Tuesday Notice
China Primary School
First Early Release on Tuesday, September 17th
Dismissal starts at 12:00 for CPS. Please connect with the front office if there's a dismissal change.
CPS Dragon Message
Greetings CPS Families and Community Members,
As our first full week of school is underway, there has been an incredible amount of growth seen with the students in understanding our school wide expectations. Please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Desrosiers or Ms. Pattershall with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Ms. Liz Pattershall - 445-1550 ext 7102 or email ewakem@rsu18.org
Mrs. Kahlie Desrosiers - 445-1550 ext 7101 or email kdesrosiers@rsu18.org
"The greatest strength lies in the heart of a dragon."
Growth Mindset - Yes, You Can, and You'll Do Great!
Here at CPS, we are working on understanding that we can do hard things. And it's ok if we don't know something at first, however, we are flexible and will try our best. That's all we ask! 😁 Frequent check-ins with students along with celebrating the small victories make a difference. We are so proud of every student, every day.