Talley Street Update
This week's news from Talley Street Upper Elementary

January 16, 2025
Important Upcoming Dates
- Talley Family Math Festival: TONIGHT! January 16, 5-7 p.m.
Annual MLK/CSK Awards Ceremony, January 16
Young Georgia Authors Contest Deadline: January 17, 9:30 a.m.
MLK Day (no school): January 20
Early Release: January 22, 12:15 p.m.
4th Grade Movie Night: January 24, 5:30 p.m.
Amistad Friendship Dance (open to all houses!): January 30, 5 p.m., Ebster Gym
CSD Monitoring for Potential Severe Weather
CSD continues to monitor the weather due to the potential of severe weather conditions next week. The safety of our staff and students is always our top priority. Staff and families should check email, the CSD website, and social media channels for updates.
HB 581 Public Hearings
CSD Hosts Public Hearings for Homestead Exemption Opt-Out (Georgia HB-581)
CSD will host five hearings in January for the public to learn more about the district's plans to exercise the one-time option for local governments to opt out of Georgia House Bill 581, which establishes a statewide floating homestead exemption and cap on property taxes.
The schedule for the remaining public hearings is:
Tuesday, January 21, 6:45 p.m. (virtual only, access the meeting here)
Thursday, January 30, 10 a.m. (virtual only, access the meeting here)
Thursday, January 30, 6:45 p.m. (virtual only, access the meeting here)
Passed during the 2024 Legislative Session, HB 581 impacts property taxes for cities, counties and school districts by capping the annual increase in property values for tax purposes, effective January 1, 2025. The bill aims to provide property tax relief for local residents, using the Consumer Price Index as an inflationary index. Since school districts rely heavily on property taxes for funding, this cap could impact the availability of CSD schools' resources and programs.
The Board of Education will follow the legal procedures to opt out of the exemption, including holding the three virtual public hearings. Following the hearings, the board will vote to adopt an opt-out resolution at the February Board of Education meeting and file the resolution with the Secretary of State by March 1, 2025.
School Safety & Security Summit
What is CSD Doing to Ensure School Safety? Join Us for the Conversation!
Opportunities and Resources
Standard Response Protocols Documents Available for Schools and Families
CSD has shared new Standard Response Protocols (SRP) posters and documents with schools to educate students, families and staff about best practices for responding to a crisis. Schools will display posters in highly visible areas, handouts will be sent home for families, and students will receive small reference cards to keep with them. English and Spanish versions are available for these documents.
What is SRP?
Developed in collaboration with law enforcement and the I Love U Guys Foundation, SRP is a set of terms and actions that students, CSD staff and first responders can incorporate into a school safety plan to train school communities to respond more effectively to emergencies.
SRP Terms and Actions:
Lockdown: Secures a room and keeps people quiet and in place
Evacuate: Moves people from one location to another
Shelter: States the hazard and safety strategy
Hold: Students stay in their classroom or area until the "All Clear" is announced
Secure: Students get inside and lock outside doors
Pick Up Patrol Update
Please review your child's dismissal plan in Pick Up Patrol!
Default is what usually happens. Plan Change is for changes in the default.
Please email jsanangelo@csdecatur.net with any questions.
Two Talley Robotics Teams Advance to Super Regionals!
The Talley “Programming Penguins” and “Straw Hat Pirates” First LEGO League (FLL) Robotics teams competed at the CircuitRunners Regional Robotics Tournaments in December. The Programming Penguins presented an innovation project to address challenges with ocean pollution and The Straw Hat Pirates addressed challenges with underwater noise pollution. Both teams programmed a robot they built to compete in various LEGO missions.
The Straw Hat Pirates won the prestigious Top Robot Mission Award at the Regional Competition and both teams qualified to compete in the Super Regional Robotics Tournament this Saturday, January 18, 2025 in Marietta. Congratulations to the Talley teams, and thank you to parent coaches Lynda Kim, Eric Stevens, Patrick Brandt, Chesney D’Avis, Daniel Newman, Aaron Potvien, and Jim and Kyla Ross.
The Straw Hat Pirates
Liam Newman, Anvie Junghare, Kenan Avci, Sam Potvien, Rian Thomas, Cameron Ross, Alice Messager
Not pictured: Eamon Lynch
The Programming Penguins
Julian Nayak, Reid Simpson, Mary Adele Coblentz, Gabriel Alanso, Owen Stevens, Gracie Stevens, Ryan Dau-McMillan, Isaac Brandt, Charlie D’Avis, and Luca Farhat
Talley Family Math Festival - TONIGHT, January 16
Save the date! Talley's first family math festival will be held on Thursday, January 16, in the cafeteria and gym. There will be math games from 5-7 p.m. This event is free for the whole family!
Young Georgia Authors' Contest 2024-2025 - Deadline: January 17
Calling all K-12 storytellers, writers, and authors!
Do you have a story to tell? Here’s your chance to share your story with the world!
We’re looking for poems, short stories, narratives, informational writing pieces, or any other original student writing that highlights your amazing skills as a writer.
Here are a few guidelines to help you through the process:
- Only entries that meet the guidelines will be considered.
- The writing piece can be no longer than 1,900 words.
- The writing needs to be original student work, created without the help or support of others, including adults.
- The writing piece can be handwritten on 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper or typed. Handwritten and typed pieces must be on only one side of the paper.
- Submit only the writing - no staples, binding, cover, or lamination is allowed.
- Use a paperclip for multiple sheets, do NOT staple your writing.
- To submit: ALL ENTRIES DUE BY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2025 AT 9:30 A.M.
- Give to your teacher OR email to Ms. Block: mblock@csdecatur.net
One writing entry from each grade level will be selected to move on to the district-level competition. All participating students will be recognized, and parents will be contacted the week of January 20, 2025 if their student’s entry is selected to move forward.
Talley GENTS
Talley Street’s Gentlemen Excelling with the Necessary Tools for Success (G.E.N.T.S.) is a safe space for Black male students in 4th and 5th grade to become their best selves and prepare for bright futures.
Join today! We will meet every other Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. Location TBA. Our first meeting is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Snacks will be provided. Pick up an application from the front desk!
If you have any questions or for more info, contact Principal Heaton at bheaton@csdecatur.net or Mr. Downer at adowner@csdecatur.net.
4th Grade Movie Night - January 24
Girls on the Run - Deadline: January 29
Girls on the Run is so much more than running. Our tested curriculum blends physical activity with skill development that enables girls to adapt to whatever comes their way. Girls on the Run understands the important connection between physical activity and overall emotional health.
Trained volunteer coaches guide girls through research-based lessons which creatively integrate movement in a fun and motivating way. By signing your child up for Girls on the Run, you are giving them the opportunity to connect, grow and learn how to navigate difficult situations.
The upcoming season registration lottery is open through January 29, but make sure to sign up early! Placement day is January 30, with the last day for refunds on February 26.
Our meeting team’s days and times are: Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 2:30-4:00 beginning the week of February 10. The program is for girls in 3rd through 5th grade. The end of season 5k will be on April 27.
The Girls on the Run program fee starts at $0 and is on a sliding scale based on household income so that every child who wants to participate can.
For more information, FAQs and to register, visit girlsontherunatlanta.org/programs and check out the FAQs document.
Questions? Email nbundschu@csdecatur.net
GOTR Coaches Needed!
Positive role models for young girls have never been more important. Did you know a mentor when you were younger? As a #GOTR coach, you can be that person for a girl in your community — reminding her that her future matters and she is capable of anything. Learn how to become the coach that she’ll never forget here: girlsontherunatlanta.org/coach
Questions? Email nbundschu@csdecatur.net
Important Dates/Commitments:
Application Deadline - January 29
New Coach & Site Liaison Trainings
January 18
January 25
January 31
February 1
Returning Coach & Site Liaison Trainings
January 23
February 6
End of Season 5K:
April 27
*no practice if there is no school or early release
Amistad Friendship Dance - January 30
Please join us for the Amistad Friendship Dance on January 30 at 5:00 p.m. at Ebster Gym! All Talley students are invited!
Plastic Film Recycling Is Back!
Our Ridwell plastic film pickups will resume mid-January and be held every two weeks through the end of the school year. For our first pickup, students should bring their recycled material to school on Wednesday, January 15 ONLY. Please do not send in any plastic before the 15th. Members of the Tally Green Team will be in the lobby that morning to collect items. The house that brings in the most recycled material on the 15th will earn five house points. Click here to review what can be included in the plastic film collection.
Talley's Green Team on the Web
The Talley Green Team is overseeing collection of a variety of other hard-to-recycle items that are commonly used at home. All items may be brought to Ms. Stuart's classroom (fourth grade hallway) to be packed up for processing. Keep up to date on all of our special collections through the new “Green Team” section of the Talley website.
Chip Bag Sleeping Bag
The Green Team is seeking all sizes of plastic chip bags with a mylar (shiny) interior to make sleeping bags for members of our Decatur community who are currently unhoused. (Did you know that mylar reflects up to 90% of a person’s body heat and can keep you warm when it’s cold outside?) Bags should be washed to remove any food residue and dried before sending them to school. We appreciate your help with this!
Are you a recycling enthusiast?
If you're interested in joining the Talley Green Team in the new year, please reach out to Kathryn Roberts, our Green Team leader. Students and their parents/guardians are welcome!
- FREE event TONIGHT, Thursday, 1/16! Come spark math joy at Talley’s inaugural Family Math Night! No tickets needed. Drop in anytime between 5-7 pm. bit.ly/mathfest25
- Save the date (note the change) for Talley PTO’s TigerFest on March 29th! This annual carnival is our largest fundraiser. More info coming soon!
- 5th-grade families: Buy a yearbook tribute ad for your student! Tributes are $15 for ⅛ page, and $25 for ¼ page. To order, go to https://bit.ly/5thgradetributes. Click "Continue", then scroll down and click on “Start Your Ad”. If you need financial assistance, a discount code is available; contact Ms. Weaver (kiweaver@csdecatur.net), Talley school Counselor. Contact yearbook@talleypto.org with any questions.
- Order yearbooks! Yearbooks are $28 as of 01/01/25. Order at bit.ly/talleyyearbooks24. Please consider donating a yearbook. If you need financial assistance, a discount code is available; contact Ms. Weaver (kiweaver@csdecatur.net), Talley school Counselor. Contact yearbook@talleypto.org with any other questions.
Have you taken photos around Talley or at school events? Please share them with us to include in the yearbook! Send photos to yearbook@talleypto.org.
Follow Us on Social Media!
CSD Annual MLK/CSK Awards Ceremony - January 16
Talley School Climate Survey
Please take our school’s climate survey and make your opinion count! This survey expires March 31, 2025. Survey participation is critical because the data will be used to calculate School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. City Schools of Decatur appreciates the contributions of parents, students, and staff!
Call for Auction Donations
Plans are underway for another amazing event to raise money for Decatur Athletics – The Bulldog Bash! Save the date for this year's event on Saturday, March 22, at Independent Distilling Company. The event will feature a live online auction that includes everything from artwork and experiences to trips, restaurant gift cards, sporting event tickets, self-care, and more.
Do you have a connection, talent, vacation home or something unique that can help us raise money for our student-athletes? If so, please fill out this form! More information to come!
Decatur Prevention Initiative
The Decatur Prevention Initiative (DPI) seeks the community's help in learning more about community perceptions and concerns regarding underage drinking and substance misuse among Decatur's youth. Please take this anonymous survey to help DPI plan, implement, evaluate and sustain programming.
Register to Run While Supporting Decatur Athletics
Did you know that Run With the Dogs 5K is one of Decatur Bulldog Booster's biggest fundraisers? In addition to being a Peachtree Road Race qualifier and a great community event, all proceeds go to support team play needs for 1,100+ athletes on 57 teams, representing 19 sports at DHS and BHMS. Register today and get an amazing t-shirt designed by Decatur's Adam Pinsley! Mark your calendar for Saturday, January 25 – you won't want to miss it!
2025 Run With the Dogs Sponsors:
Event Sponsors
Decatur FC
Green Orthodontics
Presenting Sponsors
Amy Widener, Realtor
Body 20 Decatur
Associate Sponsors
Fleet Feet Decatur
Gracie Jiu Jitsu Decatur
M. Cary and Daughters Plumbing
The Law Office of Ken Lanier
Previous Issues of Talley Street Update
Read recent issues of the Talley Street Update. below. Older issues of CSD Weekly may be found on CSD's district newsletter webpage.
Social Media and Contact Information
You can find more information on the following Facebook pages:
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
Talley Street PE
And these Instagrams:
For news from our counselors, check out their website:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/.