Mav Mail
April 23rd, 2023
Happy Sunday, Maverick Families!!
Students only went to school for 4 days but it was still a MAVnificent week at McNeil!
YOUR McNeil Baseball team SWEPT Stony Point this week! On Tuesday night the MAVS celebrated Senior Night with a 7-6 WIN at McNeil High School. CONGRATULATIONS Seniors! Thank you for all your HARD WORK these past four years. And a special thank you to the Girls Softball Team for coming out and VOCALLY supporting YOUR Maverick Baseball Team!
On Friday night YOUR MAVS WON 1-0 with a combined no hitter by James Morio and London Lindsey, at Stony Point. WAY TO GO MAVS!!
OUR Mavericks will finish the season this Tuesday. YOUR Varsity MAVS will travel to Cedar Ridge on Tuesday. First pitch is scheduled for 7 p.m. YOUR JV MAVS will host Cedar Ridge at McNeil. Game Times are 5:30 and 7 p.m. GOOD LUCK MAVS… FINISH STRONG!
CONGRATULATIONS on a MAVstonishing Season to the MAVletes that competed in the AREA Track Meet this WEEK! We are SO PROUD of ALL of YOU!!!
Personal Records were set and YOUR MAVS finished things off with a 6th place finish in the boys' 4x400.
Three MAVstanding MAVERICKS earned a trip to the Regional Track Meet in San Antonio, April 28 and 29. CONGRATULATIONS to Bodie Bradley, Judson Cook, and Joshua Gayden!
YOUR McNeil Robotics team competed in the International Championships this week in Houston! CONGRATULATIONS to this MAVnificent group of students and Mr. Gijs Landwehr for this MAVstonishing ACCOMPLISHMENT in the FIRST YEAR competing!! KEEP UP the GREAT WORK!!
Saturday, YOUR McNeil Administration participated in the RRISD Career Fair hosted at Stony Point High School. THANK YOU to all the MAVerful Candidates we spoke with and interviewed. McNeil is WORLD CLASS and the candidates ALL wanted to join OUR MAVnation! For more information on how to join McNeil High School, visit RRISD Employment opportunities - McNeil.
Saturday, YOUR McNeil Computer Science Team WON the UIL 6A Region 4 Academic Contest for Computer Science!! YOUR MAVS beat Westwood (2nd) and Westlake (3rd) to take the CROWN! CONGRATULATIONS to Srinivas Vadhiraj, Aditya Patwardhan, Jeremy Moon and Uzair Nawaz! Srinivas WON the Individual Title — 1st Place in the ENTIRE REGION! Aditya tied for Second Place, and Jeremy earned Fifth! YOUR MAVS swept the Programming Packet, solving all 12 problems!! YOUR Mavericks have earned a trip to the STATE Competition at UT Austin May 17 and 18!! WAY TO GO MAVS!!! Thank you, Mr. Mark Emry, for ALL your HARD WORK and DEDICATION with these MAVulous STUDENTS!
Monday morning will start early with a Spring Athletic Signing in the Maverick Big Gym. CONGRATULATIONS to the Mavericks that are signing to continue their athletic careers in College. Stay tuned to MavMail for pictures and more details next week!
Monday, YOUR Girls & Boys Golf Teams will be competing in the Westwood Invitational hosted at Balcones Country Club. GOOD LUCK MAV GOLF!
This Tuesday and Wednesday, OUR Senior Mavericks will pick up their Herff Jones Cap and Gown orders during their scheduled English class in the Cafeteria. THIS IS an EXCITING TIME!!! Congratulations, Seniors!
On Thursday, YOUR Maverick Student(s) will have the chance to meet a Navy Recruiter during lunch in the Maverick Cafeteria! Thank you to Ms. Hanson, McNeil Lead Counselor, for arranging another visit from one of the branches of the US Armed Forces. Then, on Friday, MAVnation will welcome a College Representative visit from Stephen F. Austin State University from 10:30 – 11:30 am. If you are looking for additional information about ALL of the College, Career, and Military service information McNeil High School provides to OUR students, please be sure to follow the weekly “Counselor Corner” emails sent by Ms. Hanson AND you can always check the MAVulous Maverick Counselors’ Website HERE.
On Friday, McNeil High School will host our annual Top 10 Breakfast for the top 10 Senior Students and their families to celebrate this MAVtacular accomplishment!! WAY TO GO SENIORS!! Your HARD WORK and DEDICATION for the past 13 years is almost complete. We can’t wait to CELEBRATE YOU ALL!
As ALWAYS thank YOU for being a MAVERICK!
Please continue reading MavMail for even more MAVstonishing accomplishments including a link to listen to YOUR Maverick Orchestra as they performed at the UIL String Orchestra Concert and Sightreading Evaluation earning sweepstakes (the highest ratings possible) for all three Orchestras… WAY TO GO MAVS!! We are SO PROUD of YOU!!
Mark Your Calendar: @MHSMavs will have one Final Blood Drive!! McNeil High School is MAVcited to host a makeup @WeAreBlood blood drive on May 18 to replace the Blood Drive we lost due to the ice days in February. Thank you to We are Blood and Ms. Danielle Rail, MHS Health Science Teacher (and Sponsor to MANY Clubs) for working together to provide ANOTHER opportunity for the MAVnanimous Maverick Students and Staff to GIVE back to the community. This will be the THIRD Blood Drive of the 2022-2023 school year! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
This week continues STAAR Testing. Students that are testing will receive their testing room location (in their student email account) the day before their exam. Parents will ALSO receive that information as an email.
The Spring 2023 STAAR Testing Dates for McNeil High School are listed below:
English 1 - 4/18
English 2 - 4/20
English 1 and 2 Makeup - 4/24 - Students that missed the exams last week will take the exam.
USH - 4/25
Bio - 4/26
Algebra 1 - 5/2
Passing all 5 STAAR EOCs is a requirement for graduation from high school in Texas.
Students that have already taken an EOC but have not yet passed that EOC will be taking those again, at the same time as students taking the exams for the first time. Anyone can check the status of their student(s) End of Course Exams by following the steps outlined on this document.
Click HERE for ALL of the information about May 2023 Final Exam Exemptions and Schedule.
AP Testing begins Monday, May 1st! If your MAVERICK student is taking an AP Exam this year, student specific information was sent last week, to the email address the student used to register/pay in TotalRegistration. Click HERE to see the generic information sent.
Additional information, including student testing rooms will be emailed out this week. Please, ask your student to show you their student specific testing information in their email account.
AND, there are two things for EVERY AP STUDENT to do, as soon as possible:
Have a McNeil Student ID made in the Library before school OR the Cafeteria during Lunches
Visit this site for information on SCHOLARSHIPS:
BigFuture Scholarships: Earn by Planning for College
Do you follow mcneilpublications on Instagram? If not, you should! Don’t forget to buy your yearbook!
“We don’t know if you’ve heard, but McNeil IS WORLD CLASS!”
We hope you ALL have a MAVulous Week… and don’t forget to “make your day MAVtastic”!
If you would like to stay informed of all the WORLD CLASS news and events at McNeil High School you can sign up to receive the weekly MavMail from McNeil High School. Click HERE and select “McNeil High School” to receive the MavMail each Sunday evening.
GO MAVS!! 💙💚🐎
Prom 2023
March 27th - April 26th
in Cafeteria ONLY
Monday, Tuesday Wednesday
Before School (8:30am - 9am)
During Lunches (11:21am - 1:20pm)
April 10th- 12th: $90.00 usd
April 17th - 19th: $90.00 usd
April 24th- 26th: $90.00 usd
In order to purchase tickets, you must have your MHS Student ID, fill out the Pre-Order Google form, AND have your signed permission form.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Musicale & Rhapsody Auditions Results
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 members of Musicale & Rhapsody, McNeil’s elite Acapella Show Choirs.
Musicale: Arianna Brito, Dominique Diaz, Jacob Easter, Zachary Greer, Justin Huang, Ornith Jahid, Sachi Ghosh, Josh Li, Traci Lu, Owen Rhea, Justin Reece, Anish Saha, Murphy Sasser, Elaina Spiering, Robert Stewart, Isabella Thomas, Liam Utterback, and Emily Williams
Rhapsody: Elliott Anglin, Ellie Cohen, Leah Calvin, Riley Donachy, Ankitha Garga, Jenine Ingaiza, Katherine Kenney, Addison Kitchens, Cameron Love, Layla Mathews, Adelaide Ramos-King, Charlotte Riggs, and Aiyannah West
YES, it is time to start collecting textbooks.
Beginning May 1, 2023, students may start dropping off their textbooks in the brown collection box outside the textbook room. The textbook room is located outside the cafeteria, across from the nurse’s office and where they checked the book out!! All textbooks for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are due May 19, 2023. All textbooks for Seniors are due May 12, 2023.
Don’t wait until the last minute to turn your books in.
Seniors may begin returning their Chromebooks and chargers to the Tech Center beginning the week of May 15th.
All Senior Chromebooks must be returned by Tuesday, May 23rd.
If you need to pay for a lost Chromebook or charger, you may do so at this website: https://roundrockisdtx.schoolwindow.com/estore/rrisd-depts/rrisd-tech-chromebook.html
Orchestra Success
Wednesday and Thursday (4/12 - 4/13), all three of our orchestras, Symphony, Philharmonic and Concert Orchestra earned sweepstakes at the UIL String Orchestra Concert and Sightreading Evaluation. Also, in March, our Symphony, joined by select members of the band, earned sweepstakes at the Full Orchestra Evaluation Judges' feedback was some of the most flattering we have ever received. Truly, our students played wonderfully.
CONGRATULATIONS to the McNeil Orchestra Students and Mr. James Caswell, Director.
Please enjoy the recording attached below.
Legally Blonde - The Musical!
We are so excited to announce MavTheatre's musical for the 2023-2024 season! Legally Blonde that will hit the stage October of 2023! Next year ALL McNeil students are invited to audition! Rehearsals will be held after school and the directors will do their best to work with their schedules and sponsors!
If you have any students interested in auditioning for the musical, please send them this form to fill out. Please feel free to forward this email to your students!
Interested in being in our MavTheatre Production of Legally Blonde? Scan the QR code to receive more information
about auditions
STEM London Spring Break 2024
Hey Mavericks,
The 2024 Spring Break trip to London, England has opened up more spots! Did you enjoy talking with our British visitors? Then come join us and visit their famous city.
Enrollment is open and accepting submissions. Come join us and explore the sites and history of London, and participate in STEM activities in forensics and code-breaking!
Spots are filling quickly so do not hesitate to enroll.
Please click on this LINK or on the QR code in the flier below to enroll.
The deadline for registration is May 19th.
Please contact Mrs. Seaman in room A 222 for enrollment information.
Let’s go explore London!
This trip is not sponsored by RRISD or McNeil High School
Pet Clinic at Voigt Elementary Monday, April 24, 5:00 - 7:00
Dr. John Y. Tarlton, DVM will be offering yearly vaccinations for your dogs and cats.
- Rabies- dogs and cats-$5.00
- Dog Vaccines- DHLP/Parvo/Corona- $15.00
- Bordetella (Kennel Cough)- $10.00
- Cat Vaccines- PRCC/Feluk- $15.00
- Complete Yearly Vaccines- $20.00
- Flea and Heartworm preventative will also be available!
If you have 3 or more pets, to save time, you can email them the day before at LonghornLana@aol.com. If you provide the pets’ information, we will be happy to have the paperwork done ahead of time. Then, you can just come to the pet clinic, get in line, and it will all be done without spending much time there. Just make sure you bring the pets.
Information needed:
- Owner: name, address, phone
- Pet: name, breed, sex, age, size (small, med., large), color, dog/cat (cat-short,long, or medium hair?) Spayed/neutered
- What is needed?
- cat/dog....rabies $5 $25 flu and $25 rattlesnake (series of 2)
- cat...PRCC/FeLuk $15 (then yearly)
- dog...DHLP/P/C, $15 Bordetella $10
- deworm (cat/dog) $5
Click on this link to see and register for summer camps being offered at McNeil.
We won Region!
Need vaccines 💉 for your student?
Need vaccines 💉 for your student? Sign up for one of the April or May Vaccine Clinics! Don’t forget to bring/send your updated vaccine record to your School Nurse. If you have questions feel free to call McNeil Clinic at 512-464-6569
Free Ice Cream for Seniors at the Museum of Ice Cream.
How to claim:
- Come dressed in full cap and gown
- Walk into our bar and request a scoop. That's it! No ticket is required.
- Snap a picture and tag @museumoficecream
*only available Monday - Thursday, limit one scoop per person
We're also offering $3 off on every museum ticket. You worked hard, now it's time to play hard! After all, we're all kids at heart.
Use code RECESS to claim your discount and book your tickets through the link below:
All offers, the free scoop, and the discount are valid from now until the end of May.
Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors!
Resources to Support Children and Teens
As many of you are aware, last week our country experienced another school shooting. The Nashville Covenant School lost three students and three teachers. With the news coverage and proximity in time to the Robb Elementary School shooting, some of you students, families, and/or co-workers may need additional support. Here is a list of resources for you to use and share as you may need. School Counselors are always available to assist students.
Tips for Parents on Media Coverage
Psychological Impact of Recent Events
The easiest way to buy online tickets for your games is:
1. Download the RRISD app
2. In the app go to Athletic Tickets
3. Choose the school that is HOME for the event you want to purchase.
(For example: McNeil vs Westwood - choose McNeil, McNeil @ Cedar Ridge - choose CedarRidge)
4. Tickets go on sale at midnight on the day of the game. You have all day and evening to purchase your ticket.
5. There will be a QR code at the game/gate to scan and purchase your ticket, but you will have to stand there and enter all of your information and wait for your ticket to come to your email
Important Dates
MHS Trailblazer
RSO Notification
Click HERE to view RSO notification.
Social Media
Website: https://mcneil.roundrockisd.org/
Location: 5720 East McNeil Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 464-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.mcneil
Twitter: @MHSmavs