What's Happening @ORLC
February 18th-24th
Contact Information
Office Hours: Tues-Fri 9am-2pm
Office Admin: Abby Keller
Deaconess: Britt Baumgartner 907.310.0341
Director of Children and Youth Ministry: Lauren Johnston
Faith Community Nurse: Sally Coburn
Servants and Missionaries: ORLC Members
Email: office@orlc-ak.org
Website: www.orlc-ak.org
Location: 18444 Old Glenn Highway, Chugiak, AK, USA
Phone: 907-688-2157
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ORLCAK/
10 Inch Dinner Plates
We are in need of 10 inch paper dinner plates. If you are able to donate a few it would be greatly Appreciated.
Ladies Nights
Ladies Nights are starting back up after the holidays! Mark your calendars for the following dates:
Friday, February 21 @ 6pm - Game night at ORLC, unless someone wants to volunteer their home. Feel free to bring a snack or drink to share. If you would be willing to host, please contact Becca Carroll (907-244-2219).
Friday, March 21 @ 6pm - Dinner at Jalapenos Mexican Restaurant in Eagle River
Friday, April 25 - Progressive dinner in Eagle River
Alaska Mission for Christ
Please join us in praying that the love of God will continue to be shared in
meaningful ways across Alaska. With the highest rates of suicide, domestic/child
abuse, and addiction per capita, our people know suffering. But God’s love is a
tender and healing balm to the brokenhearted. May this love, given through Christ,
take hold more and more each day. Amen! www.amc-ak.org
ORLC Prayer Chain
Digital Directory
Check out ORLC's digital directory as a way to easily update and share your information with us, learn some new faces, find contact info, and more. It's an "opt-in" setting, so nothing will be shared without your approval. Then, you can download the "Church Center" app on your phone to always have access to the directory, calendar, and group info at ORLC!
ORLC Youth Newsletter
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, February 18th
- 9:00am Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class
- 10:00am Fall Prevention Class
Wednesday, February 19th
Thursday, February 20th
- 9:00am Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class
- 10:00am Fall Prevention Class
- 7:00pm Men's Ministry
Friday, February 21st
- 6:00pm Ladies Night
Saturday, February 22nd
Sunday, February 23rd
- 9:00am Bible Study and Sunday School
- 10:00am Worship Service
- 11:15am CLMT Meeting
- 11:15am High School Bible Hour
Monday, February 24th
- 10:30am Mom's Group
Serving the Lord
Sunday, February 23rd
Altar Guild: Marianne Dabbs & Theo Lee
Accompanist: Jess Della Croce
Lector: Kathy Simpson
Sunday School
PreK-Kindergarten: Leah & Jennie
1st -4th Grade: Steph
Middle School: Lauren
High School: Matt
Birthdays & Anniversaries
February Birthdays
1 Marianne Dabbs
3 Thomas Rawlins
12 Kathy Simpson
12 Traylie Enlow
13 Benjamin Bicher
17 Daniel Bierl
17 Kristiana Beaulieu
20 Ruth Kroona
21 Mike Hidek
21 Gary Craig
21 Angie Nishimura
22 Forrest Wacker
22 Jodie Andersen
24 Elias Johnson
28 Kade Moore
28 Heidi Enlow
February Anniversaries
2 John & Karen Pakan
23 Scott & Penny Hattenburg
24 Forrest & Geri Wacker
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Are you a Fred Meyer Customer?
You are now able to link your Rewards Card to your favorite nonprofit by following the link below. Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping that organization earn a donation from Fred Meyer. If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.