Reading Workshops are an important part of helping Kindergarteners developing reading skills. In this video we see how one teacher structures her reading workshop to benefit her students.
In addition to this increased urgency to prepare all children for kindergarten, what is going to be expected of children once in kindergarten is changing. How can we best prepare rising kindergartner ELLs for the new demands of the CCSS?
Pre-K Pages shares teaching tips for working with English Language Learners in your preschool or kindergarten classroom.
One of the most frequent inquiries on the Ask Judie Bulletin Board is from preschool teachers all over the world. They have asked for themes, lessons, and materials to implement in their preschool classes. Here are some ideas that will help answer their questions.
Explore a classroom full of English Language Learners (ELL). This lesson is for teaching vocabulary to Pre K ELL students. Using pre-teaching methods and movement to introduce new words, students become more engaged with the lesson.