Lebanon High School

January 1, 2025
A Note From the Principal
Dear Lebanon Parents and Guardians,
Happy New Year! I hope the holidays are treating you well. I always think the break here between semesters is the most important for students, families and staff. There is something about stepping back for a week or two and catching your breath that allows everyone to rest and get re-energized to start the second half of the school year.
Last month, I surveyed the high school staff about several things, including the cell phone policy, our 10/10 rule, and asked for suggestions on how we can improve as a school during the second semester. The other question I asked them was to share one thing they are proud of from the first half of the school year. I thought it would be a good way to start 2025 by sharing with you their responses. Their answers speak better then I can about the good things happening at LHS.
In closing, please remember that the second semester begins on Tuesday, January 7th. If your student missed an exam due to illness or a family trip, they need to contact their teacher about making up the exam. Also, I encourage everyone to get out of the house and support our winter athletes during these cold afternoons and evenings. You will never know what your support means to our young people.
That’s all for now. Take care, stay warm, and Happy New Year, Lebanon!
Bob Reynolds, Principal
Lebanon High School
Final Senior Portrait Date: January 15th
The formal Lifetouch/Prestige picture will be used for the senior composite, yearbook, and graduation slideshow. Seniors who do not have this formal picture taken will not appear in these publications. All seniors, including CCP students, are required to take a formal picture with Lifetouch/Prestige.
Many seniors completed this over the summer and will only need to participate if they require a retake. The final photo sessions are scheduled for January 15th at LHS and at both WCCC campuses. These sessions will run like a regular picture day, with students called down alphabetically. Students on an altered schedule may come down upon arriving at school.
If you miss the January 15th sessions, visiting the Prestige studio will be your only option. Call 513.346.3800 to schedule an appointment, mentioning your name and school. Please note there is a $20 fee for photos taken at Prestige.
Dress Code for Formal Photos:
- Gentlemen: Wear a collared shirt, tie, and optional jacket.
- Ladies: Wear a formal drape provided by Lifetouch/Prestige.
Proofs will be sent to your home or through a secure email link for online viewing. Purchasing portraits is optional, with details included in the mailing. For questions, contact Mrs. Hoyt at 934-5100.
LHS welcomes its newest staff member!
LHS has welcomed a new canine friend to campus - a facility dog! Through the district's partnerships with Circle Tail, Inc. and LOVElikeJJ, we are able to host a service dog in our guidance department daily. Special thanks to Maggie Holtkamp, Loren Wall, and Alyssa Fugate who went through the extensive training necessary to host a working dog. We are excited to be able to offer this additional support for students. Facility dogs provide emotional, educational, and therapeutic support; they are specially trained to be calm, reliable, and affectionate. Woof!
Attendance exam exemption results
The fall window for attendance exam exemptions closed on Monday, December 9th. Here are the results of this effort to improve attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism so far in 2024-25.
Out of 1,480 students attending at LHS, 1,090 earned exam exemptions by having 35 hours or less of absence from August 26th through December 9th. In other words, 73.6% earned an attendance exam exemption for 1st semester. This does not include the seven 8th graders who earned an exemption by taking Mrs. Theuring’s Geometry class at LHS.
To put this into perspective, in comparing student attendance over the same time period in 2023-24 vs. 2024-25, here is what the data shows us:
- In this time period in 2023-24, we had 11,537 full day absences. In 2024-25, that number was 9,646 (a reduction of 1,891 full day absences.)
- In this time period in 2023-24, we had 1,552 partial day absences. In 2024-25, that number was 1,397 (a reduction of 155 partial day absences.)
- Finally, in this time period in 2023-24, we had a total count of 13,132 absence events. In 2024-25, that number was 11,076 (a reduction in the count by 2,056.)
Thank you to our parents, guardians and staff members for encouraging our students to be here every day on time. These results show that our efforts are working and our students are the beneficiaries. Thank you again for your support and ongoing efforts in this area. Second semester attendance for exemptions begins Monday, January 13th.
LHS Warrior Highlights
AFJROTC passes inspection!
Awesome work for Cadet Jack Thurston on earning Top Performer!! ✈️🇺🇸 Special shoutout to Mr. Swanson, Mr. West, & Mrs. Houdishell on allowing us to utilize their classrooms today!! They always put LHS students first. -Ryan Eads and David Alvarez
Congratulations to the LHS OH-771 Cadets & students for a successful AF inspection!
Warrior Perfection!
Leos Club made the holidays brighter!
The Leos club visited Station Hill nursing home for the second time this year to play games, make cards, and eat snacks with the residents. Our students are such a joy to these residents! Shout out to Mrs. Toni Crawford for her leadership with this great organization!
Ugly Sweater Day!
This awesome crew showed up to work on the Monday of exam week! Blessed to have the best staff ever!
Secret Santa 2025
Thanks to the generosity of our staff, 112 LHS students' holidays were made a little brighter with gifts from their secret santa! Special thanks to Lauren Miller and her crew for making a difference in the lives of our students!
Click the guidance flyer to access the document and links.
Friends of Academics (FOA) acknowledges student academic accomplishments via awards, luncheons, and scholarships. To contribute to these achievement recognitions, kindly consider making a donation to FOA through their Venmo account @lhs-foa. Over the summer, approximately 100 senior students creatively decorated their parking spaces to show support for FOA. Be sure to visit the Friends of Academic link to champion LHS academics! friendsofacademics@lebanonschools.org Please don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries.
LHS High Honors Pizza Lunch Now Celebrates Academics & Attendance!
The LHS Friends of Academics parents organization proudly sponsors our quarterly High Honors pizza lunch, celebrating students who achieve academic excellence. Previously, students qualified by earning a GPA of 3.6 or higher. Starting this quarter, we’re adding an attendance requirement to align with LHS Attendance exam exemptions—students must also have 17.5 or fewer hours of absences per quarter to earn the High Honors pizza lunch. Let’s continue to honor hard work and commitment to both academics and attendance!
The Ohio Department of Health requires two doses of the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine before entry into 12th grade. Your student may have already received one dose of this vaccine, but a second dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday. This immunization can be obtained from your family physician, the Warren County Health Department, or area clinics and pharmacies. Proof of immunization or immunization exemption* must be provided to the nursing office by the first day of senior year or by Ohio law, your student will be excluded from school. Proof of immunization/exemption may be emailed to cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org, faxed to 513-933-2150, or dropped off in the nurse’s office.
For more information contact Beth Cain BSN RN cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org or 513-934-5115. or Laura Fabik BSN RN fabik.laura@lebanonschools.org , 513-228-4015.
* Per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy, a student may be exempted from immunization if a parent or guardian objects for good cause, including religious conviction, or if there is a medical condition that prohibits immunization.
Exemptions for medical or religious reasons are allowed per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy.
Gifted Education Resources
Scheduling season is coming soon. Please review your student's course selections to ensure needed credits are being taken, the classes match your student's interests, and their area of giftedness will be addressed.
Gifted Resource Fair
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Hamilton County Educational Resource Center
11083 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45231
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
This FREE event provides a forum for educators, students, and families to:
- Connect with gifted professionals about topics pertaining to gifted education through learning sessions.
- Discover engaging enrichment camps, programs, and other opportunities outside of school through the information sessions.
Please contact Beth Deuer at deuer.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org if there are any questions.
Like last year, if school is delayed or canceled, we will send a text message to all parents/students/staff members who have provided their cell phone number to us through Final Forms. If you prefer not to receive a text message or do not have cell phone access, you should use any of the other forms of communication that are used on these days, including our website, Facebook, Twitter, radio, and TV. All major radio and TV stations in the Cincinnati and Dayton area are contacted.
General Notes
SCHOOL DAY: School begins each day at 7:25 and ends at 2:25.
DOORS OPEN: Doors to the building open at 6:55.
PARKING PASSES : Passes are available for students with a valid driver’s license. Purchase at the front desk with check or cash.