Maungatapere School
Newsletter 30 May 2024
Science Fair Roadshow
On Monday 27th May all of our yr 7-8 students went to a science roadshow at TAS (Tauraroa Area School).
We went there to get more inspiration for our science fair experiments.
All of the experiments were very interactive so while learning a lot, we were also having fun.
Now onto what the exhibits entailed. Some were about health like the one about how many portions of food you should eat. It was like a puzzle, when you got the right piece, it shone a light on the amount of that category of food you should eat a day. Others were about gravitational forces, like the spinning chair which used the center of gravity as the force. The experiment was to sit on a chair, be spun and pull your arms in and out. It was really exciting and interesting.
My favorite bit was at the end when they did a live experiment show and made Elephant Toothpaste. It was a mix of a crystal and a chemical. It was a really enjoyable day.
By Isla Gibson.
Gravitational Force - Hannah B spinning up a storm.
Whats For Dinner Tonight
Elephant Toothpaste
Year 5/6 Winter sports
What a fantastic day at Kensington Park. Even the cold weather couldn’t wipe the smiles off the faces of all the children who participated in the Winter Sports Tournament yesterday. Sports on offer were Gymnastics, Badminton, Table tennis, Hockey, Basketball, Football, Rippa Rugby and Netball. For many children it was an opportunity for them to ‘give it a go’ by playing a sport that they hadn’t played before. While walking around and visiting the teams I was so impressed by the way the children conducted themselves on and off the field. The sportsmanship, encouragement and pure enjoyment that was on display was wonderful to see. An example of this was seen at the basketball, where a team that was about to play our boys were short of players because of sickness. It could have been easy for them to go on and play the opposition with several players short, but no. In true Maungatapere spirit they offered to give them some players so the teams were even and that everyone got to participate and have fun. I would like to thank all those parents who took the time out of their day to be team managers and to those who came along to cheer our teams from the side lines.
From the Renew School Basketball team to say thank you to our Basketball team and its parent helpers for sharing players so they could enjoy the day.
Room 3 - Postcard to a Friend
School Term Dates
3rd June Kings Birthday
5th June School Photos
7th June Year 5/6 Sports exchange to Maunu School
12th June Strike in School performance - This is a show at school
19th June TAS school band visit
24th June School reports home
28th June Matariki
5th July Last Day Term 2
Billy Young R2 For great listening skills & working hard to extend his stories.
Benji Farrier R2 For his fantastic, focused efforts to extend his stories.
Arya-Rose Ratahi-Bunn R3 For believing in herself and making her reading happen.
Nathan Neeley R6 For stepping up and using his initiative and demonstrating leadership skills.
Temporary access to the office
Linewize - Gaming and Screen time
Here are some useful ideas and links that may help with the regulations and support of Gaming; both online and offline.
School Hours
Most of our communication is done via our school app, Facebook and email. If you haven't already, follow our Facebook page and download the app (SchoolAppsNZ)
Sore Throats Matter
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Principal: principal@maungatapere.school.nz
BOT Chair: botchair@manugatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool