Parents as Partners
Winand Elementary-October 2024
Message from Administration
Dear Winand Elementary School Community,
Happy October! As the crisp autumn air settles in, we are reminded of the excitement that this season brings. October is a month of change, reflection, and new beginnings, and here at Winand Elementary, we are embracing the season with enthusiasm and a continued commitment to learning and growth.
I am proud of how our students, teachers, and families have worked together during the first few months of school. From our engaging classroom activities to the collaboration between home and school, we are building a strong foundation for the rest of the year.
Please continue to stay involved by keeping up with our school calendar, volunteering if you can, and reaching out with any questions or concerns. Together, we can ensure that every child here thrives, not only academically but socially and emotionally as well.
Here's to a great October!
Ms. Ramos and Mr. Day
It is Fall Picture Day at Winand Elementary
Fall Picture Day is Coming!
School Name: Winand Elementary School
Picture Day Date: Thursday, October 24
Picture Day ID: EVTD6J66D
News from Nurse Pugliese
Greetings Parents and Guardians!
Allergy Season is here! -If you normally give your child allergy medicine during allergy season, start administering medications now at home before symptoms start or worsen to help limit your child’s time out of class!
Change of clothes-please send in a change of clothes for your child to placed in their locker- there are not extra clothes in the health suite, this will help students return to class sooner rather than waiting for someone to bring extra clothes to school.
If medications are needed during the school day, please obtain a doctor’s order to provide to the nurse. All medications are to be in the original prescription labeled box with their name on it and brought into school by a responsible adult, not sent in a student’s backpack.
Limit social media!- Limit amount of time on devices by setting device free times, establish and follow rules, interact with your family by playing games/activities together, watch movies, exercise and have fun!
Laughing and smiling is great medicine!
Here are some websites for more information:
Join Baltimore County Council PTA Responsible Cellphone Use Campaign-email:partnership@bcptacouncil.org
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in the health suite!
Nicole Pugliese, RN
Community School Information
My role is being the connector between the school and the greater community. Please complete the needs assessment because your voice matters!
With Gratitude.
Ms. Jones
Needs Assessment-English
Needs Assessment-Spanish
Here For It-Attendance
Good mornings lead to great days. Create a Positive Morning Routine by starting the day with a healthy breakfast and some light physical activity to boost energy levels. Make it a postive start to the day.
Attendance for September Per Grade; Let's Maintain 95% at Winand ES
2nd Grade--97%
5th Grade---96%
Pre-K 4---96%
4th Grade--95%
3rd Grade--95%
1st Grade--94%
Pre-K 3's--90%
Catch School Spirit with Winand Spirit Wear
- Sale runs through October 11, 2024
- Exact Payment in Cash
News from the Reading Specialist-Ms. Rhoten
Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for supporting your child this year with the AT HOME Winand Reading Challenge. The contest started in the beginning of September 2024 and is running through June 2025. Each student should be bringing home a reading log, reading each night, and filling out the log with a parent/guardian. Here are some small goals to work towards as the year progresses. Again, your support is appreciated!
During the month of September students in grades K-5 were assessed with a beginning of the year reading screener. The purpose of the reading screener is to provide a quick check of each child’s reading ability. Look for a Parent Report headed your way to explain how your child performed and ways in which you can help your child succeed.
As always, I am available at trhoten@bcps.org.
Tiffany Rhoten, Reading Specialist at Winand Elementary School
The Winand Way is to Read Every Day!
Counseling Office-Ms. Knight
October Guidance Lessons
This month students will be learning about what bullying is and what they can do to prevent it!
Magnet School Applications
*PreK and 5th Grade Students*
Don’t forget the 2025-2026 school year application for magnet schools opened on September 10th.
The online application closes at 1pm on November 1st.
Magnet Showcase Events are being held throughout the month of October. For more information, please visit www.bcps.org and search Magnet Programs.
Winand Volunteer
Chaperone Process
Please complete the following steps if you plan to volunteer within the school or chaperone for any field trips/events for 2024-2025 school year.
Complete the BCPS Volunteer Application:
Save or print a copy of completed application
Complete Online Volunteer Orientation:
Save or print a copy of completion certificate
Submit both the completed application and certificate to school
Email Ms. Knight (shiestand@bcps.org) or submit a hard copy
Questions? Call 443-809-0763
Title One Information
Chat & Chew
- Connect with Administration,the Title 1 Team and the Community School Facilitator to learn how to support your child's growth.
- Meet Other Parents.
- Receive answers to your questions.
- Discuss important information.
Save the Dates:
* October 8, 2024 9:45-10:45 In Person (Winand Cafeteria)
* January 7, 2025 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting (Link to be sent at a later date)
* May 6, 2025 3:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting (Link to be sent at a later date)
Reminders from BCPS
Please join us on October 26th from 4-8pm for the Fall Fest! We are currently seeking volunteers to help us bring this event to our Community. We need help running a few games and we need trunks to sign up to decorate and hand out candy for the trunk or treat in the bus loop.
Please visit winandespta.org for more details and additional information, or email the PTA at winandespta@gmail.com
We’re always looking for new ideas and enthusiastic volunteers to join our committees and bring fresh perspectives. If you have skills or passions you’d like to share, or if you just want to be more involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. There's still time to join the PTA!
Calendar Reminders
· Thursday, October 3 No Students-PD Day for Teachers-Rosh Hashanah
· Friday, October 18 School Closed for Students and Teachers
· Saturday, October 26 PTA Trunk or Treat and Fun at Winand 4:00 p.m.
· Thursday, October 31 Marking Period Ends- School Closes 3 hr. Early (1:05 p.m.)
Teachers on Duty-Grading and Reporting