KMS Friday Principal's Press

Friday, October 18, 2024
Happy Friday! Here is some important information from KMS:
KMS Spirit Week 10/21 through 10/25
Student Council has planned a Spirit Week for October 21st to October 25th! Plan ahead!
- Monday: Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Twin Day
- Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers)
- Thursday: Character Day (Dress like your favorite TV show, movie, or book character)
- Friday: Kennett PRIDE (Wear all your Kennett/blue and white gear)
- Note: Our School KMS School Store opens next Tuesday for students. We have some new Kennett merch that we sell to students at cost. Tee shirts are $15. Sweatpants are $20. Hoodies are $25.
Please be sure all clothing worn during Spirit Week is appropriate for school.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences Update:
Our teachers are busy scheduling team and individual conferences with families. Fall parent teacher conferences will be on Friday, November 22nd and Monday, November 25th. Our Skyward Conference Scheduler will go live for families on Monday, October 28th. We will send directions in our next Principal's Friday Press.
A friendly reminder that teachers will have roughly 18 available slots for conferences over the two day conference window and about half of those will be dedicated to team conferences. Please know that our teachers will not have the capacity to meet with all of their families during the two-day fall conference window.
As a school, we work to continually update parents on the progress of their child using the tools below.
- Skyward (Our Student Information System)
- Schoology (Our Learning Management System)
- Talking Points & Emails from Teachers
- Postal Mailings (e.g., benchmark information)
- KMS Principal's Friday Press
Parents/guardians are able to request to meet with teachers outside of the two-day fall conferences window.
Our First Principal's Friday Press + Poll Results
The October 11th edition of the Principal's Friday Press received over 700 views! We also gave families an opportunity to tell us how their child's year is going with a poll. Here is what we learned.
- 35.4% of families said their child is having a wonderful school year.
- 35.4% of families said their child is having a good school year.
- 24.7% of families said their child is having an OK school year with ups and downs.
- 4.3% of families said their child is having a difficult year.
Thank you to the families who voted, and keep an eye out for future polls. A reminder if you chose "D" indicating that your child is having a very difficult year, please make sure you email your child's grade-level principal with specific concerns so we can work through them together.
- 6th Grade - Dr. Jake Moore |
- 7th Grade - Mrs. Erin Miller |
- 8th Grade - Ms. Katie King |
PTO Spirit Wear Sale!
Kennett Middle School spirit wear will now be available for purchase online.
- The web store can be accessed at
- Your sale will run from October 17, 2024 to November 1, 2024
- Payment must be made by credit card at the time of purchase
- At checkout please enter your personal name and address for credit card verification
- At checkout please enter ENTER YOUR STUDENT'S NAME, HOMEROOM #, AND TEACHER'S NAME where it asks for delivery information
- All orders will be delivered to your school on approximately December 6, 2024
- All orders are custom made and are unable to be returned, exchanged, or refunded
- Please see our FAQ page for more information-
Aimsweb Fall Benchmarks Coming Home Monday
On Monday 10/21, your child will bring home their fall AIMSweb family report. Click here for the KCSD Aimsweb Parent Letter.
All KMS students completed an Aimsweb Plus benchmark earlier this year. AIMSweb Plus is a short, research-based and norm-referenced assessment that helps us better understand your child's reading skills and determine if your child may benefit from some extra help (e.g., more focused instruction). Assessed areas include vocabulary, silent reading, and reading comprehension.
You'll notice a gray bar that states the spring performance goal is the 30th national percentile. Know that this is a default goal of the Aimsweb program. What is more important is your child's performance in each of the areas of the assessment.
The End of the 1st Marking Period is Fast Approaching:
The first marking period ends on October 30th. Report Cards will be handed to students in homeroom on November 6th. Report cards and progress reports are always accessible in Skyward.
Next KMS PTO Meeting:
Looking to get more involved in your child’s education and the happenings at KMS? Our next PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30 PM. If you are interested, please email PTO President Kelly Figueroa at
A Face To Get To Know Better
Meet one of KMS's rockstar 7th grade ELA Teachers - Ms. Shaeffer!
Ms. Shaeffer is in her 5th year of teaching at KMS where she previously worked as an English Language Development aide for multiple years. She enjoys traveling and she's had the opportunity to visit the towns in Italy where four of her great-grandparents came from! When asked what she appreciates most about KMS, she said, "The people!". We're glad you're on team KMS, Ms. Shaeffer!
Community Events: KEF Monster Mash + Volunteers Needed
The Kennett Education Foundation is looking for volunteers for the Monster Mash on October 27th from 3-5 PM at Kennett High School. Click here to learn all about this event. Click here if you are interested in A) having your child(ren) attend, B) signing up to decorate a trunk, and/or C) to purchase a dinner to go!
Community Events: Mushroom Cap 1/2 Marathon Needs Volunteers
The Mushroom Cap 1/2 Marathon needs your help. Please click here to sign up as a volunteer.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 10/23: PTO Mtg at 7:30 PM via Microsoft Teams
Sunday, 10/27: KEF Monster Mash from 3-5 PM
Monday, 10/28: 8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, 10/30: End of Marking Period 1
Thursday, 10/31: Fall After-the-Bell Ends
Friday, 11/1: No School, Offices Open
Tuesday, 11/5: No School, In-Service
Friday, 11/8: Picture Retakes
KCSD Calendar:
Red Ribbon Week 2024:
KMS will once again participate in Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a drug-free life. It presents an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to reinforce the drug-free messages they share with their children throughout the year.
Archived Resources:
Sincerely with Kennett PRIDE! -The KMS Principals
Kennett Middle School195 Sunny Dell Road Landenberg, PA 19350
(610) 268-5800
INSTAGRAM: @kcsd_kms
Facebook: Kennett Middle School