Superintendent's Update
August 30, 2024
Congratulations, Utilitrain Graduates!
The first ever Student Summer Lineman Program graduated yesterday, August 29. Twelve CCPS students went through a rigorous 11 week program in the summer heat and rain to become lineman. Each lineman will also get their CDL license when they turn 18. The next generation of lineman are ready to work!
Did You Know?
Knowledge Matters School Tour
Check out the final leg of the Knowledge Matters Campaign School Tour in Cecil County Public Schools. Our students and teachers are truly inspiring!
Important Information
Powerschool Parent Portal Password Changes
The PowerSchool Parent Portal and App will re-open on the first day of school, September 3. Parents are required to change their account password when first logging in for the school year. To do so, parents must visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal login page (https://cecilcountysis.powerschool.com/public/) and log in using their current account credentials. If the user is unsure of those credentials, a Forgot Username and Forgot Password link is available to complete the initial login process. Upon logging in, they will be sent to the password reset page to complete the password change process. Passwords must be at least 12 characters in length and must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 special character, and 1 numeric character.
App users must complete the process using the online portal and after successfully changing their password, users can log into the app to resume using this tool.
Upcoming Events
Free Immunization Clinics
ESOL Classes at Cecil College
CCLC Writing Conference
CCPS Girls in STEM
CCPS Public Information Office
Email: pio@ccps.org
Website: www.ccps.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ccpsmd
Twitter: @ccpsmd
Instagram: ccpsmd