Addison MS/HS In the News
April 24, 2023 Fifth Edition
The Principal's Corner
I hope all of you had an enjoyable Spring Break and Easter. Spring is in the air, so with temperatures warming up and spring sports in full swing, students tend to get a little restless. With that being said, traditionally it has been observed that students tend to get a little antsy as they know the end of the school year is right around the corner. I encourage all of you to remind your child of the importance of finishing the last marking period strong and remaining focused. Furthermore, the last couple of months are filled with many events and it is important to keep updated on the upcoming events by reading the daily announcements that are located on our school website ( Once on the page, fromthere click on the School link-High School- Communication and Announcements then you should be able to read the daily announcements.
Check out what has been taking place in Mr. Kubish's classes
Mr. Kubish’s Math Classes
Algebra I- In Algebra I class, students are currently engaged in a unit on modeling using exponential functions. In this unit we have been discussing the differences between exponential and linear functions and where each of these models can be used. Students have learned how we can look at trends, collect data, and use a mathematical model to possibly predict future outcomes. We highlighted the power of compound interest, and the importance of saving early on in your career if you want to take full advantage of it. We also discussed the possible negatives that may arise from going into large amounts of debt.
Algebra II- In Algebra II class, students have been using polynomial functions to model a variety of real-world problems, such as the path of a baseball, the optimal arc of a basketball, and the rate at which an object is falling over time. We even used the time it took an object to fall and our quadratic model to measure the height of the football bleachers. We are going to finish the year by looking at the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions.
Precalculus- Our precalculus class has been busy studying the wonderful world of trigonometry. We discussed the differences between degree and radian measure for angles, and all the different trigonometric ratios and how they can help us with navigation, indirect measurement, and modeling any sort of periodic phenomenon such as weather. Our students even used angles of elevation and shadow length to measure some of the heights of our trees in our forest. We will finish the year strong to ensure that all of our students have the tools necessary to be successful in Calculus.
Mr. Kubish’s Physical Education Classes
6th Grade Physical Education- Throughout the year, we have been participating in units that teach us about all the different sports offered here at Addison. The main emphasis has been on the impact a healthy and active lifestyle has on all areas of your health. My hope has been that students will carry what they learned with them past their years here at Addison and into adulthood.
Recreational Activities- Students have been learning the rules for a wide variety of leisure activities such as pickleball, badminton, bocce ball, corn hole, volleyball, and golf. Currently, we are learning about the game of golf, and students are figuring out that it is a lot more difficult than it looks. In addition to leisure activities, we have done projects on different outdoor recreational activities such as hunting, hiking, and camping. Students have explored the National Parks through a variety of activities, and have been kayaking and hiking.
Children's Books
National Honor Society
March 2023 Students of the Month
Addison MS/HS
March 2023 Students of the Month:
6th Grade – Dylen Marsee
7th Grade – Levi Spitzley
8th Grade – Lincoln McFate
9th Grade – Faith Pratt
10th Grade – Joseph Clark
11th Grade – Brandon Gabe Pepper
12th Grade – Nathan Sines
Senior's Corner
Graduation Guidelines
Participation in Graduation:
Grades: All grades will be finalized on May 18th at 3:00. This includes EDMENTUM (online course) grades as well.
Rehearsal: Graduates that are walking MUST participate in graduation rehearsal.
Mandatory Rehearsal:
When: Friday, May 19th at 9:00 am
What: Students will be served breakfast and watch a slideshow. Students will participate in their last walkthrough of the halls, starting in the elementary around 10:00 Mock elections will be presented following the walkthrough. Graduates will practice, practice, practice. Students will be given caps and gowns, yard signs, and honor cords on the day of the rehearsal.
Graduation Day:
Where: Addison Performance Gym
When: Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 2:00 pm
Graduates will need to arrive at 1:00 and meet in the Media Center
Why: Students will get their picture taken and will receive their flowers and go over any last-minute details
Doors for guests will open at 1:00 pm. It will be first come first served for seating.
Graduation Attire:
Dress clothes are required!
Dress pants, skirts, dresses (no shorts)
Button-down shirt and tie
Dress shoes, dress sandals (no flip flops/Birkenstocks, etc.)
*Please see Ms. Yeider if you are unable to afford attire for graduation
Note: Any inappropriate behavior before graduation that violates the student code of conduct could result in the individual not participating in graduation.
Teacher Spotlight
How many years have you been an educator? "Began teaching at Addison in the 1997-1998 school year. Currently in my 26th year."
What subject grade levels are you currently teaching? "6th, 7th, 8th grade science."
Why did you decide to become a teacher? "I have always liked school and had great teachers growing up. I wanted to give back to the education system that enabled me to be successful at school."
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of teaching? "Being on the beach, reading, shopping, and spending time with family."
What is the highlight of being a teacher at Addison Community Schools? "Working with kids and seeing them be successful academically as well as socially. Their energy and zest for life is contagious and can help make a not-so-great day into an awesome one."
Any additional information that you would like to share? "My family welcomed our first grandbaby, Blaire, this past November:)"
Multi -Tierd System of Supports ( MTSS)
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Update at the Secondary Level
* Staff continue to recognize students that are exhibiting their P.A.W.S (Personal Best, Act Responsibly, With Integrity, and Show Respect) behaviors in and out of the classroom with our students.
*Our average major office referrals have decreased from November to March.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 25 – MS Equations Meet 8:30-1:30 (End time approximate, last meet awards, etc.)
Wed., April 26 – Mrs. Merrill’s Class to Equestrian Outreach Center 9:00-11:30
Friday, April 28 – Half Day/Teacher MTSS in PM
Wed., May 3 – HS Honors Night 6:00pm
Friday, May 5 –MS Honors Assembly 2:15-3:00
Sat., May 6 – PROM 7-10:30pm at the Irish Hills Wedding Barn
Thursday & Friday, May 11 & 12 – Band Trip to Cleveland
Friday, May 12 – Special Olympics at SHU 9:30-2:30; MS Kicking 4 K9’s 2:15-3:00
Sunday, May 14 – Band Concert
Wed., May 16 – Seniors Last Day
Thursday & Friday, May 18 & 19 – 8th Grade Mackinaw Trip
Friday, May 19 – Graduation Rehearsal 9:00
Sunday, May 21 Graduation 2:00
Tuesday, May 23 – 5th Grade Transition to 6th Grade Orientation Day
Monday, May 29 - No School/Memorial Day
Tuesday, Wed., Thurs., May 30, 31 & June 1 – Exams
Thursday, June 1 – Last Day of School/Half Day