4th Grade Newsletter
January 2025
Rees 4th Grade Team
Contact Us
Mrs. Bouchelkia: nouara.bouchelkia@aliefisd.net
Mrs. Trent:sara.trent@aliefisd.net
Mrs. Rodas:melida.rodas@aliefisd.net
Mrs.Carbajal: gabriela.carbajallopez@aliefisd.net
Important Reminders
Thursday: Yellow for commitment/ Friday: Rees Spirit
- January 9: Report Card Day / yellow for commitment
- January 10: Rees Spirit attire
- January 14: Alief Proud attire
- January 15: College / military and a hat to celebrate National Hat Day
- January 20: No School-MLK Jr. Day
- January 21: Sweatpants/ International Sweatpants Day
- January 22: National Polka Dot Day
- January 24: Free Dress- Picture Day
- January 28: JJ Watt Day (#99)
- January 29: 100th day of school (Jeans allowed with 100 day shirt) / Lunar New Year attire
- January 30: Progress Report Day/ Dalmatian Day or Yellow for commitment
Important Links
Parent Lunch: Fridays -begins 09/12
Meeting ID: 834 6744 5976
Password: rees123
In January we will start Reading module 5. In this module, students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about the arts. A genre focus on biography provides students with opportunities to identify ideas and support, text structure, and figurative language in order to better understand unfamiliar texts. Students will also encounter informational text and poetry to build knowledge across genres. As students build their vocabulary and synthesize topic knowledge, they will learn that sharing our creative talents with the world can bring us closer together.
In writing, our class will continue to write responses with relevant details that demonstrate understanding of texts in short and long constructed responses including comparing and contrasting ideas across a variety of sources. In grammar, we will learn about
* May, MIght, Can, and Could
* Present Participles
*Irregular Verbs
4th grade mathematicians will begin the new year expanding their knowledge of Personal Finance Literacy. In this very short math unit, students will learn the difference between fixed and variable expenses, the purpose of financial institutions such as banks and credit unions, and how to calculate profit. This would be a great time to discuss budgeting with your child at home. After that, we will begin our unit on Data Analysis in which students will learn to read and represent data sets in various graphs and charts. January will end with an assessment over both Personal Finance Literacy and Data Analysis before we begin our unit on Geometry and Measuring Angles.
In science, we will review for an interim assessment Jan. 7-8. Students will take the interim assessment on Jan. 9th. The next three weeks, we will explore how Earth’s natural resources change Earth’s surfaces. The advantages and disadvantages of using them, and how their conservation, disposal and recycling can impact the environment and modern life. In the first lesson of Chapter 6, students will model and describe slow changes to Earth’s surface caused by weathering from wind, water and ice. In the second lesson, students will model and describe slow changes to Earth’s surface caused by erosion and deposition from water, wind, and ice. In lesson 3, students will identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using Earth’s renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Social Studies
In Social Studies we will begin Unit 4: Statehood and Conflict. In this unit we will learn about how Texas rose to statehood. We will read about the successes and challenges Texas experienced during this period in history. We will also learn about The Mexican War. We will read about the conflict that lead to this war and how it impacted Texas citizens.