CHS November Newsletter
A way for families to connect with CHS & The Community
CHS Important Dates Calendar :
- SCHOOL CLOSED for students - 11/1/24
- Start of Quarter 2 - 11/4/24
- SCHOOL CLOSED for students and staff: Election Day - 11/5/24
- Report Cards Distributed - 11/14/24
- Winter Sports Tryouts: 11/15/24-11/18/24
- American Education Week: 11/18-22/24
- Thanksgiving Break begins at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, 11/27/24, through 12/1/24
- School Reopens Monday, 12/2/24
Check out the BNN Show from home
Subscribe to The Peake Speaks YouTube Channel
Each Morning the televideo team creates a Live BNN show to share school wide. This show helps students stay informed with CHS & Community events! We post the show daily on Schoology through the CHS Hub Group but you can watch via The Peake Speaks Youtube Channel under the live tab.
Our students have had some awesome field trips this month! Thank you to all of our teachers for lining up these experiences to expose our students to career and educational opportunities.
- Homeland Security visited the US Supreme Court and attended a presentation by the Capitol Police
- Seniors attended the NACAC College Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center
- Students interested in trades attended the Union Trades Fair held at IUOE Local 31 Training School
- Televideo visited the Media Production Center of the Capitol Building in DC.
- Seniors attended the HBCU College Fair at New Town High School
- FALS Friday Trips: Petco, Rocky Point Beach, & Pizza Johns
US Supreme Court Field Trip
US Supreme Court Field Trip
US Supreme Court Field Trip
NACAC College Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center
NACAC College Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center
NACAC College Fair at the Baltimore Convention Center
Union Trades Fair held at IUOE Local 31 Training School
Union Trades Fair held at IUOE Local 31 Training School
Union Trades Fair held at IUOE Local 31 Training School
Media Production Center of the Capitol Building in DC
Media Production Center of the Capitol Building in DC
Media Production Center of the Capitol Building in DC
FALS Fridays: Rocky Point Beach
FALS Fridays: Rocky Point Beach
FALS Fridays: Pizza Johns
Shout out to our Science Department for providing some awesome hands on experiences for students. AP Biology had some fun with their Bubble Lab and got creative with Cell Membrane Models. While Animal Behavior got to dissect a sheep's brain, rats and squid!
AP Bio: Cell Membrane Models
AP Bio: Cell Membrane Models
AP Bio: Cell Membrane Models
Animal Behavior: Squid Dissection
Animal Behavior: Rat Dissection
Animal Behavior: Sheep Brain Dissection
Animal Behavior: Squid Dissection
Animal Behavior: Squid Dissection
Animal Behavior: Squid Dissection
New Cell Phone Policy begins Quarter 2, 11/4/24
As a school, we are continuing to experience negative impacts on instruction and student learning due to student cell phone use. Below I have listed a few concerns associated with cell phone use in school.
- Impacts Student’s Academic Growth
- Use of Artificial Intelligence – Plagiarism
- Inappropriate Social Media Interactions
- Cyber Bullying
As a community, we need to set higher expectations for our students. We are asking for your support as we implement a Cell Phone Intervention program starting Monday, November 4 (first day of second marking period).
Students will continue to have the option to have their cell phones “Silent and Away.” This requires that students secure their phones in their book bags or lockers during class.
Each teacher will have a classroom set of individual pouches for students to place their phones in – to remove the distraction. Students choosing not to have their phones “Silent and Away” are expected to place their phone in an individual pouch during class.
To be successful, it is critical for parents to partner with teachers and administrators to hold students accountable to meet this expectation. As a school community, we are creating steps that will be taken if a student is not complying. If you have any questions, please contact Principal Tyler at atyler3@bcps.org
New Grading Policy for BCPS Updated
Starting this school year, the BCPS grading policy has changed. It is very important for all students to maintain grades higher than an E for each quarter. If a student gets EE or ED for Semester 1 (Q1&q2) they will fail that half of the course and have to retake it in evening school. This is especially important for our seniors and their graduation requirements as a failure will immediately impact their ability to graduate this June. Each semester, the calculation must equal 1.0 (D) or higher to earn credit. Any combination that ends with a E in the Semerst column will result in repeating that half of the course. See below for a break down of grade calculations.
All students were taught a lesson in their math class about the new policy and how to calculate their grades.
Is your student interested in joining the military? Are they curious what job they could get if they join or want to explore branch options? The ASVAB is the key to unlocking all of those possibilities. The ASVAB is a multiple-choice test that helps students and military applicants identify their strengths and interests, and find a career that matches them. All branches use the result of this test as part of enlistment. Students can take the ASVAB more than once and hopefully improve their scores with each exposure.
All students are welcome to participate but you must register if you want to take the test on November 7th here at CHS. Once results are in, a recruiter will go over them with you and explain what areas you excelled in and what areas might need work. Taking the test does not mean you are signing up for the military!
CHS Spring Musical: The Addams Family
Ms. Stack, Mr. D'Orazio and Ms. Colona are excited to announce that the musical the Drama Club will be performing this spring is The Addams Family! Performances will be May 1-3rd (more information will be provided as dates get closer). Auditions will begin in December. Be sure to attend Drama Club on Wednesdays this month to prepare for auditions.
Order a Yearbook Today!
National School Psychology Week
November 11-15, 2024
Mrs. Charles’ dedication to Chesapeake High School is truly unmatched. She approaches every student’s needs with meticulous care, creating individualized plans with expertise and compassion that make an extraordinary difference in their lives.
Mrs. Charles has a gift for making complex information accessible to everyone; sharing insights in ways that bring clarity and understanding to our school community. Her empathy, tireless advocacy, and loyalty uplift everyone around her, and she’s someone students and staff trust deeply. Words can’t fully capture how grateful CHS is for all she does— Thank you, Mrs. Charles, for being you!
American Education Week
To celebrate American Education Week parents are invited to visit classrooms on Tuesday, November 19 during period 1, 2 and 4. This provides an opportunity for you to experience what the day is like for your child by observing a lesson.
Please use this form to sign up. All visitors will need to bring an ID to complete the Raptor process. A badge will be provided and needs to be worn while in the building. Our National Honor Society students will be present to greet and escort visitors to the classroom. We look forward to your visit.
The Bayhawk Branch is open daily at all Lunches!
Did you know CHS has its own working branch of the First Financial Federal Credit union?! What is a credit union? It is a place where you can open a checking or savings account, deposit and withdraw money and learn about personal finance. If you open an account, the first $5 deposit is on them & you get a free gift card for joining! Learn more at https://www.firstfinancial.org/ or connect with Ms. Moore!
The Next Bluesday is Nov 19th
All students and staff are encouraged to show their School Pride by wearing CHS Bayhawk Gear or blue on the 3rd Tuesday of each month!
If you would like to purchase some CHS to show your school pride you can order apparel here: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/maryland/essex/chesapeake-high-school
Activity Bus Schedule
Any student that wants to stay after for a club, coach class or detention can use the activity bus to get home on the designated Tuesdays listed below. The student will need their advisor to request a pass to ride the bus. The bus leaves CHS at 4:30pm and makes stops at various locations, please see the list of scheduled days & stops below.
Student Academic Support
CHS has multiple interventions for academic support. Students can sign up for these sessions by clicking the images below or they can access them in the CHS Hub on Schoology by clicking Resources and Academic Support.
Peer Tutors Monday/Wednesday/Fridays at Lunch
Application Help & Grade Check ins: Tuesday/Thursday at Lunch
Additional Time and Support for SPARC Students
If your student is taking a course through SPARC (online/self-paced) and they could use additional time and support, please consider having them stay on the dates below.
Free Food Distribution at CHS 11/26
Applications for BCPS' Online Learning Proram for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR opens 11/8/24
This will be the only opportunity for students to apply for a virtual schooling option for the 25/26 school year. Please review the OLP brochure to answer any questions. The brochure is also available in Spanish.
BCPS is hosting an online information session about the Online Learning Program on November 12, 2024 from 6-7pm. If you are interested in learning more about OLP you must register for the session through this form. Parents/Guardians that complete the form in its entirety will receive an invitation and join link to the event on November 11th.
Get Connected in FOCUS & Schoology
Did you know you can get an automated grade report and missing assignments to be sent straight to your email every week so you don't have to remember to go looking for them? It's an amazing way to stay informed about your student's academic performance. If you haven't created an account in Focus, you'll have to do that first. Directions Below.
Please upload your child's absent note(s) to FOCUS
If your child misses a day of school the parent can now upload their note directly into FOCUS. Doctor's notes, personal notes, court summons, whatever proof you would normally send in with your child, can now be directly uploaded for verification. Follow the steps below to learn how
(Visual Steps are also provided below in a PDF).
1. Log into the Focus Parent Portal. Navigate to the Alerts section and click on the “Student’s name has X days with unexcused absences/tardies without a note or reason” link. Note: You can also locate your student’s attendance information by navigating to your student’s name on the left menu. Click the down arrow to expand additional menu options. Select Absences.
2.Scroll down the page. Locate the Date column to find the date you wish to submit the note. Locate the Excuse Note column, hoover over the No Files section, and select Scan, Upload, or Take Photo to upload the note for that day’s absence. Select the file to be added.
3.The file name/image will be displayed in the Excuse Note column if the attendance note has been uploaded successfully.
If your child has an issue with their device, such as it is physically broken, won't hold a charge, missing a key...please complete a technology support request by using the student's google log in to be added to the list and our tech liaisons will connect with them as soon as possible. You can also complete the form if your child does not have a device because it is lost or stolen (charges may apply see below for chart).
If your issue is not related to the physical device (like resetting a password or an issue with schoology/microsoft) you must contact the BCPS Help Desk by calling 443-809-4672.
Costs for lost or damaged items:
Repair/Charges information in Spanish: https://youtu.be/46Yc2TikeRs?si=mVIaIbHRk8XRHTOt
Students at all grade levels can be taking proactive steps toward making post high school goals like college a reality. In each "Class of" schoology group (there is one for each grade) there are checklists and guides for what students and families can be doing each year to prepare for college, spanish versions are also available. Below are some additional resources that we hope you find helpful. For our senior families, please take some extra time to review as things have changed this year and we want to make sure everyone is supported and maximizing resources and opportunities.
College Application Season is HERE!
November 1st is the first Early Action Deadline for many colleges and universities. Early Action means that you will submit your application earlier than the "regular decision" deadline and will hear back about acceptance earlier as well. Early action provides more chances for acceptance as well as scholarships. This year BCPS shifted to Xello from Naviance for transcripts and teacher recommendations and it is important that if your senior is applying for college that they are completing these steps:
1. Create a list of colleges you want to apply to and include the Early Action and Regular Decision Deadlines
- Familiarize yourself with the College Admissions and Application Lingo
- If you are unsure of what your options are, Log into Xello in your Microsoft Apps and Click Explore > Colleges > Enter your personal choices like state, pathway, public/private to narrow choices
- You can also use the Search Bar to search specific schools. Each school has a landing page with information about Majors, Applying, Student life etc.
2. Complete the Common App Application. Common App is one application where you can list multiple schools and a large majority of schools use it.
- Create an account (Use a person email, not BCPS, and write down your username and password - Don't lose it!)
- Complete the "Common App" tab. When you have completed everything, you will see all green checks down the left side
- Add your schools to the "My Colleges" tab. Once added, click any of your schools and open the item that discusses FERPA on the left side. You must fill out this portion, waiving your right to read your letters for us to send your transcripts and letters to schools.
- Each College may also have some additional information requests/questions for you to answer prior to submitting.
3. Assign your Counselor in Xello so we can connect with Common App to send your materials. If this step doesn't happen, counselors cannot send or see anything in your account!
- In Xello, got to Explore > College Applications > Click on any school in Application Tracker > Find Your Counselor and click select
- Follow up with counselors and teachers about recommendations and materials to make sure everyone is aware of deadlines and has the information needed to submit their part.
CCBC Early College Access Program
The CCBC Early College Access Program has had some changes this year. 11th and 12th grade students that are CCR ready (see chart below) are eligible to take up to 8 college classes for free, 2 per semester, Fall and Spring. All other students can take classes at CCBC for 50% off tuition. Visit the ECAP page of the CCBC website to learn more.
ECAP Informations Session
Ron Wilson from CCBC will be here to talk to students about the ECAP program and the application process on 11/21. If you are a current junior or senior and want to take a class for the Spring 2025 semester, he can help you do that! If you are just curious about the program and want to learn more, that is okay too! Connect with Ms. Ganley in counseling with any questions about the visit.
ECAP Information Session
Thursday, Nov 21, 2024, 09:30 AM
Chesapeake High School STEM Academy, Turkey Point Road, Essex, MD, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
All classes collect dues each year to support yearly class events and to prepare for prom and senior year events. Each student is expected to pay $15 per year they attend CHS. This money is going directly to their class fund to reduce ticket costs to students. Payment links can be found below by class.
Senior Class - 2025
Class Advisors' emails:
Tara Funkhouser - tfunkhouser@bcps.org
Jennifer Dyke - Jdyke@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2025: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2025 Instagram: @chs.co2025
Next Senior Class Meeting – Room 18 at 2:45 PM on Wednesday 11/13
Below is the Senior Calendar that lays out all the events for the Class of 2025 for the year:
Senior Inauguration
Do you need college application help?
Senior Picture Makeup dates!
Senior Portrait Make Ups: Many of you are reaching out as you may have missed your summer appointment. Prestige Portraits with Lifetouch will be here at CHS in the Auditorium for senior portraits, on 2 make up days: Nov 7th and 8th. If you still need to schedule yours and would like to take them here at CHS, please see the flyer below to contact LifeTouch and schedule an appointment. After these dates, we cannot guarantee that your photo will make it in your yearbook and you'll have to find transportation to a Lifetouch location for photos.
Purchase a Senior Ad for the Yearbook
Did you know you can purchase a personalized ad for the yearbook celebrating the accomplishments and growth of your senior? Prices range from $30 to $100 and orders must be submitted by 11/20/24.
Junior Class - 2026
Class Advisors' emails:
Jillian Ganley - jganley@bcps.org
Sarah Miller - smiller18@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2026: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2026 Instagram: @chs.co2026
Next class meeting is: November 26th after school in the CCR
Support the Class of 2026
Thank you to everyone that came out to Pizza John's on 10/29, we were able to raise $307.37 for our class! Turn out was AWESOME! We loved seeing so many families, students and staff.
Our next fundraiser is:
Chick-fil-a (Martin Plaza) on November 26th
In person orders, Drive thru and online (with code CHS26) are allowed!
Sophomore Class - 2027
Class Advisors' emails:
Shaun Downey - sdowney2@bcps.org
Lindsey Withrow - lwithrow@bcps.org
Class dues payment link - Class of '27: https://osp.osmsinc.com/p/EI584-240
Class of 2027 Instagram: @chs.co2027
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Freshman Class - 2028
Class Advisors' emails:
Rachel Wilson - rwilson16@bcps.org
Courtney Rohde - crohde@bcps.org
Class dues payment link - Class of '28: Coming Soon
Class of 2028 Instagram: @chs.co2028
November's Career Spotlight: Construction and Development
The focus for this month will be Construction and Development. Studies in this career pathway include construction professions, design and management, planning, building, as well as maintenance. If you prefer the hands-on experience, enjoy working in doors or out, and like to put your talents to the test when working on projects, this pathway might suit you.
Possible Business, Management, and Finance via CCBC:
- Construction Management: https://catalog.ccbcmd.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=47&poid=27069
- Apprenticeship Skilled Trades: https://catalog.ccbcmd.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=47&poid=27397
- Landscape Installation: https://catalog.ccbcmd.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=47&poid=27147
- Pre-Apprenticeship Courses with ABC Baltimore: https://www.ccbcmd.edu/Programs-and-Courses-Finder/ConEd-Program/construction-pre-apprenticeship-core-curriculum-specialties-training.html
- Construction Education Academy: https://cea.abcbaltimore.org/
Guest Speakers coming to CHS this Month:
- Plumbing Trade - Shawn Barnes (Wednesday, November 6th 9:30am): Shawn is a CHS graduate and is now a certified plumber. He’ll be coming in to share his experiences as a former Chesapeake student and explain how it prepared him for his career.
CCBC HVAC - Brian Penn (Thursday, November 14th 9:30am): Brian is the director of the HVAC Program at CCBC. He’ll be going over the HVAC Program at CCBC and how it aligns with the industry itself. This will a great opportunity to see how higher education connects with real-world job application.
- Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development – Chris Hawkins (Tuesday, November 19th 9:30am) Are you looking for something that is cutting edge and just beginning to gain momentum? Chris will be coming in to discuss offshore wind and related careers. This is something that is fairly new and might be really interesting to learn about.
- Earlbeck Gases and Technologies - Travis Reed (Tuesday, November 26th 9:30am) Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in welding? Do you like building, fabricating, and constructing things? If so, come learn about all the different opportunities available within this field and the important role it plays within our local community.
Mr. Scalice has posted sign ups for these presentations in the CHS Hub on Schoology.
See him with any questions.
Getting a Work Permit
If your student (anyone under 18) is trying to get a job, they will need a work permit. Once a student accepts a job offer, they must complete a work permit and enter their place of employment and personal contact information. They then print the form and take it to their place of work to keep on file.
Work permits are found online at: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/ChildWorkPermit/web/content/Home.aspx
Current Job Postings from Ms. Boyd:
Participate or Get SSL hours at the Chesapeake Patriot 5K
Anyone interested in volunteering can email Dr.frank.neighoff@gmail.com so they can place volunteers. Students can work at water stations, as a spotter on the course, cheer squad and support at the start and finish line.
Earn 2 SSL hours at the BCPL Essex Branch 11/16 at 9:30am
Get involved in our community and earn SSL hours at the same time! BCPL Essex Needs help cleaning up their community garden.
Join the Be the Change Youth Council
Application is in the attachment below the flyer. Applications are due by November 22nd.
Earn Service Learning hours at the B&O Railroad Museum!
The B&O Railroad Museum are currently collecting volunteers for those needing service hours for our Polar Express Production starting on November 29th!
Most shows take place on weekends, with shifts lasting from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm or 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm, with food and beverage provided on site.
Volunteers for this event help make it all happen – from the cozy and exciting holiday atmosphere to the warm and friendly visitor assistance. Volunteer roles include greeting guests, assisting with the train boarding, helping operate the lights for the live performance (just a switch, nothing fancy!) and the snow machine, helping with kid’s holiday craft table, and more.
This would be great for students interested in any of the following fields: theater, history, museums, library sciences, or service industry.
All volunteers must be at least 16 years old, and all training will be provided.
Students can sign up directly here or find more information directly from our website here.
Tuesdays- Ms. Timpone
Next Meeting 11/19 - Mr. Rothwell
3rd Tuesday - Ms. Rohde
Next Meeting 11/14 - Sr. Jay
Wednesdays - Ms. Stack & Mr. D'Orazio
Every other Wednesday - 11/13 & 27 - Mr. Evans
Every other Tuesday - Ms. Lalia
Next Meeting 11/19 - Ms. Withrow & Ms. Roberts
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Ms. Slone
Club Spotlight
Diversity Club
The CHS Diversity Club and Spanish Honor Society collaborated to create a beautiful Dia de Muertos display. This hands on activity (completed over multiple club meetings) allowed students to be active learners while imprinting personal experiences and memories while appreciating historical culture! Students made paper flowers, colored personalized skulls and built the altar structure. Sr. Jay was a key member in making this happen and he continued the fun with a viewing of "The Book of Life on 10/30. Thank you Senor Jay for reminding us that learning and historical culture can be FUN!
Congrats to our Fall Athletes on a Great Season!
Boys Soccer
Boys Soccer finished with a record of 5-6-2 including a win in the playoffs for the first time in over ten years! We advanced to the Regional Semi-Final where we lost a very close hard fought game to Dunbar 1-0. The picture is after their win in the quarter finals over Patapsco.
Girls Soccer
The CHS Girls Soccer team had a great season and ended with a 5-5 record, an improvement from last year! This year was extra special as we had 8 seniors on our team! Their maturity and commitment has made this season memorable and so much fun! We wish all our seniors the best on their next adventure.
Allied Soccer
Cross Country
Varsity Volleyball
As a member of our varsity volleyball team, I know that we have experienced ups and downs throughout our entire season. We have had proud moments like advancing into the semi-finals of playoffs, but we have also had games where we have not had the outcome that we had hoped for. Through all of this, we have learned how to work together, learn from each other and our mistakes, and most importantly, we have learned how to support each other as teammates. Our team is like a family and that is what has helped us to have such a good connection with each other and the sport itself. This is the farthest we have made it in playoffs in a couple of years and I could not be more proud of our team and what we have accomplished this season. -Ella Maddalone, junior
The Varsity Volleyball team is headed to the 2nd round of playoffs after beating Southwestern 3 games to 1! They take on Dunbar today, 11/1 at 4pm! We wish them the best of luck!
JV Volleyball
A note from Coach Bull: I want to congratulate the JV squad on four hard fought wins and a great season. I can proudly say as their coach every single player on the team got better as the season went on. Special shout out to the two JV team captains Bridges and Deiaira for helping lead the team. Another shoutout to Layla Gladney, She improved so much as a player and teammate this season. She provided many clutch plays in the front row. Final shout out for Jane Cash. Thank you for always being a great teammate. Jane consistently brought great energy to practices and games. Jane always pushed her teammates to be better and was willing to help those who needed it. I wanna thank everyone on a great JV Volleyball season.
JV Football
Varsity Football
This season has been filled with adversities, surprises and much more. I am very proud of the effort and growth of each player throughout this season. This season multiple players such as Cameran Worsley, Kennard Brown, Taraez Rice Curtis and a couple others have played at an all-conference level . For my seniors it's been a privilege and honor to coach each of you throughout your time at Chesapeake. Your mark on this program may seem unnoticed but the success moving forward will be because of the path each of you paved this season.
Fall Cheer
The cheerleaders during the fall season worked tirelessly to perfect their routine, stunts, and cheers to perform at the games and pep rally. They practiced everyday after school and on Saturday mornings and was evident through their performance at the county competition on October 29. Their coach couldn't be more proud of them and couldn't thank them enough for all of their hard work this season. We also want to thank Ms. WIthrow and Ms. Charles for dedicating their time to help out the team and Ms. Sissleman for her support. Though it is the end of the fall season, the winter season is right around the corner where we will come back even stronger.
Fall Sport Banquet
All fall athletes and families are invited to come celebrate the Fall Season at the CHS Fall Sports Awards Banquet on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 5:30pm in the Commons.
Any questions about the event should be directed to our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey, at sdowney2@bcps.org
Please Join CHS Sports Boosters!
The CHS Sports Boosters support all athletics teams and the school as a whole. They are looking for more members (and ideas) to grow their opportunities ! Come learn about what events they have planned already for the year and what ideas they have to put funds to use! You can also email csanza@bcps.org or crohde@bcps.org with questions.
NCAA Eligibility Webinar - Nov 3rd, 6-7pm
Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time, understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level! Click here to register.
Winter Sports begin November 15th. A list of sports and coach contacts are below. Eligibility is based off of Q1 grades. Students must have a 2.0 GPA (C Average) with no more than 1 E to participate. Students must get a new physical or have one on file with CHS (within the last 365 days) from primary care doctor, Express Care, Patient First, CVS, etc in order to participate and all guardians must register their student online in Focus.
Reach out to our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey, at sdowney2@bcps.org with any questions.
Visit the CHS Athletics Page for more information on how to register via FOCUS.
Come Join us for a game!
Sports Schedules can be found outside of Downey's office and on the Digital Sports website: https://chsbayhawks.digitalsports.com/ and home games are also listed on the Student Engagement Calendar each month shared on the in school monitors and the BNN show.
All tickets for sporting events must be purchased via Go Fan. Download the APP on your phone. No cash can be accepted at the door for tickets. Students that would like to attend a game at CHS, cannot have more than one E on their schoology report. Any questions regarding athletics, eligibility or tickets can be directed to our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey at sdowney2@bcps.org
A reminder from Nurse Albrecht that if you are ill, please stay home to minimize spreading illness to others. See the chart below for recommendations on when to stay home. If your child is ill, please upload a note to FOCUS or send it in to the main office so their absence can be marked excused. Instructions on how to upload to FOCUS can be found above.
Do you need Health Insurance?
If you are in need of health insurance please click one of the flyers below to get connected to someone at the Baltimore County Department of Health to determine eligibility.
Wondering what to do with your Halloween Costumes?
Deep Creek Elementary is one of our feeder schools and they are looking for used costumes to offer students in need next year. I can't think of a better thing to do with your old costumes than to help kids that don't have one! Additional information is below.
Explore Towson University's StarTUp at the Armory
Are you a small business owner or want to be? The StarTUp at the Armory is TU’s front door for start-ups, small businesses, as well as our region’s largest corporations. This state-of-the art 26,000 sq. ft. space includes 6,000 sq. ft. of free co-working space and meeting rooms where entrepreneurs and executives can connect with each other and to TU’s programs and people.
We are open Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. for your co-working needs.
Free activities at BCPL Essex
CHS Care Closet
Chesapeake High School opened the Care Closet this year to support CHS students.
The following items are available:
- Food (non perishable items from MD food bank)
- School Supplies
- Clothing
- Hygiene Products
To schedule an appointment please contact:
Ms Roberts, our School Social Worker, at 443-809-0315 or via email,mroberts10@bcps.org
Deep Creek Middle Food Pantry: Every 3rd Thursday
SNAP Food Benefits
Baltimore County has a new web tool displaying community partner food distribution sites across the County.
Developed by Baltimore County’s BCSTAT team, the Food Pantry Locator web tool includes detailed information about community food access locations. Residents should enter an address or select "Use my location" and adjust the distance slider to view food pantries near them; selecting a pantry's entry in the list will reveal contact information, hours of operation, and special instructions.
Please read through this article for more information about the program and other food assistance resources: Baltimore County Releases New Food Pantry Locator (baltimorecountymd.gov)
Dental Cleanings at CCBC Dundalk - All Ages
Free Heath Care Services!- No Insurance needed!
See the flyer below for more information.
Eviction and Utilities support
New Resource Guide from Baltimore County
Affordability Connectivity Program
As a result of Baltimore County's participation in the CEP Program, which provides free breakfast and lunch to students, all families are eligible to receive a discount of $30 per month off your internet bill. Please visit GetInternet.Gov to apply and/or ask questions.
Talkspace will be at CHS on 11/6!
By offering Talkspace’s digital modalities, like unlimited messaging therapy, we can extend support that students can access beyond school hours, year-round, at their convenience. Eligible students interested in therapy can sign up, take a brief assessment specific for teens, and get matched with a dedicated, licensed therapist. Once matched, therapy sessions take place on Talkspace’s secure and encrypted platform, accessible from the teens’ smartphones, tablets or computers. Teens can communicate with their therapists at any time with an unlimited number of private messages at no cost.
To be eligible for this program, teens must be enrolled in a BCPS high school and be over the age of 13 at the time of signup. Eligible teens can sign up for unlimited messaging therapy and gain access to Talkspace Go, a comprehensive teen mental health self-guided program.
Students can access this service by registering at talkspace.com/bcps and use the keyword: bcps
Are you (or your student) looking for help with your mental health?
Check out these BCPS approved providers:
Key Point Health Services - Dundalk
Changing Lives at Home, Mental Health, INC.
GIFTS, Children's Guild and Thrive all meet with students within the CHS building weekly. You can reach out to your student's counselor for help with a referral if you are interested.
Students are assigned an administrator and counselor based on their last names:
Principal, Mrs. Amy Tyler
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Holly Kern - Last Names A-F
Assistant Principal, Mr. Mike McWilliams - Last Names G-O
Assistant Principal, Mr. Logan Belinda - Last Names P-Z
Ms. Lindsey Withrow - Last Names A-D
Ms. Jillian Ganley - Last Names E-J
Ms. Sarah Miller - Last Names K-Q
Ms. Michelle Bell - Last Names R-Z & Department Chair
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with all things CHS!
Join Groups in Schoology to stay up to date on CHS events!
Schoology groups are created to share information outside of courses for specific groupings. AP Students, Graduation Cohorts, CHS Hub (School wide) , and various clubs all have different groups where they share info. To join groups once you have logged into Schoology, click Groups at the top, and then click the My Groups link on the top right corner, on the next page click join group on the right and enter the join code.
The CHS Hub is where all the School wide news, events, and information is posted. To join the CHS HUB on Schoology, use join code WMTMX-CXF6X.
Each Graduating Class also has their own group to discuss class events and class dues and fundraisers, The join codes for those are listed below in bold:
Seniors - Class of 2025: DX56-SDWD-6KQZB
Juniors- Class of 2026: S4HF-SS5W-QF24W
Sophomores - Class of 2027: MWBM-K6TF-HHGZ8
Freshman - Class of 2028: KFN4-4HRS-BVF42
Stay Connected with your child's teachers with Talking Points!
BCPS has purchased a new tool to help connect families and teachers more directly. Teachers can text the primary contact in focus and it will translate to the contact's native language, automatically. We hope this will help increase two way communication with all families and improve student achievement.
Download for Iphone App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/families-talkingpoints/id1320244591
Stay informed!
If you are not already signed up for BCPS text notifications, now is the time to do so to be ready for the school year. Text "Y" or "Yes" to 67587. Click the image to see all the BCPS Social and communication options.
Need a Locker?
Lockers are not automatically given to students. Any student that would like to be assigned a locker for the school year must request one through this link: Locker Form
As shared during registration, all BPCS students must meet the same graduation requirements including a completer pathway. A list of graduation requirements is below. You can also view the BCPS Course Registration guide here: https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_2744/File/Offices/School%20Counseling/2024-2025%20BCPS%20Course%20Registration%20Guide%20-%20English.pdf
The CHS website is a great resource for families. Informational Links about bus stops, the bell schedule, the handbook, monthly engagements calendars, and much more can all be found right on the main page of the website. There is also a tab for department contacts that have email contacts for all teachers and staff.
Check out the Website today: https://chesapeakehs.bcps.org/
We have created a new portion of our website to better support our Spanish Speaking families. There is a link to BCPS created videos and resources as well as community resources. We will continue to add materials as we get them.
Free and Reduced Meals
As a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, meals are available to all students at no cost. An application does not need to be completed. Breakfast and Lunch well be provided each day.
Menus can be found at: https://bcps.nutrislice.com/menu/bcps-weekly-menus
All BCPS cafeteria's are cashless.If you would like to add money to a student account to purchase additional snacks, drinks and/or items from our vending machines after school please set up a School Bucks Account (information is below).