Chaos, Control...Chaos, Control
Exploring The Idea of The Border Between Chaos & Order
In The Border Land Between Chaos And Order
Six Degrees of Separation
I rewatched this when I started thinking about making this episode, and I will say I am not sure this holds up. It really feels like a watching a play...but not in a good way. And it feels very dated, as the internet would solve a lot of the problems that arise in this film. But, it still is a great introduction to considering how we deal with chaos when it arrives. As Paul shows up to the Kittredge's apartment and chaos ensues. I was surprised to learn this is based on the true story of a con man named David Hampton. Paul represents chaos, in a way, and how it connects all of us. Through the experiences all the families of the story have with Paul, they become connected and they all process this experience differently.
At the time I write can stream Six Degrees of Separation on Prime Video. Explore the links and images below about the film, as well as the artist Kandinsky.
Several Circles, Kandinsky
The Imaginary Art Object
Black Lines, Kandinsky
Learn More About Kandinsky Here:
My Students Seeing The Work During Our Summer Trip
Here you can see the scale and know that it is not double sided.
For In Depth Reading on Kandinsky
Romare Bearden
Romare Bearden
Images From: The Odyssey
For Teachers
Deep Dive Book
Link to Amazon: Life & Work of Romare Bearden
Harlem Renaissance
Jazz...The Musical Embodiment of The Border Land
Be The Line?
Is the line only there if it is flat? Is it there as a sphere? This has had me thinking...and I did not discuss it in the podcast. But I think it is important to consider, as the line becomes the whole when it is 3D....
My Playlist:
Starling Stuff
Where To Find Me:
You can find me on these platforms as well:
Twitter: @artteacheramy
Flick: Use the password - starling
And go to my own website...that needs a lot of work...