RI Children's Book Award
Fall 2017
RICBA at the RI Festival of Children's Books and Authors
This month's featured resource is...
Video Messages from RICBA Nominated Authors
Voting for the 2018 RI Children's Book Award
RI Children's Book Award Labels
Award labels and nominee stickers are currently available to Rhode Island schools and public libraries at no cost.
To request your free award labels and nominee stickers, please contact Danielle Margarida. When making your request please include:
- The number of award labels and/or nominee stickers you need.
- Your full name.
- The name of your library or school.
- Your mailing address if you are requesting award labels and/or nominee stickers for a school library or classroom.
Public libraries requesting award labels and/or nominee stickers will receive them through delivery. School libraries or classrooms requesting award labels and/or nominee stickers will receive them through the USPS.
RI Choice Awards for Tweens and Teens
More Information
About us
Email: danielle.margarida@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/services/children/ricba/index.php
Location: RI Office of Library and Information Services, Providence, RI, United States
Phone: 401-574-9309
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rhode-Island-Childrens-Book-Award-1353731481320472/?ref=page_internal