point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Farmer's Market
week of June 24th
Monday, noon - Hospital Board of Trustees; 6pm - Planning & Zoning
Tuesday, 6pm - Parks & Recreation
Wednesday - Farmer's Markets
Thursday, 10am - Housing Authority
Friday, 7:30am - City Council Work Session
small town vibes
Fireworks Season is here. Fireworks displays are permitted between 6/28-7/5 from 10AM - 10PM; & on 7/3 & 7/4 display are permitted until 11PM. Since fireworks have been allowed in the city limits, the police department call volume is manageable Based on past years, the typical complaints from neighbors upset with fireworks use is noise afterhours, & fireworks debris falling on their house, car or yard. Please let your neighbor know in advance if you are planning a party, so important conversations happen.
- Waterfest was a fun event. Hopefully, you were able to stop by the city booth and sign up to participate in the comprehensive planning process & view the design on the Dry Fork Greenway project that will be ready to bid in the fall. If not, please stop by Hall of Waters so we can include you.
- Community Foundation is planning a golf tournament, to honor Coach Vic Bonuchi.
- Status of work on Dry Fork Greenway located between N. Main low water crossing & N. Marietta Street Bridges, all utilities have been located, we are ready to start securing temporary & permanent easements. The ability to move the creek so it is not as closed to Kennedy Street near the Marietta Street bridge will cause the creek to be healthier also with the stream restoration. We are working on the educational signage to provide a teaching opportunity about the natural properties of a healthy stream & appropriate landscaping.
a little more about this week's agendas
Hospital Board of Trustees will hear reports from CEO, CNO, CFO, discuss Management Agreement with NKC Hospital, & Policy & Procedure Approvals
Planning & Zoning Commission will hold public hearing before considering special use permit @ 406 E. Broadway for operation of short-term rental
Parks & Recreation Board will consider monthly financial report/budget, staff & director reports; discuss park naming policy, & P&R month
Farmer's Market (morning @ Community Center 9-11:30 am & afternoon @ Hitch Lot 4-7 pm)
City Council items under development include board appointments, public hearing regarding 353 @ 415 St. Louis; consider replacement of Hall of Waters boiler, P/R recommendations regarding park naming policy, Police Chief recommendations regarding chickens in residential districts & purchase of police cars; agreement with Army Corps of Engineers regarding funding for sewerline improvements.
who is the city, but the people
Celebrating work anniversaries this week - Abagail Weaver, Child Watch Attendant - 3 years; Izabel Jack, Wellness Cafe - 2 years; Lyric Arnold, Lifeguard - 1 year.
Highlighting community leaders serving on Community Center Board - Greg Broadbent, Mark Bullimore, Tray Harkins, Sherri Branson Hurt, Christy Marker, Mayor Mark Spohn & Nate Williams. Board advises City Council, School District & Park Board regaridng operations & maintenance of Community Center. Thank you for designing a fabulous facility & being a great sounding board.
choose your attitude!
Just after a brief downpour the clouds parted enough for a small rainbow to appear! I think it's my favorite weekend.