The Southside Scoop
Student Weekly Updates for Southside High School
Please do not schedule student Valentine's deliveries to the school.
Valentine deliveries will not be accepted.
What's Happening This Week
Week of February 10-14
Monday: Regular Schedule: FCCLA Week begins; Youth Prevention Field Trip for those 10th graders that have signed up; JVG/JVB soccer @ Gadsden City; Chess Club meets in LC afterschool, 3-4.
Tuesday: Regular Schedule: Math tutoring after school in library 3-4
Wednesday: Odd Block: Peer Helper Meeting in the library during Panther period
Thursday: Even Block: FCA meets in LC @ 7:15; Path lesson during Panther Period; Free Math tutoring after school 3-4; V/JV Baseball vs Boaz; Teen Science Cafe Night - Come eat and listen to Jax State professor Dr. Grover Brown and his graduate student talk about careers in Biology, 5-6:30 in the Learning Commons!
Friday: Regular Schedule: Happy Valentines Day! FFA will be selling flower bundles during break for $5; Please do not schedule Valentine deliveries to the school. They will not be accepted; Progress Reports will be emailed to all students. Any student wanting a printed copy will need to check with the main office; Good Luck to our wrestling team as they compete at STATE this weekend! Good Luck to our Varsity Boys/Girls soccer teams as they compete at the RBC Classic this weekend!
Upcoming Events
Youth Prevention Field Trip - 10th Grade - February 10
Progress Reports Go Home - Feb. 14
National FFA Week - Feb. 17-21
President's Day - No School - Feb. 17
Blood Drive on Campus - February 20
Water Festival - Feb. 21
ACCESS EL Testing - Feb. 24-17
FFA Field Trip to Auburn - Feb. 26
Etowah County Baseball Tournament - Feb. 24-17
MPA - March 4-7
ACT + Writing - All Juniors - March 11
World of Works - March 13
End of 3rd 9 Weeks - March 14
Juniors and Seniors Job Shadowing Opportunity - March 18
Peer Helper Banquet - March 19
Report Cards Go Home - March 21
Spring Break - March 24-28
GSCC Cadaver Lab Tour/Field Trip (Mrs. Powers) - April 01
FCCLA Field Trip - April 04
School Librarian Day - April 04
Assistant Principal Appreciation Day - April 07
Prom - April 11
Progress Reports Go Home - April 17
Good Friday - No School - April 18
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day - April 22
CNP Appreciation Day - May 02
Junior High Math Bee - May 02
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 05-09
AP Exams Begin - May 05-16
Senior Final Exams - May 07-08
School Nurse Appreciation Day - May 07
Senior Final Walk (visit SES, JSJ, RMS) - May 13
Underclassmen Final Exams - May 15-16
Senior Awards Day - May 19
Make-up Final Exams - May 20-22
Senior Graduation Rehearsal (Required) - May 21 4:00
Last Day for Students - May 22
Graduation - May 23, 4:00 - JSU Pete Mathews Coliseum
Important Check In and Checkout Procedures - please read!
Check In/Tardy and Checkout Procedures
All students that are tardy, checking-in to school or checking out of school MUST GO THROUGH THE FRONT OFFICE. We have a new finger scan system in place (very similar to the lunchroom finger scan system) where each student will scan in or out with check-in/check-outs and tardies.
A parent, guardian, or someone on your check-out list MUST sign you out of school to checkout. This is the same as always. The student must then go through the office to scan out before leaving. This procedure must be followed.
We do not accept over the phone checkouts. Please do not call the school for a checkout. Someone on the students checkout list must come and sign the student out of school. Please do not email to the school for a checkout.
If there are extenuating circumstances or an emergency situation, please contact an administrator or the front office.
Please remember how important attendance at school is! Please don't checkout of school unless absolutely necessary. If you are absent, please turn excuses in to front office.
Monday Mission
Students are not allowed to exit the building to go to your car, even if you forgot something you really need! If you need something, you have to go through the office and an admin or SRO will escort you to your vehicle. Disciplinary consequence will apply if you do not follow these procedures!
This will be enforced!
Claws Out Cafe!
Cafe will open during break on Sept. 03!
Southside High School
Email: sshs_help@ecboe.org
Website: sshs.ecboe.org
Location: 2361 School Drive, Southside, AL, USA
Phone: (256)442-2172
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Southside-High-School-122855827754859
Twitter: @sshspanthers