CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
May 12, 2023
A Message from Ms. Santa
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 8th to Thursday, May 18th~ NJSLA State Testing
Tuesday, May 16th~ Mid-point of Marking Period 4
Tuesday, May 16th~ National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony,
Rossi Gym at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, May 17th~ CDW Scholastic Book Fair hosted by the PTO (Students will attend the Book Fair during the day.)
Wednesday, May 17th~ Spring Concert for the Grade 5 and Grade 6 Bands 7:30 PM
Book Fair 7:00 PM-8:30 PM in the Rossi Gym
Thursday, May 18th~ Marking Period 4 Interim Reports will be available at noon in the Genesis Parent Portal.
Thursday, May 18th~ Spring Concert for the Grade 7 and Grade 8 Bands
Book Fair 7:00 PM-8:30 PM in the Rossi Gym
Friday, May 19th~ Grade 8 Band Trip
Friday, May 19th~ School Spirit Mismatch Day
Monday, May 22nd~ The BOE Meeting will be in the BOE Conference Room at 8:00 PM.
Tuesday, May 23rd~ The PTO Meeting will be in the CDW Media Center at 7:30 PM.
Wednesday, May 24th~ The Transition Meeting for Grade 4 to Grade 5 parents will be in the CDW Lynch Gym at 7:00 PM.
Thursday, May 25th~ The Transition Meeting for Grade 5 to Grade 6 parents will be in the Media Center at 7:00 PM.
Friday, May 26th~ School Spirit Red, White, and Blue Patriotic Day
Monday, May 29th~ School is closed for Memorial Day.
Wednesday, May 31st to Friday, June 2nd~ Grade 8 Trip
Wednesday, May 31st~ Grades 5-7 Math Criterion-Referenced Tests
School Spirit Fun Fridays!
Friday, May 19th~ Mismatch Day
Friday, May 26th~ Stars & Strips/ Red, White, Blue: Patriotic Day in honor of Memorial Day
Although testing is not completely over yet, the CDW staff commends the CDW students on a job well done this week. The students have completed the NJSLA-Math and NJSLA-English Language Arts assessments.
Next week Grades 5 and 8 will conquer the NJSLA-Science assessments to finish out the 2022-2023 NJSLA standardized testing at CDW.
*If your child(ren) missed a unit due to an absence, Dr. Sullivan will schedule a time for him/her to complete the assessment in the upcoming weeks.
Keep working hard, Knights! Your teachers are proud of you!
Math Placement Procedures
CDW students in grades 5-7 will take the Criterion-Referenced Test on Wednesday, May 31st, which will provide specific information about a student's understanding of math content according to their grade levels.
For Current Grade 5 Students:
All Grade 5 students will take the Grade 5 Criterion-Referenced Test, as explained above. This test offers us a gauge of student performance. For students who perform extraordinarily well on this test, earning a score of 95% or higher, they will be asked to sit for a secondary assessment. Families of these identified students will be notified by June 1st. The purpose of a secondary assessment would be to ascertain the selected students' potential success in skipping Grade 6 Math and moving directly into accelerated Pre-Algebra as a sixth grader. You will be notified by July 1st if your child is eligible to make this Grade 6 Math skip.
To be eligible for this Grade 6 course skip, the students would have to:
- Earn a score of 95% or higher on the Grade 5 Criterion-Referenced Test, as stated directly above
- Earn a score of 90% or higher on the secondary math placement test, as explained above
- Earn a minimum average of 95% or higher for each marking period in Grade 5 Math
- Earn teacher recommendation, based on class performance, work ethic, motivation, ability to work independently, and participation
- NJSLA scores are also considered.
For Current Grade 6 Students:
In Grade 7, we offer two courses of study: Pre-Algebra, which is an accelerated course, and Grade 7 Math, which is an average-level course. Prior to placing students into either Pre-Algebra or Grade 7 Math, the following criteria are considered:
- Teacher recommendation, based on class performance, work ethic, motivation, ability to work independently, and participation
- Criterion-Referenced Test Score (math placement test) of 85% or higher - see test explanation above
- Year-end math average of 93% or higher
- NJSLA scores are also considered.
Notification of course placement will be communicated to all families by July 1st.
For Current Grade 7 Students:
We use the Criterion-Referenced Test to assess students' current placement and to determine if movement into Algebra I is appropriate in Grade 8.
Working Papers for Teens
The way teens obtain working papers in New Jersey will be changing on June 1, 2023! The working papers process will be online and streamlined. Rather than going through local schools, younger workers will simply visit this site and be walked through a few easy steps.
Mr. L's Corner
Reminders and Updates from CDW's Student Manager
CDW Baseball
The baseball team won a great victory against Harrington Park on Monday. Gerard Fernino and Moose Etter dominated on the mound to throw a combined no-hitter, and Maximos Demaras led the offense with two hits and 3 RBIs.
On Tuesday, the team won an epic match-up against Northvale. It was a back-and-forth game until the Knights finally wore down their opponent. Maximos Demaras and Cayden Yoon provided strong performances on the mound and at the plate to keep the game close in the beginning. Reese Yerman and Antonio Cascone also contributed on the mound. The Knights had strong at bats by Trevor Ling and several other players who helped the Knights secure the victory.
On Thursday, the Knights won a great victory against Haworth. Maximos Demaras recorded two hits in the contest along with Moose Etter, Reese Yerman, and Hunter Hull. Strong pitching performances by Ethan Kahanov and Trevor Ling and a defensive clinic by Cayden Yoon and Sejong Kim limited Haworth’s offense to only one run.
Next week, the baseball team will be finishing their regular season at Closter Middle School on Tuesday, May 16th at 3:45 PM.
CDW Softball
The softball team improved to 5-1 on the season defeating Northvale 10-0. Ella Ferraro struck out over ten hitters! The offense combined for double digit hits with big contributions from Lea Savino, Olivia Richards, Jules DeAngelis, Olivia Magnoli, Bailey West, Ava DeAngelo, and Mia Ranu. Caroline Ognibene stole two bases, played great at 3rd base, and had two hard hit balls.
Next week the softball team will be finishing the regular season at Closter Middle School on Tuesday, May 16th at 3:45 PM.
CDW Track
The track meet is today, May 12th, at Northern Valley Demarest High School beginning at 4:00 PM.
We are excited to offer the Summer Skill-Booster Program again this summer to all Old Tappan students currently enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 8. Sessions have been set, and it is time to register! Click here to find more information about the program and links to register for a summer session. Space is limited so register early! Registration closes on June 30, 2023.
Keep in mind when signing up for a session, the AM sessions are designed to review the material presented to your child(ren) in his/her current grade level (If your child is in 5th grade, sign him/her up for a 5th grade session.). The PM sessions are designed to preview material for your child(ren)'s next grade level (If your child is in 5th grade, sign him/her up for a 6th grade session.).
Please reach out to Mr. Lauriello at with any questions.
PTO Updates
Lovable Labels Fundraiser
Spirit Wear!
LONG TERM: Charles DeWolf Middle School
Scholastic Book Fair at CDW: May 17th
CDW is holding a Spring Book Fair on May 17th and May 18th in the Rossi Gym. This is a great opportunity for your child(ren) to stock up on books for the summer!
The book fair will be open during the school day for students to shop on Wednesday, May 17th as well as during the spring concerts on both nights, May 17th and May 18th, from 7:00-8:30 PM.
Students can purchase items using a credit card, a check made out to OTPTO, cash or ewallet. Use this link for more information about the easy-to-use, convenient ewallet feature
Thank you for your support!
Student Government Car Wash: May 20th
Students in Grades 5 through 8, please sign up HERE if you could provide equipment such as buckets, sponges, towels, etc.
Students in Grades 7 & 8, please sign up HERE to volunteer for the event!
Old Tappan Memorial Day Parade
If band students have any questions, they should contact Mr. Rosolanko at
Save the Date for Knights' Fest: June 6th
Want to perform?
OTEC Digital Photo Contest and Show
One submission per student can be submitted now through June 9, 2023.
CDW Transition Meetings
- Grade 4 to Grade 5 Transition Meeting- Wednesday, May 24th, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 5 to Grade 6 Transition Meeting- Thursday, May 25th, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 6 to Grade 7 Transition Meeting- Thursday, June 1st, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 7 to Grade 8 Transition Meeting- Wednesday, June 7th, 7:00-8:00 PM
The meeting presentations will be posted to the school's website following the last meeting date.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Chromebook Insurance Information
Old Tappan 2022-2023 School Year Calendar (Revised 4/2023)
2023-2024 School Calendar
The School Year Calendar for the PK-8 Old Tappan Public Schools was approved at Monday evening's Board of Education Meeting. For your convenience, this calendar also will be posted on our District website.
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD