Wildcat News
Wilson Creek ES Family Newsletter
August 22, 2024
Upcoming Events:
August 23-School Spirit Wear Day
August 28-Curriculum Night K-5 5:30-7:30pm
August 30-No Spirit Night-Misprint last week.
September 9-13-College Week (more info. coming soon)
September 13-National Anthem Project 8am
September 13-New Family Orientation (cafeteria)
Action Items
1. Arrange Childcare for Curriculum Night
2. Consider donating clothing to the clinic
Accessing iReady Diagnostic Reports
At the beginning of every school year our students take the iReady Diagnostic Assessment in Math and Reading. These assessments are used for instructional planning as they tell teachers what your child already knows and what they are ready to learn. Students will be completing the assessments by the end of next week.
If you are interested in viewing your child's iReady Diagnostic Results, click on the button below for directions.
Our Clinic is in Need of Clothing
Our clinic provides a change of clothes to students who need it for whatever reason. Unfortunately, we are running low on many items. Please consider donating clean clothing items that your child has outgrown or shop our Amazon wish list. Thank you for your support.
Curriculum Night Connections
Are you new to Wilson Creek or just looking to meet more parents with children in the same grade? On Curriculum Night from 5-5:30pm we will provide a space in our cafeteria for parents with children in the same grade to gather and meet one another. We will have questions to spark conversation and will share the QR codes that connect you to the PTO run grade level WhatsApp groups. We hope to see you there!
Curriculum Night August 28-Repeat
Curriculum Night for K-5 will be held on Wednesday, August 28 from 5:30-6:45pm.
Curriculum Night is an opportunity to come see your child's teachers, experience the classroom environment and learn about the curriculum your child will be learning this year.
In the past we split grade levels across multiple evenings which required parents with more than one child to attend multiple nights. This year, for your convenience, we are having all grade levels meet on the same night, but we need your help! To avoid parking challenges, we are asking people to arrive early and park at Northview HS (10625 Parsons Rd. Johns Creek, GA 30097) once our parking lot is full. We will have a shuttle running continuously between Northview and Wilson Creek for the duration of the event. The shuttle will pick up outside the Northview HS gym (which is where our childcare option is also being held) and will come to the Wilson Creek bus lane outside our cafeteria.
Curriculum Night is an adult only event. The Northview BETA Club will be offering childcare at the high school during this time. Please plan for childcare so the adults who come to Curriculum Night can listen and ask questions with limited distractions.
Our second session is shorter because it will only consist of the teacher and grade level specific information. We will not repeat the school wide communications.
The schedule for the evening is as follows:
- 4:00pm- Childcare Opens at Northview
- 4:45pm Bus transport from Northview begins
- 5:00-5:30 Doors Open
- ESOL Parent meeting in Media Center
- 5:30-6:15 -Session 1 -In Homerooms
6:15-6:25 Transition
- 6:25-6:45 – Session 2 – Where do I go now?
-Visit your child’s block 2 teacher (4th and 5th grades only)
-Visit another child’s teacher (specifically one of your own)
-Visit Special Areas Teachers in the Gym
-Hop on the bus back to Northview
Click or Scan Below to Sign you Student up for Childcare at Northview
Childcare at Northview is only available for current Wilson Creek students. If you have a child that is not yet school aged, you will need to find another childcare option for the evening. Thank you for being proactive about this.
Science Olympiad Applications Open until September 18
Science Olympiad
The Science Olympiad team will compete in various events at the county competition in March of 2024. This team is made up of students from graded 3-5. Our team will consist of dedicated students who will practice after school and at home to prepare for the competition in March.
Applications for Science Olympiad are due September 18th. Try outs will take place after school on September 23rd from 2:45-3:45. Students can pick up applications outside of Ms. Angley's classroom or by printing the attached PDF.
PTO WhatsApp Groups by Grade Level
Our PTO has created grade level whatsapp groups to facilitate easy conversation amongst parents with students in the same grade. This is a great way for the PTO to push out information and for families to share information with one another. If you choose to participate in one of these groups, please be respectful of others, do not share information about any child other than your own, and if you have an issue, please take that to the teacher or school directly. These communication groups are meant to be a positive space, not a place for online complaints. Thank you.
- Kindergarten - https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dt0SPnYdYr331pIA7cUcha
- First Grade - https://chat.whatsapp.com/GXAg4YtAb0qAHAmaVI3gpw
- Second Grade - https://chat.whatsapp.com/InUslqXH5Z502d5aTzabxU
- Third Grade - https://chat.whatsapp.com/BTapmgQU4XMCTUXviLzzyl
- Fourth Grade - https://chat.whatsapp.com/CyUUBV3iJC8IP0SAuN8yth
- Fifth Grade - https://chat.whatsapp.com/JjQ2vlGE12HD1KBraDX8Hn
Support our PTO
Become a member of our school's Parent-Teacher-Organization now to help make our school community stronger. T-shirts will be sent home next week for those who purchased Wildcat membership or above level.
We only have a few spots left for "Platinum" donors! This level of membership gives you a dedicated parking spot, which is especially helpful for busy school events.
Becoming a member allows us to continue supporting programs such as:
Science Force
Field Trip Transportation
School Agendas
Artist Day
Family Events
Teacher Classroom Grants and Teacher Appreciation Activities
Beautifying the school
... and much more!
Sign up now on the PTO website: wilsoncreekpto.org
Media Center Volunteer Sign Up Open
Be the first to sign up to volunteer in our Media Center. Our media center volunteers help reshelve books, make copies for teachers and much more. Your help is important. Please consider signing up using the link below:
After School Options at Wilson Creek
Challenge Island After School Program
Fridays, Sept 5 - Dec 6, 2024: 2:30-3:30pm
Challenge Island provides a screen-free, creative learning space for children to use critical thinking and problem solving skills to complete hands-on STEM challenges. Every week, students tackle a different standards-aligned challenge with their STEAMMates, using only a treasure chest of low-tech supplies and their boundless imaginations. Children also get to practice social-emotional learning skills by working in teams and presenting their designs to the class. More information below or at this link.
New after-school sports program at Wilson Creek!
For 2nd - 5th graders, this program is designed to encourage kids to try different sports and make new friends! A portion of the proceeds benefit our PTO. Price increases Friday 8/16 and there are limited spots.
Sign up here-- > https://pickupsports.co/pages/wilson-creek-elementary-after-school
Code of Conduct Signatures Needed for Students Age 10 and Up
The Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct is now ready for parents to review and sign in Infinite Campus. All parents and students (over 10 years old) MUST sign this form found within their INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT PORTAL ACCOUNT.
Here is a (link) with instructions on how to complete the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. Please complete this by August 16. If you have not set up a Parent Portal Account, directions can be found in the Frequently Needed Links Section at the bottom of the newsletter.
Lunch Visitors will be Allowed Starting August 26
We know how much parents love to be able to come and eat lunch with their children and we will continue that practice after the first few weeks of school We want our students to have time to learn the rules and routines of the school year during the first few weeks as well as have lunch time to make connections with their fellow classmates. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming you back starting on Monday, August 26.
Frequently Used Links
Previous Editions of the Wildcat News
1st Semester
July 29-Updated Meal Pricing, Carpool Contract, Lunch Visitor timeline, PTO information, New Staff Introductions, Parent Portal Access and Census Update Directions, Here Comes the Bus Set Up,
August 8-Milestones Results and How to Access, Bilingual Liaison Support, Code of Conduct Signatures Needed, Changes to Student Assignment, Upcoming Afterschool Activities.
August 15- Curriculum Night. Spirit Night at Johnny's, Update to Cafeteria rule, SSS curriculum info, Support our PTO, STEM to CTAE information, Afterschool Opportunities
August 22- How to Access iReady Reports, Clinic Needs, Curriculum Night Times and Childcare, Science Olympiad Applications, PTO Grade Level Whatsapp Groups
Please Support our Business Partners
Wildcat Leaders
Wildcat Pack Partner
Wildcat Cub
Wildcat Paw
Wilson Creek ES
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/wilsoncreekes
Location: 6115 Wilson Rd, Johns Creek, GA 30097, USA
Phone: (470) 254-3811
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildcatsofwilsoncreek
Twitter: @WilsonCreekES