Werner Weekly
January 10, 2025
Coming Up
- Jan. 14- PTA meeting, 6:00 pm, Media Center
- Jan. 16- YES Concert field trip for 4th and 5th grader
- Jan. 20- No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Save the Date- Save the date for February 20th, 4:30-6:30 PM for Werner's 3rd Annual International Night! Join us for a night of fun and learning about countries around the world! If you or someone you know has lived in a country outside of the U.S. and would like to volunteer as a presenter, please visit https://forms.gle/Q7NxoKsQhWoiFRjq9.
Report Cards- Report Cards will be available on ParentVue on January 10 after 4:00 pm. Teachers will be sending home hard copies in Friday folders. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
Lost and Found- If your child is missing anything, please check our lost and found. All unidentified items will be donated after January 17.
Spanish Enrichment Class Opportunity- Our previous enrichment class with Bikepath Learning has, unfortunately, discontinued. We have a new opportunity beginning in February on Mondays. See the flyer below (In The Community section) for more information.
Odyssey of the Mind Help Needed- Werner will have 3 OM teams this year. Each team needs to provide a judge. Anyone 18 and older can be a judge. If you are interested in helping, or have questions, please contact Butterscotch Culhane (bculhane@psdschools.org).
2024-2025 Werner Photo Album
Throughout the year, we ask our community for photos that could be used for our yearbook and/or social media. This relates to school events only (e.g. classroom parties, field trips, school events, spirit days and enrichment opportunities). You can upload pictures to our 2024-2025 Werner Photo Album throughout the year. Please be mindful to not include photos of students that may not have permission.
Werner Weekly 1.10.25
Save the Date
1/14- PTA Meeting @ 6pm (Werner Media/Library)
1/16- First Werner Dines Out of 2025 @ Red Robin, 20% of sales from the ENTIRE DAY come back! Happy New Year Wildcats!
**With the new year around the corner, we are beginning sign ups for volunteers to help with the planning of International Night. Click here to sign up as a volunteer or presenter! **
The Werner Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) plays a crucial role in supporting our school, teachers, and most importantly, our students. We are dedicated to fostering a positive and enriching environment where every child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
From our annual Fall Festival to this year's Read A Thon, we have some memorable events planned and would love your help. Although membership doesn’t obligate you to volunteer hours or attend meetings, we always love to meet more of our Werner community and have your support in any way you can give it.
- Sign up for the PTA HERE to receive a free Werner yard sign & notifications of upcoming events.
- *****New this year***** Wildcat Spirit Wear is launching with new shirts, hoodies, and stickers! Visit our Givebacks website HERE for a one stop shop for everything your PTA has to offer.
- For any questions please email the PTA at ptawernerelementary@gmail.com
FREE MONEY FOR YOUR SCHOOL! Did you know there are ways to donate money to the school by doing things you already do? - If you shop at King Soopers with a loyalty card they will donate to Werner when you sign up here.
- If you like to eat out, the PTA hosts Werner Dines Out once a month and the restaurants we partner with will donate back to the school anywhere from 10-15%!
- American Warehouse is now offering rewards back to Werner for any purchase you make throughout the whole year. Just mention Werner at checkout!
Your Werner PTA
Follow us on FACEBOOK to stay engaged with school events, Werner families, and see what the PTA is up to!
Your 2024/2025 PTA Board
PTA President | Gladys Kanode
PTA Vice President | Caitlin Papp
PTA Treasurer | Patti Haswell
PTA Secretary | Juliana Potts
PTA VP of Community Programs | Marissa McNulty
PTA Past-President | Nicole Kidd Connect with us at PTAWernerElementary@gmail.com
There Is No Wrong Way to PTA. How Do You PTA?
Thank you for supporting the Werner Elementary PTA!
Talk with the PSD Board of Education at a community conversation session
The Poudre School District Board of Education will host a series of open dialogue sessions for community members in January, February and April. These sessions are designed to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts, ask questions and engage directly with board members in an informal setting.
All are welcome to attend. No RSVP is necessary.
Each session will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. in the media centers of the listed schools. Please choose the location most convenient for you:
- Thursday, Jan. 16
- Johnson Elementary School
- Bacon Elementary School
- Thursday, Feb. 20
- Kruse Elementary School
- Dunn Elementary School
- Thursday, April 17
- Rice Elementary School
- Bethke Elementary School
We look forward to hearing from you and building stronger connections across our community.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in making PSD a great place for all students.
Volunteers are needed across Poudre School District to support our Teachers & Students!
PSD sends frequent emails to currently registered volunteers, but those are getting lost in some recipients' junk mail folders. If you are registered as a volunteer with PSD, please check your junk mail & mark those sent by "Volunteer Coordinator" as safe to receive.
For those who are not yet registered to volunteer but want to help in our schools please visit - Volunteer Registration
PSD Now Newsletter
One of many ways information is shared is through the PSD Now community newsletter, which features timely information about the latest happenings in the district. This is emailed to families and interested community members about every other Thursday.
Werner Elementary School
Email: hcamp@psdschools.org
Website: https://wer.psdschools.org/
Location: 5400 Mail Creek Lane, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: (970) 488-5550
Attendance: (970) 488-5551
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wernerwildcats/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/werner_elementary/
X (Twitter): @WernerWildcats