This Week at Windsor...
January 28th, 2022
Happy snowy Friday! With only a few more days left in January, we are looking forward to February, Kindness Month!!! Our students will be taking part in a schoolwide kindness activity, by describing a kind act or how they feel when someone is kind to them. Be sure to check out our kindness banner in the commons next time you are in the building! Also, please see the attached kindness calendar for activities for your children to do during kindness month.
Our January Wildcat Way Reward winner is Pajama Day, the children are invited to wear their pjs to school on Monday, the 31st!!! Windsor students are kind, safe, and responsible!!!
We are also looking forward to the Science Fair/Book Fair on February 3rd, from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Parents of children that leave for lunch/recess, please be sure your children are back to Windsor by 1:10. We have had an increase of children returning late, it is important that children are on time so that they do not miss important instructional time.
Attention 5th-Grade Families!
It is time to select a World Language for middle school. Please register online through PowerSchool as soon as possible. An email with registration information was sent on January 21st. Please contact Shab Poloz if you have any questions: or 847-758-4899.
Reminder about the Celebrate Windsor Project:
Just a reminder to turn in your Celebrate Windsor project with your family's tradition. We look forward to learning more about the cultural backgrounds of our Windsor community! We hope you can stop by the gym hallway during Parent-Teacher Conferences and check out the many different cultures and traditions that are celebrated by Windsor staff and families! To print out the forms, please click on this link:
If you are unable to print, there will be copies available in the office, please have your child stop in and get one!
Erin's Law Presentations:
Erin's Law Presentations are currently being scheduled for each class. They will take place during the month of February and will progress through the grade levels starting with kindergarten. Students in our instructional programs will be presented with separate, developmentally appropriate curriculum and materials. They are run by our Social Workers, Natalie Swanson, and Wendy Schultz. For additional information on Erin's Law, please follow this link, where you will find presentations, materials used.
Breakfast is NOW available for students daily. There is no charge for breakfast, as all school meals are fully funded by the USDA. If your student is interested in participating in the breakfast program, please have them enter through the main entrance and breakfast will be served from 8:45 to 9:00 in the commons. Due to supply chain issues, the menu may change daily and will include items such as cereal, fruit, and milk. We look forward to serving your students and giving them a healthy start to their school day!
February 1st is the last day to enroll in Shield, you can always unenroll at any time. Please click the links below and fill out the form if you would like to enroll or unenroll your child.
SHIELD Testing Volunteer Sign-up:
If you are interested in volunteering to help with Shield Testing, we are looking for volunteers to pick our students up from their classrooms and bring them down for testing. Please click on this link for the sign-up genius:
Enroll my child into SHEILD testing
Unenroll my child from SHIELD testing
Drop and Go Reminders:
As the weather gets cooler, more parents choose to drive their children to and from school. It is imperative that you follow the procedures for our Windsor Drive drop and go. Please share this information with the person that drives your child to school.
Arrival- please pull all of the way up to the car in front of you, this may mean you pass the door that your child enters school. We have staff outside monitoring our students and will ensure that your child makes it into the building.
Dismissal- There is NO parking on Windsor Drive. Please do NOT get out of your car, you will need to move your car up in the line as the line moves. If you feel you need to get out of your car to wait for your child, please park on a side street and walk up to Windsor Drive. We will have the Arlington Heights Police Department spot-checking our dismissal on Windsor Drive, please do not exit your car.
Lunch info:
A week- 2/7-2/11
B week- 1/31-2/4
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, January 31st- Pajama Day
- Wednesday, February 2nd- Club Pictures- if your child participates in a club, they will have their group picture taken.
- Wednesday, February 2nd- Parent-Teacher Conference Links will be sent out to families
- Thursday, February 3rd- 6:30-8:00 PM-- Science Fair and Book Fair
- Tuesday, February 8th- 7:00-8:00 PM- PTA Meeting-- Windsor Commons
Have a wonderful wildcat weekend,
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Stella's Station
Heading into the weekend, I wanted to share some ideas for STEAM fun that involve something that everyone has around the house... paper! Some of the activities on the page require you to print out a template first, while others just require paper and sometimes tape. You can find ideas for 10 paper toys you can make with your children by clicking HERE. Have fun!
Important PTA Information...
Congratulations to the DEI Committee for being selected as one of 30 PTAs nationwide to receive the Center for Family Engagement's 2022 Advancing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Grant for $500. To complete the grant, the committee will create a diversity profile, engage families Windsor PTA hasn't typically reached, and design a DEI action plan based on their learnings. A huge thank you to Phaona Rodriguez and Sarah Yoo for their time and commitment to this committee and to this grant. Click here for a list of nationwide recipients of this grant.
Book Fair: The Scholastic Book Fair is returning in person this year on Thursday, February 3. Students will visit the book fair during school on Feb. 3. Families are welcome to visit the book fair in the evening on Feb. 3 from 6:30-8:00. Also, the Reading Challenge is back this year! Students have the opportunity to be entered into a raffle for a free book from the book fair (up to $10 value). Students just need to read for at least 150 minutes during the 7 day challenge and fill in a log by Monday, January 31st. The challenge is from Monday, Jan 24th - Sunday, Jan 30th. Click here for the all book fair information, including a link to the reading log.
Science and Engineering Fair: Visit the Commons from 6:30-8:00 pm on Feb 3rd to visit your classmates’ Science and Engineering Projects
Parents Night Out!: We invite all parents to hang out and connect with their Windsor Community! Join us at Eddie's, Friday, February 25th @ 7:30 pm. RSVP here for a chance to win a door prize.
Arlington Heights Council (AHC) PTA Scholarship Committee Volunteers Needed: Each year the AHC PTA awards ten $1,000 scholarships to graduating D25 seniors. The committee needs 1-2 volunteers to read scholarship applications during late March. If you are interested, please contact Carolyn Warnement (
Directory Spot: As a reminder, PTA members received access to the Windsor School Directory this fall. If you need help accessing your DirectorySpot account, please contact Heather Lepold at Calendar: The Windsor PTA calendar is available on our website. Please check back often as we will continue to keep it updated as more events are added this spring.
Kids Heart Challenge is almost here!!
We are so excited to partner with the American Heart Association to continue the tradition of Kids Heart Challenge at Windsor to help our students develop habits to keep their whole hearts healthy for their whole lives and to save lives from our nation’s number one killer, heart disease.
Want to get a jump start on keeping that heart of yours healthy?
Sign up HERE!
If your student raises $150 before our kick off on January 31, they will take home Captain KHC!
Can't wait to celebrate happy, healthy hearts! Kids Heart Challenge will run January 31- February 25. Thank you so much for your support, Windsor families!
Check out the 20 challenges that will be posted to your child's Seesaw.
Windsor's Goals for the Kids Heart Challenge
-Fundraising goal: $5,000
-Fin’s Mission Goal: 30 families to complete
-Goal of 75 Students to take the challenge to stay healthy
Get Burbed Challenge
Mark your calendars for April 30, 2022 for the 10th ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge! We are looking forward to having our district students, families and staff together again for our 5K and 1 Mile events! The ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge is the only district wide event and raises money to provide grants to teachers and staff through the ABC/25 Foundation. Please follow ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge on Facebook or Twitter for all race information or visit us at We hope to see all our Windsor Wildcats there!
Notes from the front office...
If your child will be tardy please leave a message on the Absence Hotline and indicate if they will need lunch.
If your child needs to leave school early please let the classroom teacher and the office know ahead of time when possible. This will assure your child is ready to leave when needed and will let your child know if dismissal plans have changed.
Nurses Notes:
Hello Parents!
--Please pack a change of clothes and extra masks in your child’s backpack--accidents happen!
--If your child shows symptoms of COVID: fever (100.4 or higher), headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches-- keep your all of your children home until the child with symptoms gets COVID tested and results are back.
--If your child is a CLOSE CONTACT of anyone with COVID, they must stay home and quarantine (with a person who is diagnosed with COVID for more than 15 min, in the classroom setting within 3 feet with mask or within 6 ft without a mask, outside of the classroom setting its within 6 feet masked or not). If that child develops symptoms while in quarantine, they must get tested with a PCR test.
Please contact me: or Kimmy Nylec regarding any COVID questions or if your child has symptoms.
Refer to: Covid information
Testing sites: Free of Charge:
● IDPH - Arlington Racetrack
○ Appointment Required (open M/W/F/Sat only, 8am - 4pm)
○ 309-308-4100
● IDPH - Harper College - U of I Shield Saliva Test
○ 1200 W. Algonquin Rd, Palatine
○ lobby of the performing arts center
○ Mondays 12-4 pm, Wed. 12-4,Thursdays 9:00-11:00am
○ need to fast for 1 hour prior to test and the person will be notified of test results in 24 hours
○ NO Appointment Required, Walk-in
● Walgreens-Antigen, PCR
○ 1000 E. Northwest Hwy, AH
○ 3 E Golf Rd., AH
○ 1711 W Campbell St., AH
○ Appointment Required
Any questions about your child and Shield should be directed to Stacey Mallek:
Have a great weekend and stay healthy!
Windsor School Nurse
Lunch Information
Please note that students who choose to pack a meal from home are invited to take a bag with milk that will also contain a fruit, vegetable, and grain at no charge. If your child has food allergies or food intolerances, please work with them to identify what they can consume from this bag, should they decide to pick it up.
All of these bagged items will be wrapped. If a student chooses not to consume all items, those may be placed on a table in the eating area so as to not be wasted.
As a reminder, lunch is free this school year for all District 25 students.
Thank you,
District 25 Food Services
American Heart Association
Do the holidays make you feel stressed and out of control? You aren’t alone! Stress may contribute to poor health behaviors linked to increased risk for heart disease and stroke, such as:
- Smoking
- Overeating
- Lack of physical activity
- Unhealthy diet
- Being overweight
- Not taking medications as prescribed
Click here to learn five simple tips to “de-stress” over the holidays.
Windsor Elementary School
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats