On January 16th, we reached our 100th Day of School! We are more than half way through the school year. It seems to be flying by at record speed this year! Maybe because we have such amazing students and families supporting us!
January was a busy month. Students returned from Winter Break ready to tackle the 2nd semester of school. It took a day or two to get back into routine, but the students quickly adjusted. Our 3rd-5th grade students are starting to place more focus on test preparation. State testing will begin the end of March. Students had a fun visit from Reid Park Zoo! They came and did a presentation for our students and brought some animals with them (see pictures below!). January 26th - February 1st was National School Choice Week! We did several activities with students and families to celebrate. We ended the week with a special appreciation breakfast for our families! We are grateful that you chose Academy Adventures Midtown to be your child's place of learning! We value your support!
As we enter into February, we will begin our push for re-enrollment for the 2025-26 school year. Watch for pre-registration forms to go home. We will also be accepting new registrations for the coming year. Please encourage friends and family to enroll!
Thank you for your continued support of your children and the school!
A special thank you to all of our families for choosing Academy Adventures Midtown to educate your child! We are so proud of our students! We had a great turnout at our event and we appreciate your support of the children! The students did an awesome dance performance and our 4th and 5th grade students (Starrlina, Cristian, Warren, Nicholas, Nathan & Benji) wrote an amazing song about the Academy Adventures Midtown! We hope all the families who were able to attend the Family Appreciation Breakfast on the 31st of January had as much fun as we did!
As a reminder, Academy Adventures Midtown is part of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. All students eat for free. If you chose to send a breakfast or lunch with your child, please remember the following:
- No Fast Food
- No Potato Chips of any kind
- Only Water or 100% Juice for drinks
- No Candy, Cake, Cookies, etc.
- We cannot refrigerate or warm up any food
Any foods that fall into the categories above will be collected and sent home at the end of the day with the child.
Please Note: If your child brings lunch, then we do not give them a school lunch. If your child brings a lunch and also wants a school lunch, we will give them one after they finish their lunch from home AND if there are any trays left AFTER all the students who did not bring lunch have been served. In addition, students must take the whole tray, even if they do not want all of the items on it. They do not have to eat them, but they do have to take them. We can only serve full trays for both breakfast and lunch.
If you have any questions regarding breakfast or lunch, please contact Mrs. Angela.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
FEBRUARY 14, 2025
Join us for lunch on World Kindness Day! We will be providing lunch and have some fun activities that coincide with Kindness Day! Come enjoy some time with your child(ren)!
World Kindness Day ties in with our Social Emotional Program (SEL) and promotes a safe, positive learning environment for our students.
FEBRUARY 6 & 7, 2025
Mandatory Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! We require all parents to schedule a time to meet with Miss Denise. These conferences are very important. As we approach the end of the school year, it is a good time to look at your child's progress and determine if there are any concerns regarding your child advancing to the next grade level.
Conferences are a time to discuss your child's academic progress. Conferences last 15 minutes per child, and if you have more than one child, the conferences can be done at the same time. Conferences are not a time for other discussions, we ask that you schedule another time for other concerns.
You can schedule your time in the Class Dojo events posted by Miss Denise. Choose the time that best meets your schedule. If none of the times work, please reach out to Miss Denise directly. We appreciate everyone's participation!
Attendance is crucial to your child's academic success. There has been a slight decrease in tardies since we returned from Winter Break! Thank you for helping to make sure your child(ren) are on time to school. It makes a difference.
As a reminder, core instruction (Math, Reading & Language Arts) is done first thing in the morning. If your child arrives late, they are missing very important academic instruction. Missing the direct core instruction from the teacher causes students to get behind and feel lost and/or frustrated. It is very important to arrive at school BEFORE 8:15 AM. If your child will be eating breakfast they must arrive before 8:00 AM.
February is when we begin to push enrollment for the coming year, 2025-2026. Watch for the Re-Registration forms to be sent home. We will also be accepting new enrollments for the Fall.
We want to continue to provide the best education we can to your children by offering small class sizes that focus on positive behaviors and build on each child's individual strengths. To continue to provide this opportunity to our students, we need to increase our enrollment. Our goal is to grow the school by 15-20 students. A safe, positive learning environment will continue to be our focus, allowing every child to build on their strengths and become confident, excited learners.
If you have any questions regarding the program, please speak with Mrs. Angela or Miss Denise. Thank you for your continued support!
Dear Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones in good health and high spirits. As we continue our journey through the school year, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s education. Together, we can create a nurturing and enriching environment for our students.
Important Announcements:
Rest and Sleep: Please remember the importance of your children getting plenty of rest during the school week. Many students are feeling tired and struggling throughout the day, which can hinder their learning.
Screen Time Awareness: We encourage you to read our article on the effects of too much screen time before bed, especially during the school week.
Character Strength for February: Integrity is our strength for the month of February. We will be focusing on this important value in all our classrooms.
Math Learning:
Lower elementary students are working on addition and subtraction.
Upper elementary students are mastering their multiplication and division facts.
Reading and Writing:
Lower elementary students, especially Kindergarten, are mastering their letters and sounds to begin reading and are writing sentences and stories.
Upper elementary students will be focusing on Informational Text in the coming month and preparing for state testing.
Celebrations from the Month:
Back to Learning: Our students have returned from winter break ready to learn, focusing on all academic areas, and continuing to build their academic strengths.
Strength of the Month: January’s strength was Gratitude. Students reflected on the things they are grateful for, which has fostered a positive learning environment.
School Choice Week: We wrapped up School Choice Week with hot chocolate and donuts on Friday, January 31st, along with various activities celebrating our strength of Gratitude.
Zoo Visit: The Reid Park Zoo visited us, bringing some of their animals. Students were excited to learn about their habitats and had the unique opportunity to see and touch a few animals, sparking more questions and curiosity about wildlife.
We are continuously working to support our students’ growth and development in all areas. Your involvement is key to their success, and we appreciate all that you do at home to reinforce what I teach in school.
Thank you for your ongoing support in helping our students thrive. We are grateful for the strong partnership we share with you and look forward to continuing our collaboration for the benefit of our children.
Family Involvement is an important part of our school! Below are a few opportunities for you to participate. You are also welcome to come by anytime to observe or have lunch with your child. Please make sure to sign in and out.
- Thursday & Friday, February 6-7, 2025
- Mandatory Parent Teacher Conferences
- Sign up in Class Dojo under the events created by Miss Denise
- Early Release @ 11:30 AM
- No After School Program
- Friday, February 14, 2025
- World Kindness Day Lunch & Family Activities
- No After School Program
- Wednesday, February 19, 2025
- Early Release @ 11:30 AM
- No After School Program
- Thursday & Friday, February 20-21, 2025
- Rodeo Break (School Closed)
It is essential that all families are getting Class Dojo Notifications. This is the NUMBER 1 way we communicate with families and the fastest way we can get emergency information out to you. Please make sure you have notifications turned on. Sending a message through Class Dojo is also the quickest way to get a response from Miss Denise or Mrs. Angela.
If you have any issues with Class Dojo, please contact the school. Please note, you are NOT required to pay for Class Dojo. We only use the free portion. The paid version is optional and not required.
Tucson weather has definitely been unpredictable this year! Please make sure that your child is bringing a sweater/jacket for the cool/cold mornings. Preferably something they can take off later in the day as it warms up. We have moved snack and meals inside during this cold time so the children have limited time in the cold.
Students who are sick are required to stay home 48 hours with no symptoms, unless you obtain a note from a doctor saying it is safe for them to return to school. If your child is complaining of not feeling well and/or appears to be exhibiting excessive coughing, running noses, stomach issues, etc. you will be called to pick them up. The 48 hours with no symptoms applies. All this information can be found in the Student Family Handbook you received at registration.
We continue to keep your child(ren)'s safety a priority. Cameras are up outside around the building and the front door and gates remain locked during the school hours, unless there is a staff member monitoring them (i.e. before/after school).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the health and safety practices of the school, please do not hesitate to speak with Mrs. Angela.
Academy Adventures Midtown is passionate about supporting academic and emotional growth in each child. Cloud9 World provides many skills to help our students deal with every day situations occurring in their lives at school or at home. We have seen an increase in our students confidence and how they interact with one another. We will continue to build positive learning behaviors and an environment that fosters student well-being. There are resources for parents as well! We will continue to share the monthly strength resources in the newsletter. If you have any questions, please reach out to Miss Denise.
During the month of February, students will focus on Integrity. According to Cloud9 World, integrity is working hard to live by your highest values. It is being honest, sincere, and acting with conscience. You tell the truth and you do the right thing, even if doing wrong would be easier. Integrity gives you self-respect and a peaceful heart. When your actions match your words, you are acting with integrity. Integrity is living by your highest values. It is being honest and sincere. Integrity helps you to listen to your conscience, to do the right thing, and to tell the truth. You act with integrity when your words and actions match. Integrity gives you self-respect and a peaceful heart. The giraffe represents strength of spirit, the value of integrity and the importance of commitment.
In January, students focused on Gratitude. According to Cloud9 World, gratitude is being thankful for what we have. Gratitude brings contentment by showing your appreciation of learning, loving and being. You think positively. When you show that you respect others and appreciate what they do, you are showing gratitude.
Below are some resources that you can use at home with your child.
Spring Break is just around the corner! School will be closed March 14-21. Students in grades 3rd-5th will begin State Testing when we return from Spring Break.
Please make sure to schedule your in person conference with Miss Denise.
Join us for World Kindness Day! We will be serving lunch and have activities related to kindness. Watch for details in Class Dojo.
There will be NO After School. All children must be picked up at 11:30 AM.
School will be closed for Rodeo Break!
Email: info@academyadventuresmidtown.com
Website: https://academyadventuresmidtown.com
Location: 3025 North Winstel Boulevard, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-777-3757
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/academyadventuresmidtown
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@academyadventuresmidtown2986
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/academyadventuresmidtowntucson/
Schedule A School Tour: https://calendly.com/amertz-4is/30min