clothing.
Family Party for Literacy Day
Thank You!
We would like to thank all of the parent volunteers that came to help tie skates and helped out on the ice for our skating days.
Thank you to the Milo Curling Club members for helping our students learn to curl and for prepping the ice for our use.
Upcoming Events
March 4 & 5 - curling for PE classes
March 7 - Castle Mountain Ski Trip grades 4-9
March 20 - 100th Day of School
March 21 - Report Cards released
March 27 - Learning conferences