C.I.S. Newsletter
Parents - October 2024
Thank you!
It is hard to believe this month is the end of the first quarter. I want to thank you for the support of your child and their education. It is an honor to serve you and your family.
P - Proficient on the standard
A - Approaching proficiency on the standard
N - Needs improvement on the standard
The grades entered as "formatives" are just a checkpoint for us to know where students are with their understanding of the standard to guide our instructional plans. The child is not expected to be at a P during the formative checkpoints. The summative grade (unit assessment) is where we would like for students to be at a P.
It came to our attention on the parent side of TeacherEase from the computer, not the app, it will show a red box that states "not meeting expectations" under the status section if the score is not a P. Please do not panic as the red box will grab your attention.
Parkview and C.I.S. Handbook and Technology AUP Acknowledgement
Community Partnerships
The Mission of Community Partnerships is to make a robust connection between our students and their community.
The Goal of Community Parternerships is to make education come alive for children of the Cameron Intermediate School. The partership between our children and Cameron businesses will allow for students to learn about careers in their community, how the state standards they are learning in school align to knowledge used in local businesses and the importance of communication skills used by employers and customers.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated October 21-23, 2024. See the flyer below for dress up days.
Parent Teacher Conferences
There is no school on October 24 or 25. Parent teacher conferences will be on October 24. Please watch for a sign up to come from your child's teacher.
Honoring our Veterans!
It is always a pleasure to honor our Veterans who have given so much to protect our country and our freedom. Veterans Day is Monday, November 11. Since Cameron R-I is out of school that day for teacher inservice, C.I.S. will be honoring veterans, related to C.I.S. children, with a breakfast on Friday, November 8. If your child has a family member they would like to honor, please fill out the form linked below by Friday, November 1.
We wanted to get the dates and times on your calendars as quickly as possible.
Please pay special attention to the dates and the grades. They are not in order chronologically. These performances are at the Performing Arts Center at the High School. More information will come from Mrs. Kenagy at a later time.
December 9 - 4th grade at 6:00p.m.
December 12 - 3rd grade at 6:00p.m.
5th grade at 7:00p.m.
Drinks in the classroom and meal times
This is just a reminder water is the only beverage allowed in the classroom. Water or juice only is allowed at meal times from home. Please make sure any additional drinks are finished prior to students arriving daily. Thank you for understanding.
Upcoming Events
October 10 - Intruder drill
October 10 - Fire Safety week presentation by Fire Department
October 11 - Bullying prevention assembly
October 11 - Community Partnerships
October 11 - 12:23 early dismissal
October 14 - No School - Teacher Inservice
October 17 - Earthquake drill
October 18 - End of 1st quarter
October 21 - Red Ribbon Week
October 22 - K-5 Fall Title Night from 4:00-6:00p.m. at Parkview
October 24 - No School
October 24 - Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25 - No School
October 31 - Fall parties
November 6 - C.I.S. Fall absentee/picture retakes
November 7 - Fire drill
November 8 - Veterans Day breakfast
November 11 - No School
November 12-15 - Book fair
November 19 - 5th grade reading event after school - watch for details
November 27-29 - No School -- Happy Thanksgiving
C.I.S. School Hours
Cameron R-I School District Calendar (can also be found on the website)
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool