IB Happenings Newsletter
December 2024
Wrapping Up Semester One!
Many things are coming due as we close this semester, whether it be IAs, practice exams, Reflective Project drafts, TOK essay outlines, and so many others. This is definitely a time for some self-talk in the form of, "I can do ANYTHING for two weeks!" At the time of this newsletter release, we will only have one week of classes and one week of finals remaining. Please encourage your student to finish strong. Everyone is wearing out after a very intense (and hopefully rewarding) semester, but it is important that we each give all we have as we cross the semester finish line!
Seniors - Preparing for the Next Steps
It is hard to imagine that we are closing in on the end of the first semester of your final year in high school, but we are and that means there are some important deadlines coming quickly. Here are a few items you want to have on your to-do list now.
- Applications deadlines. Most selective colleges and universities will have an application deadline between December 31 and January 2. Once those deadlines pass, you are no longer able to apply to those schools. Pay close attention to dates and requirements. Everything that YOU submit, must be in by the deadline in order to be considered for admissions.
- School documents. If you are using the Common Application, be sure you have linked your Common App account and your School Links account, so your counselor and teachers can submit required documents. Please note, colleges do allow time for school documents to arrive after student deadlines.
- Letters of recommendation. If you are applying to a school that requires letters of recommendation, request those immediately. Teachers need time to write and submit letters – and they are on holiday break when you’re on holiday break! If they ask you for a brag sheet or information to assist with your letter, please take time to share that with them.
- Transcripts. Make sure you have your Parchment account set up, so you can order transcripts. If you do a quick search of your school email for “parchment,” you will find a link to set up your account. Ordering a transcript is as easy as ordering a coffee on an app; but, if you need assistance, your counselor or Ms. Wano, the school registrar, can help.
- FAFSA. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is up and running and seems to be working well this year. Most students will need to fill this out to be eligible for scholarships and financial aid. For many families, it is much easier than it was in the past, and early reports are showing most families can complete it in less than 30 minutes. If you need assistance, you can reach out to Ms. Zimmerman, our college adviser, or your counselor.
This college application process can be very stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Set up a regular time each week to work on college applications, essays, and other documentation, and make it a priority! Parents and students should work together, with parents taking the lead of financial aid documents and students taking the lead on applications and essays. Remember, it’s always fine to submit documents BEFORE the deadline arrives. By taking care of the application business early, students and families can focus on having a real break from the worries of the application season.
IB Students in the "Music Man."
Congrats to the cast and crew of the Music Man who put on a truly INCREDIBLE performance.
Group 1 - The Language A Teachers
Language and Literature HL and Literature HL are the two Group 1 courses offered to students at NKCHS. Students are assessed in four ways: an HL Essay, two IB exams, and an Individual Oral. Those oral exams will take place Dec. 10-13 (Lang/Lit) and Jan. 22-23 (Literature). With these oral exams on the horizon, we thought it was a good time to introduce you to the Group 1 teachers. It's also a good time to ask your senior what work(s) they are doing their individual oral over! Returning this year are Mrs. McKinnis, Mrs. Heyer, and Mrs. Loveall. After a few years away from teaching IB Literature, Ms. Durill is rejoining the team this year. Rounding out the team is our rookie IB teacher, Mr. Joe Barnes!
Mrs. Heyer
Mrs. Heyer has been a part of the NKCHS family for 19 years. She is currently part of the Business Leadership and Entrepreneurship pathway where she teaches ELA 2, Pre-IB ELA 2, and IB Language and Literature HL 2. “Building relationships with my students and creating a safe, nurturing environment in the classroom is exceptionally important to me.” As such, caring is her top IB Learner Profile characteristic.
Mrs. Loveall
An NKCHS IB alumnus herself, Mrs. Loveall joined the staff at Northtown 12 years ago and has spent her entire career here. As a part of the Design, Engineering, and Technology pathway, she teaches ELA 2 and Pre-IB ELA 2. She also teaches AP Literature and Composition and IB Language and Literature HL 1. Her top IB Learner Profile characteristic is inquirer, which is evident in her curiosity and her love for learning.
Mrs. McKinnis
Mrs. McKinnis, also a Northtown alum, is part of the Design, Engineering, and Technology pathway where she teaches ELA 1 and Pre-IB ELA 1. She also teaches IB English Literature HL 2 and IB CP Personal and Professional Skills. She has spent all 27 years of her teaching career at North Kansas City High School. She values the IB Learner Profile character trait of communication in many forms – oral, written, non-verbal, etc. She tries to use her voice to advocate for others.
Ms. Kerry Durrill
Ms. Durrill’s 23-year teaching career includes 20 years here at Northtown. She is a part of the Human Services pathway. This year she teaches AP Research, Composition and Literature, IB English Literature HL 1, and IB Theory of Knowledge 2. Her top IB Learner Profile characteristic is being reflective. She believes it is important to challenge conventional wisdom thoughtfully.
Mr. Joseph Barnes
Mr. Barnes joined our NKCHS last year as a new teacher. He is in the Human Services pathway and teaches ELA 2, Pre-IB ELA 2, and IB English Language and Literature HL 1. Being open-minded is Mr. Barnes' strongest IB Learner Profile characteristic. He likes to learn from others and grow in every situation. He also creates a classroom environment that encourages that same growth in his students.
Career-related Study Teachers: Journalism
Folks may not know, but our Journalism teacher team and their students are behind so much of Northtown's publicity. Whether it be weekly broadcasts of NTV news, the regular social media feed of @NorthtownNews, YouTube broadcasts of Hornet sporting events, the AWARD-WINNING Purgold Yearbook, or our quarterly publication of The Buzz magazine, these teachers are consistently burning the midnight oil to be sure our students are in the spotlight! The team of Paul Aubrey, Amanda Dolinger, and Mary Prichard have been together for over a decade and function as a very strong and collaborative team.
Mr. Paul Aubrey
Mr. Aubrey has been in education for 14 years, with 13 of those here at NKCHS. He is in the Human Services pathway teaching Journalism 1 Reporting, Journalism 2 Photography, Journalism 2 Magazine Across Platforms, and Journalism 2 Sports Broadcasting. His top IB Learner Profile characteristic is inquirer. He is always asking tough questions and remains curious about the world around him.
Ms. Amanda Dolinger
Mrs. Mary Prichard
Mrs. Prichard has been a staple at NKCHS for the last 15 years where she has produced our award-winning Purgold yearbooks. She teaches Journalism 1 Photography, Journalism 2 Yearbook and Journalism 3 Digital Lab. Her top IB Learner Profile character trait is caring. That surprises no one, as she enjoys helping others and truly hopes to make a positive difference in their lives.
A Little Gratitude
"IB Thankful Day" has become a new tradition at NKCHS. On the day before students departed for Thanksgiving break, we treat them with donuts and they spent some time sharing with teachers the appreciation they have for them. Teachers LOVE receiving and reading the sentiments from their students.
IB Student Exchange
Each year, NKCHS pairs up with another school to host a student (and staff) exchange. We were fortunate this year to partner with Sumner Academy of the Arts and Sciences out of Kansas City, KS. Sumner is also an International Baccalaureate School, so we put the focus of this year's exchange on our IB Programs. On November 4, we welcomed about 20 students and 4 staff members from Sumner Academy. They were welcomed by our drumline and IB students. Throughout the day, they visited a variety of IB Classes, toured our school, and enjoyed some lunch. On November 19, it was Northtown's turn to visit Sumner. Nineteen students and 5 staff members were able to experience IB classes at Sumner, tour their historical building, and build some community through team challenges. We learned so much from each other and look forward to continuing our relationship with Sumner Academy!
Students dig in during an IB Chemistry class at Sumner HS.
NKCHS staff and students welcome our Sumner Academy visitors on a beautiful November morning.
Before returning to NKCHS, the student groups pose out front of Sumner Academy after a wonderful day together.
Semester 1 Final Exam Schedule
8th Grade Shadow Days
If you know of an 8th grade student who is interested in transferring to NKCHS to pursue an IB Diploma, please encourage them to sign up for a shadow experience. These are open to 8th grade students who attend Antioch MS, Maple Park MS, New Mark MS, or any of our local private schools.
Students dig into IB Visual Art work
IB students share the benefits of pursuing an IB diploma
Students enjoy Dr. McSparin's IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science class
Repeat: Service Opportunity for IB Students
This year, our after school tutoring has been revised a bit. It will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50-4:30pm in M107/M109. Below is a document that outlines the details and provides a QR to sign up to tutor.
Serving as a tutor in the Success Center would be a great way to meet CAS (DP) or Service Learning (CP) requirements. It can also count toward your A+ and/or community service hours! Our AVID students will provide a training on strategies you can use with students while tutoring.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ms. Klein (PAH Counselor).
Repeat: New Research - Acceptance Rates for IB DP Students
Take a look at this document which highlights the credit policies of some of the most selective universities in the U.S. as well as their IB credit policies. I think you'll see pursuing an IB Diploma pays off!
Keep Updated Through Canvas!
Please remember that you have access to "all things IB" in our International Baccalaureate Canvas course. As a parent observer, you also have access to all of your student's classes, as well as this course. We keep meeting presentations, important dates, exam information, course syllabi, program policies, and so much more in this course. Please take a moment to take a look.
IB Program Policies
Who's Here to Help You?
IB Career-related Progam Coordinator
Dr. Martha DeVries is joining us in her first year as the IBCP Coordinator. She can be reached at 816.321.6584 or martha.devries@nkcschools.org.
IB Administrative Assistant
Ms. Cymantha Beason is joining us for a third year as the IB Program Administrative Assistant. This NKCHS alumnus can be reached at 816.321.6179 or cymantha.beason@nkcschools.org.
IB Diploma Program Coordinator
Mrs. Mitsi Nessa is serving in her fourth year as the IBDP Coordinator. She can be reached at 816.321.5805 or mitsi.nessa@nkcschools.org.