Wrangler Review
February Edition

February is here!
Hello Wrangler Families!
February is here and we are in learning mode. The groundhog saw his shadow so we are all ready for six more weeks of Winter! As the weather fluxuates back and forth between hot and cold, be sure you remind your students to grab their jackets. Our lost and found will build back up quick!
For our 5th grade students, it is time to start thinking about the transition to middle school! Please be sure to see the section below to make sure you know which middle school your child is zoned to attend. Our 5th graders were able to go to Crownover last week to learn about the different fine arts offering of our district. After the 5th grade transition night, we will have counselors from McMath and Crownover on campus to help students start building their schedules.
We look forward to seeing you next week at our Literacy Night and parents are welcomed to come to Valentine's Parties. The time of parties is in the information below. This is a busy semester and we look forward to partnering with you to make it a great semester!
It is a great MONTH to be a Wrangler!
Dr. Lokey and Mrs. Hart
What goes on my family's calendar?
5th Grade Transition Night - Monday, February 10th
Time: 6:30
We encourage you to read the information below regarding 5th grade transition and attend the transition night of the campus your child is zoned to attend.
Milk and Bookies Family Literacy Night - Tuesday, February 11th
Time: 5:30 - 7:00
Come enjoy a family night focused on literacy! There will be lots of entertaining read alouds, fun activties, and free books for students to take home. Additionally, we will host our Family Night at the Book Fair on this day as well for those who would like to purchase new books.
Spring Book Fair - February 10th - 14th
We look forward to hosting another book fair that will help get new books in the hands of our students as well as serve as a fundraiser for the library! If you would like to volunteer to work the fair, here is the sign-up genius to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DADAB22ABF9C25-54801595-book#/
Valentine's Day Parties and Early Release - Friday, February 14th
Please be on the lookout from your child's teacher about party specifics and how you can get invovled to help. Please be prepared to show your ID when you sign in before going to class parties. Here are the party times below:
Prekindergarten: 10:00
Kindergarten: 10:30
1st Grade: 9:30
2nd Grade: 8:30
3rd Grade: 10:30
4th Grade: 10:00
5th Grade: 9:30
AFS: 8:30
FLS: 10:30
Middle School Transition Information
Denton ISD's 5th Grade Transition Night will be hosted at each middle school campus on Monday, February 10th at 6:30. You will need to go to your child's middle school to learn about that campus. The campus administration will cover basic expectations of middle school as well as course content. We highly encourage everyone to attend.
To learn which middle school your student is zoned to attend based on address, enter your address in the school locator link: https://eduloggps.dentonisd.org/livewq/webquery/
Other dates to be aware of as the parent of a 5th grader:
- February 20th @ 9 AM- McMath MS counselors visit Ryan and help students sign up for courses (students only and the information will be shared with parents)
- February 21st @ 8:45 AM- Crownover MS counselors visit and help students sign up for courses (students only and the information will be shared with parents)
To learn more about 6th grade fine arts electives, view the video for your child’s assigned campus.
Calhoun, Crownover, Myers, Navo, Rodriguez, or Strickland Middle Schools:
- English https://youtu.be/RLaNxNlDJqA
- Spanish https://youtu.be/1pCKEg2v-xE
Cheek, Harpool, or McMath:
- English https://youtu.be/WzF1rRP8iU4
- Spanish https://youtu.be/uaAXXQwI28I
Early Release - Friday, February 14th
Denton ISD will provide engagement for students on the upcoming early release day, February 14th, 2025, from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm for elementary children. The Extended School Day program will coordinate with each campus to provide engaging activities for students while teachers are participating in Professional Learning Communities. In addition, Denton ISD transportation will be provided at both the early release time (12:00pm) and the regular release time (3:00 pm) for all eligible elementary bus students. If you indicate on the form that your child will ride the bus, please notify the ESD office 24 hours prior to the Early Release Day if there has been a change in pick up plan.
Parents must sign up each month to participate. If your student currently attends ESD, you do not need to sign up. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Extended School Day office at 940-369-0080. Participation in this opportunity will require completion of the form below. All forms must be submitted no later than midnight on Saturday, February 8th, 2025 to participate.
English Form: https://forms.gle/pR78gnn5kHNLQDk98
Spanish Form: https://forms.gle/R9hG6LGs68bbLeSt6
W. S. Ryan Campus Refresh - Summer of 2025
As we progress throughout the Spring, we are having to do some "spring cleaning" and getting spaces cleared out so that we can do our part to make sure construction begins on time. Additionally, our office staff will be housed at McMath Middle School throughout the Summer of 2025. We will make sure this information continues to be shared with families, but we wanted to begin communicating early becase you will see the campus begin to be cleared of items and things as we go through the spring to make way for a beautiful transformation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Save the Dates
Fine Arts Night
Date: Friday, March 28th
Time: TBD (Evening event)
Mrs. K and Ms. Archuleta are hard at work with a fun Fine Arts night that will be kicked off with a Talent Show from our very talented Wranglers. Be on the lookout for more information!
Field Day
Date: Friday, May 2nd (Make-up day will be Friday, May 9th in case of bad weather)
Time: Most of the Day
As we get closer, your child's teacher and Coach Ferrer will share more information. We wanted you to get the date on your calendar. For parents wondering about sibilings attending Field Day to watch, non-school-aged siblings may attend as long as they are being monitored by the parent and school-aged siblings may not attend unless they are volunteering with a high school organization and under the supervision of their sponsor. If you know of any high school organization that would like to participate, please let Coach Ferrer know the name of the organization (sport, fine arts group, or club) and sponsor's name and he will reach out to their sponsor. Thank you for understanding!
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Time: 6:00-7:30
Location: WS Ryan Cafeteria
We are adjusting this event to an evening celebration with a punch and cookie reception immediately following. This will be an opportunity to celebrate your child's elementary school careers and the campus will be available to take photos so you can remember what the school was like with your student before major rennovations. Be on the lookout for information on how to volunteer to help put on a spectacular event for our students.
Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony
Date: Friday, May 16th
Time: Morning, time is TBD
Our Kindergarten team will communicate more specific details about our Kindergarten promotion ceremony as we get closer to the date and will need parent volunteers to help put on a successful event. We wanted you to have this on your calendar so that you can make sure family can be in attendance.
5th Grade Clap-out
Date: Friday, May 23
Time: 9:00 am
Our 5th grade students will do a final lap through the hallways of W. S. Ryan with their former teachers and the students sending them off with lots of love, cheers, and hugs! We would love for 5th grade parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to join us in the Commons and OLE at 8:15 for coffee and donuts as we say thank you for all you have done for WS Ryan before lining up to send out your 5th graders to McMath or Crownover. Please bring signs, pom poms, and all the noise to say "Great Job and Go be Great!" to our leaders moving on to the next phase of their education. As soon as the clap out is over, you may sign your studnet out or they may return to their 5th grade classrooms to finish up the year with their friends.
Campus Information
Lost and Found
With our Texas weather, it is very easy for children to wear nice jackets in the morning and take them off at recess, PE, or lunch and walk away from them. Teachers try to remind students go grab their jackets but they still get left behind from time to time.
Lunch Accounts and Cafeteria Information
Did you know that at https://www.schoolcafe.com/dentonisd you can set spending limits, auto-replenish lunch accounts, or select what days your student can get snacks? Our cafeteria offers "snacks" for purchase everyday... things like chips, ice cream, or sparkling juices. As much as we try to get students to eat their protein and veggies before snacks, some students will spend their lunch eating just snacks. Without you setting the limits on their account, there is little we can do. We just want to make you aware of this spending control... as a mom, I need this because the Lokey boys can run up a cafeteria bill rather quickly with ice cream and juices!
Be sure to bring your ID!
When coming to campus for any reason, please have your ID out and ready to show to the camera before entering the building. Mrs. Place or Mrs. Rodriguez will ask your purpose for entering the building. After you are welcomed into the building, please keep your ID out. You will be asked to show it to the receptionists while you are completing the student sign-out or visitor check-in on the computer.
Campus Deliveries for Students
PTA Spotlight!
New Website - https://sites.google.com/view/wsryanpta/home
Our PTA has created a new website to keep you up to date on all things W. S. Ryan PTA. Check in for updates!
Join PTA!
Don't forget to join our PTA. You can sign up at joinpta.org. They not only do great things for our campus but they are another communication point to keep you up to date on the great things at W. S. Ryan!
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events and Staff Birthdays
- 5th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Deussen, Campus Behavior Specailist!!
- 10th thru 14th - Spring Book Fair
- 11th - Family Literacy and Stem Night (Late Night Book Fair Shopping)
- 14th - Valentine's Class Parties
- 14th - Early Release
- 17th - No School
- 27th and 28th - Waking with the Wranglers
- 28th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Kaplan, FLS Teacher!!
- 3rd - 5th - Read Across America
- 6th - Boosterthon Fun Run
- 7th - Early Release and BIG ART DAY on campus!
- 10th thru 14th - Spring Break
- 17th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Cortes, 4th Grade Bilingual Teacher!!
- 18th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Coyne, Primary Reading Interventionist!!
- 21st - Rockin' Wrangler Celebration
- 22nd - Happy Birthday, Ms. Mangana, Child Nutrition Specialist!!
- 24th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Place, Receptionist!!
- 26th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Conrad, Kindergarten Teacher!!
- 28th - Fine Arts Night and Talent Show
- 30th - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Sallee, 1st Grade Teacher!!
- 31st - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Yeni, Bilingual Pre-K Assistant!!
Helpful Links
- Denton ISD Calendar
- Absence Form - Use this form to submit your absence notes.
- W. S. Ryan Counselor's Page
- W. S. Ryan Facebook Page - Follow us and check out our page periodically. We will post the most up-to-date information on this page as well as frequent posts highlighting the great things happening in our classrooms.
- W. S. Ryan Website
- Arrival and Dismissal Site - The date is the only thing that is incorrect on this website. All other information is accurate. We are working on getting a new campus webmaster so dates can be updated.