RMS Staff eNews
Season 2: Edition 2-Week of August 10-August 14
From Jill:
Mustang Staff-
After checking in with a few folks yesterday and today, I wanted to reach out and hopefully offer some reassurance and understanding following a long day of Professional Learning.
While I'm sure that many of you had fruitful days of learning, I know that some of you ended your day feeling more nervous/anxious/confused/frustrated than when you started it at 8:30.
We are working with grade level team leaders to develop student work to take us through the first 3 days of school (August 12, 13, 14), and I want to free everyone's mind to think about what work you and your kids will do on Monday, August 17.
As I chat with other middle school principals, my appreciation and love continue to grow for our Renner family. Thank you for working hard, being flexible, collaborating, staying positive, extending grace, and going with the flow. It might not be pretty, but WE WILL FIGURE THIS OUT in time to greet our kids with a smile on Wednesday, August 12!
Cool Online Teaching Tips
REMIND NOTIFICATION: All Staff Members Need To Complete!!!
A little Social Distancing...
Happy Birthday Augusters!
Kevin Kelln 8/2
Brad Allcorn 8/5
Jenna Park 8/5
Anna Hensley 8/9
Brandi Shrier 8/14
Crystal Tutson 8/14
Matthew Reisinger 8/22
Tragsdale 8/23
Sue Boisvert 8/24
Erin Gardner 8/25
Martha Gonzalez 8/25
Renner @ Work
Leigh Thompson
Michelle Conway
Jennifer Beall!
Ashley Greenberg
Social Distance-lines
Julia Hayter
Marshall Morris
Beth Ridley
Megan Hawthorne
Karen Bradshaw
Angie Ritchie
Lisa Whitman
Erika Sanchez
Martha Gonzalez
Sara Andrade
**From Nurse Brandi:**
All staff members are required to complete overview training for anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), seizures, and diabetes. Links and other information regarding these trainings are available on PISD website (https://www.pisd.edu/Page/7071). Everyone is required complete “Diabetes Level I” (https://www.pisd.edu/Page/6076). If you have a diabetic student in your class, you will be receiving an additional email from me with your required training specifics. Although not required, there are trainings for bloodborne pathogens, asthma, & covid-19 as well. I will be placing basic information sheets covering diabetes, anaphylaxis, seizures, & asthma in your mailbox. Please place in an easily accessible location (may want to include with your sub info too). Student specific plans are coming soon!
Video for Setting Up Google Classroom...thanks Beall!
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Michelle Conway
Michelle is a rockstar and helped all of Renner ELA with zoom issues on curriculum day, all before 9am! We are so grateful for you, Michelle!
Counseling Team
Working hard! They are hand scheduling and pushing up against a tough deadline. We know you all are doing so much to get the schedules done!
Sophia Cantu
She is amazing and has really been busting her butt!
Anna Hensley, Jennifer Beall, & Matt Reisinger
Thank you for taking on the first-three-days-of-school plans and moving full steam ahead!
Katie Aycock
For being a support for the teachers and being super helpful.
Erica Allen & Rowda Albelbaisi
Thank you for working so hard with our cheerleaders during camp!
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Final Thoughts.
Attempting to break your neck is apparently free...
You DO NOT have to email Dot when you have completed SafeSchools, I can pull from a report.
Anyone can win! Let's go!!!
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.
Benefits 20-21 Enrollment is now open until August 21
Action is required for all employees. You must either enroll or decline coverage online. Login to TEAMS Employee Service Center to complete enrollment or decline coverage.
The Benefits Website has everything needed to assist you with making decisions for your benefits.
Send any and all questions to benefits@pisd.edu. The benefits department is ready to assist you with anything needed as you make decisions for this next year.
Remote Learning Resources Folder & PD Google Classroom
*There will be some Remote Learning Resources put in one folder on the google drive.
*We will also have a Google Classroom setup that will contain any PD's that are not included in Safe Schools
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: coming soon
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last names when filling out the form.