22-23 FHS Weekly Update #36
Week of April 17 - 21, 2023
Third Marking Period Grades - Ready for Viewing (see graphic below)
Senior Attendance Appeals Distributed April 27th & due May 4th
No School - Monday, May 1st - Professional Development Day
AP & IB Exams - May 1st through May 18th
FAFSA - State Deadline is Monday, May 1st - REMINDER
Prom - May 6th - see graphic below for more information
Last Full Day of Classes for Seniors - May 9th
Deadline for Completion of Online Classes (Seniors) - Friday May 12th
Third Marking Period Report Cards - Now Viewable in Parent Vue
Third Marking Period: 40% of semester grade
Fourth Marking Period: 40% of semester grade
Final Exams (May-June): 20% of semester grade
2023-24 Online Re-registration for Current Students begins April 11th
Online enrollment for new students and the registration of current students will be open on March 1, 2023, with mandatory prompting beginning April 11th.
- New families will want to create a Parent Vue account to enroll students.
- Current FAPS families will login to your existing Parent Vue account to add new students and/or update your current students' information. NOTE: If you are a current FAPS family and having trouble logging into your account please contact Amanda Mogford at amogford@fentonschools.org. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
- Enrollment info link:
Make-up Testing from Week of April 10 - 14th
Make-up Testing
- Tuesday, April 25 will be SAT Make-up
- Wednesday, April 26 will be PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 Make-up
- Wednesday, April 26 - SAT +writing - start of school (See Shelly)
- Thursday, April 27 will be ACT WorkKeys Make-up
- Friday, April 28 with M-STEP Make-up
April - Week #4 - April 24 - 28, 2023
- Voting form for Student Council sent to Student Body
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Tuesday (4/25/23) -
- Healthcare Workforce Development Program Informational Meeting during SRT (see graphic below)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Wednesday (4/26/23) - Administrative Assistants' Day
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Operating Engineers Field Trip
Thursday (4/27/23)
- College Visit: Ferris State University at 9:35 a.m.
- Senior Attendance Appeals distributed in SRT (see graphic below)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Friday (4/28/23)
- Deadline to order NHS stole for graduation.
- Esports Fundraiser in Project Room - 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Congratulations 2023-24 NHS Executive Board
Congratulations goes out to the 2023-23 NHS Executive Board members who were voted into their positions after speeches last week.
2023-2024 NHS Executive Board election results are:
President: Emma Minock
Vice-President: Ian Mills
Secretary: Mark Behnfeldt
Treasurer: Landon Nguyen
Parliamentarian: Paige Bakker
Public Relations: Marissa Frazier
Historian: Josie Xiong
National Honor Society - Stole for Graduation - Order Deadline - April 28th
Seniors who are members of NHS and want a NHS stole for graduation need to see Mrs. Hazlett in room 3-155.
The cost of the NHS stole is $26 and checks can be made payable to Fenton High School. These stoles are a keepsake and, if purchased, you will be able to keep them. Students qualifying for free & reduced lunch should speak with Mrs. Hazlett. Order deadline is April 28th.
NHS Induction on May 4th @6:30 pm in the Main Gym with a cake reception to follow.
Athletic Schedule
2nd Semester Attendance Appeals
Seniors will have until Thursday, May 4th, to complete and turn his/her Attendance Appeal to the basket in the Main Office.
Underclassmen Appeals will be distributed during SRT on Tuesday, May 16th and will be due to the basket in the Main Office on Friday, May 26th.
May: Week #1 - May 1st - May 6th -
- No School - Professional Development Day for Staff
- AP US Government Testing (a.m.)
- DEEP & Dual Enrollment Meeting at 9:30 a.m. (SRT) in Lecture Room (see graphic below for more info)
- Board of Education Meeting at Administration Building - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday (5/2/23) -
- Last Day to work on door in SRT for Door Decorating Contest
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Wednesday (5/3/23) -
- Forensic Science Field Trip to Fire Station
- NO AST due to Staff Meeting
- Staff Meeting - 2:40 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.
Thursday (5/4/23)
- AP Statistics Testing (p.m.)
- Door Decorating Contest Winners Announced
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Senior Attendance Appeals due to basket in Main Office.
- NHS Induction - 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Friday (5/5//23)
- AP U.S. History Testing (a.m.)
Saturday (5/6/23)
- Prom on the Detroit Princess Boat
DEEP & Dual Enrollment - SRT Meeting - Tuesday, May 2nd in Lecture Room
DEEP & Dual Enrollment Students: Tuesday, May 2, 9:30 a.m.: there will be a meeting in the Lecture Room during SRT for students who have participated in DEEP or traditional dual enrollment this year.
Students will be walked through how to send their official MCC/UM-Flint transcripts to their four-year colleges, how to calculate the college credits they've earned, and what to do with those credits when they meet with their new advisors to schedule courses for their first few semesters of college.
Making Our School Better - Anonymous Student Survey
I am seeking input regarding your vision of what it means to be a Fenton Tiger, and the legacy that it carries even after students leave FHS.
After 18 years, I believe there are fundamental characteristics of being a Tiger that will always be ingrained in our students and community. At the same time, however, I also recognize some traits may have evolved.
As a lifelong learner, I value opportunities to collaborate, brainstorm, dialogue, and facilitate ways of making FHS a better place. To do this effectively, I need your help.
Please take a moment to fill out the attached survey to better inform me and other district stakeholders of your views regarding being a Tiger.
The survey, although short, does ask you to think deeply about what it currently means and what it should mean. This survey was also shared with FHS staff a little over a week ago for their input.
This survey is completely anonymous, and the results will be tabulated by an independent third party and shared with FHS Administration. I welcome your opinions and feedback as we work to make FHS a better place.
May: Week #1 - May 8 - 12th
- AP Calculus Testing (a.m.)
- AP Computer Science Testing (p.m.)
- IB Math SL Testing (p.m.)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Tuesday (5/9/23) -
- IB History Testing (p.m.)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Last Day for Classes for Seniors!!!!
Wednesday (5/10/23) -
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Senior Exams - Day #1 - Hours 1 & 2
Thursday (5/11/23)
- IB History HL Testing (a.m.)
- IB Chemistry Testing (p.m.)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Friday (5/12/23)
- Deadline for all Senior Online Classes to be complete
- IB Chemistry Testing (a.m.)
- Seniors Exams: Day #2 - Hours 5 & 6
- Ambassadors' Finale at 7:30 p.m. in FHS Auditorium
Saturday (5/13/23)
- Ambassadors' Finale at 7:30 p.m. in FHS Auditorium
Sunday (5/14/23) - Mother's Day
Fenton Ambassadors Upcoming Show - Friday, May 12th & Saturday, May 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Seniors - Wear Your College, Military, & Trade School Swag Day - May 9th
This is FHS Seniors last full Day of School and we want to celebrate their accomplishments in a visual way!!!
Seniors Taking Online Classes - Deadline for Completion - Friday, May 12th
May: Week #3 - May 15th - 19th
- IB French HL (a.m.)
- IB Economics SL (p.m.)
- Senior Exams - 3rd & 4th Hours
- Early Middle College Students - Meeting 12:45 to 2:00 p.m. in Project Room (see graphic below for more info)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Tuesday (5/16/23) -
- IB Economics SL (a.m.)
- IB Spanish HL (p.m.)
- Underclassmen Attendance Appeals distributed in SRT
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Local Scholarship Night
Wednesday (5/17/23) -
- IB Spanish HL Testing (a.m.)
- IB Biology HL Testing (p.m.)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Choir Concert - 7:30 p.m.
Thursday (5/18/23)
- IB Biology HL Testing (a.m.)
- AST from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Friday (5/19/23)
- No IB Exams
- Drama Day - Drama Performance - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday (5/13/23)
Sunday (5/14/23) - Mother's Day
Early Middle College Celebration - Seniors & Years 13 - Cords & Diplomas - May 15th
Early Middle College Students, there is a Celebration Program for Year 12 (who will receive this MCC graduation cords) and Year 13 (who will receive their FHS diplomas) on Monday, May 15th between 12:45 - 2:00 in the Project Room.
Early Middle College students in Grade 11 and Grade 10 new EMC will also be invited to attend.
Local Scholarship Night - May 16th (by invitation only)
Applications for local scholarships were due on March 21st, and the donors are meeting during the month of April to select their winners from the pool of applicants.
Notifications will be sent out once donors have made their selections.
May: Week #4: May 22 - 26th - FHS Graduation
- AST - 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Tuesday (5/23/23)
- Mandatory Graduation Practice 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- AST - 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
Wednesday (5/24/23)
- AST - 2:40 to 3:40 p.m. (There will be NO AST on Thursday, 5/25/23).
Thursday (5/25/23)
- Mandatory Graduation Practice 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
- Senior Walk at 8:45 a.m. (weather permitting).
- Senior Honors Assembly from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Main Gym
- Graduation 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - Location TBA (depends on weather)
- Project Graduation - 9:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. at AGS Middle School Friday (5/26/23)
- Underclassmen Attendance appeals due in basket in Main Office
- Last Day for 11th Graders to attend GCI
Elementary Clap Out - May 23rd from 3:05 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
May/June: Last Week of School/Exams for Underclassmen
Tuesday (5/30/23)
- Exam Review - Hours 1, 2, 3, 4
Wednesday (5/31/23)
- Day #1 Exams - Hours 1 & 2
- Exam Review - Hours 5 & 6
Thursday (6/1/23) - Half Day
- Exams - Hours 3 & 4
Friday (6/2/23)- Half Day/Last Day of School
- Exams - Hours 5 & 6
Yearbook Information
If you would like to order, see the information below. While we may have a few overrun copies available at distribution, we do not purchase extra to sell at distribution.
Yearbook ordering link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/jcom/router.mvc?affiliateId=1064455
Yearbook ordering QR code (see image below).
Secondly, the Fentonian is a fall delivery book and will be available at schedule pickup. Schedule pickup typically takes place around the second week in August.
Seniors, you can also pick your book up during this time, arrange to have someone else pick it up for you, or pick it up in the office after schedule pickup has passed.
We will also have autograph inserts available for seniors at senior breakfast that can later be affixed to the back of the yearbook.
Yearbook QR Code
Summer School - Enroll by June 19th by 12:00 noon, Classes begin June 21st
Do you need to make up credits (see credit chart button below )or are you trying to get some classes out of the way, so you can take more core/electives in the future? Whatever the reason, consider Fenton High School's online summer school program.
Enrollment Deadline: Due by Thursday, June 22nd by NOON.
Summer School Start Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023.
Summer School End Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023.
Cost: Full rate: $155.00 per class (max of two classes)
Reduced rate: $90.00 per class (reduced lunch qualified students)
Free rate: $60.00 per class (free lunch qualified students) -
Classes must be paid in full at time of registration or the class(es) will not be loaded into the student's electronic file. Checks payable to: Fenton High School, cash, or E-funds.
Open Lab (optional): There will be an Open Lab on Tues, Wed, and Thursday starting 6/27/23 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for students needing assistance or a place to work.
Students who pay in full in the Early Enrollment Window (May 22-June 20) will have access to their coursework within 2 business days and can begin working early. Materials will not get graded until the actual start of summer school term 6/27.
FHS Online Summer School classes will be loaded and students sent his/her user name and password their school gmail account.
FHS Office
- Call by NOON the day after an absence to excuse it.
- Use Parent Drop Off - Do not drop students in other lots.
- Door Dash, or any other food delivery, is NOT permitted.
- Call early for a dismissals, so passes can be issued early in the day to students.
- All students should CHECK OUT in the Main Office.
- Student vehicles MUST be registered to park on campus. Students are NOT allowed to go to vehicles during the school day.
- Closed Campus - students are NOT to leave campus without administrative permission.
- Math Lab - Every 4th hour & lunch for any student.
- After School Tutoring - Mon thru Thursday from 2:40 to 3:40 p.m. Permission slip below
- Read the Weekly Update (sent every Friday) for important updates & deadlines!!!
Attendance Reminder - Call (810) 591-2609 by Noon the Next Day
Students are permitted a maximum of 10 absences (or the equivalent) of 10 absences per semester (not marking period) There are two semesters per year (Aug - mid-January & mid-January to June). Every tardy equal 1/2 of an absence. There are two kinds of Attendance Codes at FHS.
Count Absences (which count towards the 10 days of absence)
1. A = Unexcused Absence
2. C = Court
3. P = Parent excused
4. S (or OSS) = Suspended
5. T = Tardy (two tardies = 1 absence)
6. V = Vacation
7. X = Unexcused absence, student entered more than 5 minutes late
No Count Absences (which do not count towards the 10 days of absence)
1. B = Homebound/Hospitalized
2. D = Administrative Discretion
3. TE = Tardy, excused by parent (only allowed for 1st hour)
4. F = Funeral
5. K = School Activitiy/Field Trip
6. M = Medical
7. O = Office
8. Z = Calendar conflict with GCI or other off campus program
Traffic Safety Reminders
All drivers are reminded that the loop to the south of the high school where the Main Entrance is located is reserved each morning (7:00-7:45 a.m.) and afternoon (2:15 to 2:45 p.m.) for school buses only.
Anyone dropping off or picking up students should use the Parent loop accessible from Donaldson Drive. Those who are dropping off or picking up students in the Parent loop should follow signage provided to keep traffic moving. Parking lots should NOT be used for student pick-up/drop off.
Please follow these traffic procedures to ensure the safety of all FHS students and staff.
Athletics & Activities
Fenton Makes Esports Playoffs
April 17 | Top 64 SSBU & Top 32 RL
April 18 | Top 8 LOL
April 19 | Top 32 SSBU & Top 16 RL
April 21 | Top 16 SSBU & Top 8 RL
April 25 | Top 8 SSBU, Top 4 RL & Top 4 LOL
April 29 | Top 4 & Finals for SSBU and Finals for RL & LOL (In-Person)
Most of the playoff games are played virtually right from your own school so be sure to stop in, wish the coaches and students good luck, and even watch a match.
In-person championships take place on Saturday, April 29th at Western Michigan University. Whether or not your school makes the finals, we will have a great day of finals matches for League of Legends & Rocket League, as well as semi-finals and finals matches for Super Smash Bros. An agenda-at-a-glance is below:
10:00 A.M. | League of Legends Championship
1:45 P.M. | Rocket League Championship
3:30 P.M. | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Championship
Teaching & Learning
Ambassadors Perform in Battle Creek
Also performing were vocal music groups from Ann Arbor Skyline High School, Orchardview High School and, of course, Lakeview High School.
Congratulations - Cohort #4 - Genesee County CTE Early Middle College Students
The Genesee County Career and Technical Early Middle College will graduate its fourth cohort of
students in May 2023. We are proud to announce the Fenton students who have participated in this program:
1. Jacob Burrell
2. Annabeth Carnes
3. Brett Jackman
4. Stone Kolb
To recognize these graduates, a celebration luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at the Genesee Career Institute Conference Center from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Field Trip to Tiger Stadium on April 19th
Afterwards, students and chaperones got to stay and watch a Tigers baseball game. Although they lost 3-2, the experience was a great one!
Positivity Project: Theme: Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Appreciation of beauty and excellence means you notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. You don’t take things for granted.
Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is the ability to identify and enjoy that which is admirable in the world. There are three types of goodness in which positive psychology focuses: physical beauty (e.g. a sunset, a song, or building); an exceptional skill or talent; and moral goodness (e.g. a character strength). Appreciation of beauty can generate awe; appreciation of a skill can generate admiration; and appreciation of moral goodness can generate moral elevation. All of these feelings (awe, admiration, and moral elevation) help us forget ourselves and find increased joy and meaning in the world.
Appreciating excellence and beauty helps an individual experience positive emotions and connect to the world around them. It’s an outward facing strength, meaning the individual is focused on the world outside their head. And, not only is the individual outwardly focused, but often deeply absorbed in a sense of awe or admiration, freeing them to forget anxieties and troubles. And it is associated with other strengths, such as gratitude, curiosity, love of learning, and purpose.
Link to Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/zachary_betz_the_benefits_of_autism/transcript?language=en
FHS Newcast
Senior Class of 2023 - Important Information
Tri County Times & Class of 2023
The Tri County Times wants to honor the Class of 2023 and are asking all seniors to email a senior photo to them. They will publish it in an upcoming edition.
Please submit photos to Tri-County Times at comp@tctimes.com. Please include the graduate's name and school for publication. You can start submitting ASAP, and they will continue to publish new photos throughout the graduation season.
FAFSA Tracker Info for the Class of 2023
FAFSA Tracker -
Class of 2023 for Fenton High School - 148 out of 278 Seniors
Class of 2022 for Fenton High School - 177 out of 282 Seniors
Class of 2021 for Fenton High School - 158 out of 298 Seniors
Did you know, you MUST complete a FAFSA for qualify for Student Loans & and the new Michigan Achievement Scholarship? Don't delay.
Link to FAFSA:
GO Scholarship - Class of 2023
The Genesee Opportunity (GO) stipend provides Genesee County high school graduates with money for college, career training, or certification licensing fees. (Click on the Career & College Readiness newsletter - link below in this newsletter).
Class of 2023 - Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Starting with the high school Class of 2023, students will be eligible for more financial aid from the State, up to:
- Up to $2,750 if they attend a community college, per year
- Up to $5,500 if they attend a public university, per year
- Up to $4,000 if they attend a private college or university, per year
Click on the Career & College Readiness Newsletter - link below in this newsletter for more info).
Dimes for Diapers
Collection dates are April 1st to April 30th!
Financial Plus Credit Union - Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors - Apply by 5/5/23
March 1st through May 5th, 2023 Financial Plus Credit Union will be accepting applications for its “You are the Future” scholarship and awarding 5 scholarships of $1,000.00 to recipients based on attaining all eligibility requirements and short essay content. The scholarship recipients will be announced on May 19th.
Eligible candidates must meet the following requirements:
1. Candidate must be a current Michigan resident.
2. Candidate must be either a high school student graduating in 2023 with a minimum grade point average(GPA) of 3.0 or a current full-time college, trade school or university student with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be able to provide current school transcript of grades.
3. Candidate must complete the application with a short essay (500 words or less) on how the candidate will make a positive impact in our community and submit the application and essay with an official copy of their current transcript and one letter of recommendation from a legal adult other than a relative.
4. Except as provided in the rules, the candidate must be enrolled in an accredited college or university by July 7, 2023.
Scholarship Packages may be dropped off at any Financial Plus Credit Union Branch Office by 5:00 P.M. EST on May 5, 2023, OR uploaded to choose https://www.myfpcu.com/documents-portal department Marketing by 5:00 P.M. EST on May 5, 2023.
The application is also located on the Financial Plus Credit Union website at https://www.myfpcu.com/scholarship. Any questions, contact ckolasinski@myfpcu.com or (810)-244-2961.
From the Office of Career & College Readiness
In this week's newsletter:
- 🌎🌞🌳10 best Earth Day activities happening in Michigan this weekend
- 📣📣LAST CALL for MICCD Field Trip!!📣📣
- Juniors & Seniors interested in a healthcare career- CHECK THIS OUT!
- CTE field trip to Comerica Park
- Skilled trades are booming!
- April tasks for high school seniors
- Career Exploration with XELLO
- Positivity Project- Appreciating Beauty & Excellence
- Simon Says...
- College visits calendar
- NEW April scholarship opportunities
- College Board & Parchment Accounts
- *NEW* Current job postings
Technology Links
See FHS Website - "Our Parents" or "Our Students" for Technology Info
Google Take Out for Seniors - Do BEFORE August 1st
Seniors should check his/her school Gmail for directions on how to download any and all work from his/her Google Workspace (@fentonschools.org) accout. The process is very easy, and takes only a few minutes to get going. This is an optional process for all of you.
With that in mind, please be aware that your @fentonschools account will be deleted on August 1, 2023. Your data will not be saved or archived by Fenton Area Public Schools. If you want data in your Google account for post-secondary, it is to follow the Google Takeout steps emailed to your student Gmail BEFORE August 1st.
Google Classroom - How to JOIN A Class
All FHS Students - Join Classes in Google Classroom
After getting your schedule online via Parent/Student Vue, ALL FHS students should go into the Google Classroom and enter the "Class Codes" for the correct hour and class taught by his/her teachers.
To "join" the Google Classroom for all of your classes follow these three steps:
1. Check your FHS gmail for a Google Classroom invite from your teacher.
2. If there is no invite, log into Google Classroom to see if the classroom is there to JOIN. You are looking for a JOIN code.
3. Email your teacher (ex. jane doe = jdoe@fentonschools.org). You can find the first initial of your teacher's first name on your schedule.
Note: Parents can also JOIN a class in Google Classroom to view grades, assignments, handouts, etc.
Social-Emotional Health & Wellness
Prescription Drop Off
COVID Reminders
- Call Attendance Office to report at (810) 591-2609.
- Quarantine at home for five days.
- May return to school, if symptoms have resolved, wearing a mask for Days 6-10.
Symptoms include:
Temperature 100.4 or signs of fever (chills/sweating)
Sore throat
New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing
Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
New onset of severe headache
New loss of taste or smell
Congestion or runny nose (more than usual)
Cultivating Wellness Newsletter from the Genesee Intermediate School District
October Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/s4xdt
November Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/5nf2e
December Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/09xp4
January Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/fvn2rw
February Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/jc6et
March Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/ayxv2
May Newsletter Link: https://www.smore.com/98muv
FHS & Easter Seals
FHS has partnered with Easterseals of Michigan. Easterseals offers school-based therapy with an onsite clinician 5 days per week including:
- Individual, family & group therapy utilizing evidence-based interventions.
- Specialized training & support services for parents & teachers
- Connections to numerous community resources
- Less time missed at work/school
- Fewer transportation conflicts
- Students can make appointments when convenient (avoiding test days, etc.)
Please contact the Counseling Department for more information at (810) 591-2612.
OK 2 Say (available in the App Store and Google Play Store)
Call: 1-8-555-OK2SAY
Text: 652729
Email: ok2say@mi.gov
Website: www.mi.gov/ok2say
Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Did you know? Every school student identification card now has a contact name and phone number for Suicide Prevention, as mandated by law. If you are in crisis, or know someone who needs help, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline NOW at:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Kinship Care
Give them a TOLL FREE call at 800-535-1218 (Monday - Friday, 9-4 PM).
WEBSITE: kinship.msu.edu EMAIL: kinship@msu.edu
FEELING HELPLESS - the Fenton Area Resources & Referral Network (aka FARR) can help. If you need assistance, and are in the Fenton, Lake Fenton, or Linden school districts, FARR can help with emergency assistance and resources. Call or email them using the info below.
P.O. Box 529
Fenton, MI 48430
Phone - (810) 750-6244
Fax - (810) 885-0286
Email - FARRNetworkHelp@gmail.com
Follow Us on Social Media!!!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fentonhs48430
Instagram: @fenton_hs
Twitter: @Fenton_HS
Fenton High School
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.
FHS Administration:
Michael Bakker, Principal
Zachary Bradley, Assistant Principal:
Laura Lemke, Assistant Principal:
Edward Uhrik, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal:
Elizabeth Elsesser - Last Names A - F:
Michelle Pietraszkiewicz - Last Names G - N:
Craig Golembiewski - Last Names O - Z:
Career & College Readiness Coordinator:
Lindsay Grady:
Email: mbakker@fentonschools.org
Website: www.fentonschools.org
Location: 3200 West Shiawassee Avenue, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-2600