Raleigh Hills Newsletter
October 30, 2020
Weekly Message
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
It’s definitely fall! The weather is turning colder and the leaves are beautiful. I love to settle in with a cup of tea on these crisp fall days and read a book. Speaking of books, Ms. Moore is launching the new library website! Please visit often so see what she has in store for you. I’m sure you’ll find a book that you’ll love to read as it’s getting colder outside.
Fall is also for voting this year. If you haven’t had a chance to fill out your ballot, it would be great to take your kids and turn it in at a drop off spot. They’ll get a sticker as a future voter if they’re still available and you’ll be teaching them an important lesson about exercising their voice in our great democracy. Don’t forget Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd.
Have a happy fall weekend,
Letters for Teachers
Parent Meeting - Tips and Tricks for CDL
When: November 5th
Time: 6-7
Zoom Info: 858 5483 1914 pwd: welcome
Congratulations Walk and Roll Winners
Anna from Ms. Henry’s class
Emery from Ms. Shier’s class
Aubrie from Ms. Bartizal’s class
They won a goody bag full of items that will keep them safe as they Walk and Roll around their neighborhoods, Great job! Way to represent Raleigh Hills.
Pumpkin Lab Fun!
News from the PTO
Happy Friday, Panthers!
The PTO wanted to reach out and thank all of those that were able to attend our first meeting. What a great turn out! We hope to see your faces again, and maybe even a few more! We will be meeting the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30.
Our next meeting will be on November 10, 6:30 pm.
At our next meeting we will be electing PTO Board members for the year, reviewing and voting on the revised Bylaws, and hearing updates from the Board and Mrs. DeMartino!
We do have some open positions, so come join us to find out how you can help out!
Also, please check out our PTO Website at www.raleighhillspto.org
Lots of information about upcoming events and general information can be found here throughout the year!
We are so excited about the opportunities to grow our community this year! If you have any ideas, questions, or just want to get involved, please join us!
Best, Holly Willis-Magalen (uoholly@gmail.com)
Thanks to Elaine Baker
Upcoming Events
November 5 - 6-7 Parent Info Night - Tips and Tricks for CDL Success
November 10 - PTO meeting 6:30 pm Zoom Info: 893 8283 3641 Pwd: RHPTO
November 11 - Veteran's Day - No school for students
November 13 - Grading Day - No school for students
November 25-27 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No school for students
Tech News
There is much more to technology than using devices to learn and play. Tech also involves learning to design and create. With this in mind I have added to the Raleigh Hills Technology website some ideas for kids to practice these concepts with. On the website’s Maker Page there are two slide presentations to help kids get started, Maker Projects and Famous Landmarks Maker Challenge. There are also kits available for a few of the projects suggested. They can be picked up on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Library check out.
I would love to see the marvelous creations that Raleigh Hills students create. There is a Google Form below the slides on the Maker Page for students to submit a picture of their project. There is no limit on how many projects a student submits and it can be something that is not listed on the slides. The more creative the better. I look forward to seeing what our wonderful students create.
Daylight Savings Time
Student Directory
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8