The Gilbert School E-News
October 2024
Dear Gilbert Students and Parents,
Now that the new school year is in full swing, I'd like to take this opportunity to share that as of October 1, 2024, I will be taking a brief medical leave and anticipate returning in early November. During my absence, Ms. Debra Lewis will step in as Interim Head of School. I have full confidence in Debra’s leadership and know that, along with our dedicated teachers and staff, she will ensure the continued success of our students and the smooth operation of the school.
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during this time. I look forward to returning to our wonderful community soon.
Greg Shugrue, Head of School
The Gilbert School Ranks Among Top School Districts In CT
According to Niche, an online website that ranks schools and communities all over the country, TGS ranks #26 out of the top 50 school districts in the State of Connecticut, and #2 in Litchfield County. Among Niche's top 50 selection of school systems are some of the most affluent districts in the state. Those districts include New Canaan, Westport, Greenwich, Darien, Weston, and others - some with annual per pupil expenditures of $25,000 or more. Simply put, the amount they're spending yearly per student is far higher than TGS, making our rank of 26th doubly impressive.
How does Niche determine their rankings? According to their website, they calculate the ratings by "combining dozens of data sets with millions of reviews to produce comprehensive rankings, report cards, and profiles for every K-12 school, college, and neighborhood in the U.S." Click on the button below and scroll down to see the list.
A Weather Station at The Gilbert School?!
Wondering how to dress for the day? Soon you won't have to wonder any more - The Gilbert School is getting its own weather station! Stay tuned for more information!
GRADES 8-11: PSAT School Day is October 16
PSAT testing will take place during the school day on October 16 for all grade 8, freshmen, sophomore, and junior students. Students taking the PSAT may be dismissed early with written permission from their parent or guardian. Permission must be provided to the Main Office prior to test day. Registration for the PSAT is not required. Click on the button below for additional information from Miss Lewis.
The Gilbert School Homecoming & Spirit Week 2024
It's almost time to show that Yellowjacket spirit! Homecoming is right around the corner on 10/26. Spirit Week will be the week of 10/21-25, and will be filled with dress-up days, class contests, and wall building!
Monday 10/21 - Blue & Gold
Tuesday 10/22 - Teen Beach Movie: Bikers vs. Surfers
Wednesday 10/23 - College Life
Thursday 10/24 - Throwback
Friday 10/25 - Color
High School Class Wall Building:
Thursday, beginning at 2:16 pm
Wall Presentation & Judging:
Friday morning, 7:00 - 7:45 am
Pep Rally:
Friday 10/25
Homecoming Football Game versus Watertown High School:
Saturday 10/26, 1:00 pm kick-off, with The Homecoming Court announced at half time
Homecoming Dance (for high school students only - see the flyer below for more information):
Saturday 10/26, 7-10 pm
TGS Aerial Drone Competition Team & Robotics Teams Up & Running!
The TGS Aerial Drone Competition team and the TGS Robotics team have begun meeting!
In the Aerial Drone Competition team, students learn to pilot a drone, navigate it through obstacles, and use teamwork and communication skills to complete a set of missions. The team is already hard at work preparing to compete against other schools in this year’s REC Foundation competition called “Mission 2025:Gravity”. Click on the video below to learn more about the Aerial Drone Competition, and then keep reading to find out about our TGS Robotics Team!
Our TGS Robotics Team has also hit the ground running on preparing for this year’s competitions “High Stakes” (for grades 7-12) and “Rapid Relay” (for grades 7-8). Team members are using their engineering skills to design, build, program, and drive robots using VEXIQ kits (grades 7-8) and VEX V5 kits (grades 7-12).
It is not too late to join in on the fun! Any student, grades 7-12 are welcome to participate. No prior experience is required. The TGS Aerial Drone Competition team meets after school on Mondays until 3:45 in Room 102 and the TGS Robotics team meets on Wednesdays until 3:45 in Room 102. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Levesque at levesquec@gilbertschool.org. Click on the video below to learn more about this year's robotics competition "High Stakes".
Marching Band Season is in Full Swing!
By Scott Minnerly, Director of Bands
The Yellowjacket Marching Band has been busy this fall! We opened up the season at the September 14th football game, then traveled to Sheehan High School on September 21st to compete in the Marching Titans Showcase. We closed out the month with a show at the September 27th night football game and a performance with the TGS Concert Choir at the annual Fall Foliage Festival!
October proves to be just as busy with 2 competitions, Naugatuck High School on October 12th and Southington High School on October 19th, and Homecoming on October 26th! We hope to see you at one or all of those dates as we continue to perform our 2024 show "Haunted"!
Also, please congratulate the students listed below for making it into the Berkshire League Music Festival! These students will travel to NW Region 7 where they will be joined by students from NWR7, Lewis Mills, Nonnewaug, Thomaston, Torrington, Terryville, and Lakeview to rehearse and perform in concert on October 11th at 7:00 pm. Way to go Yellowjackets!
Caralyn Parent - Flute
Kate Hudak - Flute
Emma LaPlante - Clarinet
Madden Holcomb - Baritone Sax
Alec Marvin - Trumpet
Mackenzie Hale - Euphonium
Ethan Cavajani - Percussion
Cameron Picard - Percussion
Mackenzie Steeves
Jenaily Erazo
Natalia Rodriguez
Victoria Parent
Ella Szewczak
Mackenzie Hale
Lemon Dickens
James Slauta
Lilly Lindau
Damarco Galvez
Middle School Counseling News
Student Recognition Program
At the end of quarter 1, 7th and 8th grade students will attend their first ‘Town Hall’ of the year. Teachers will recognize their ‘Students of Quarter 1’. Students that receive honor and high honor grades on their report cards will be invited to attend a special celebration for their hard work in their academics.Middle School Extracurriculars and Clubs
The Middle School Student Council will be starting up in October! Students interested in joining the extracurricular club should see Mrs. Thompson and sign the contract form. Other clubs and extracurricular activities include:
Computer Club
Aerial Drone Competition
Stage Crew
Gilbert Drama
National Junior Honor Society
Hive Time for 7th Graders
School social workers are meeting with 7th grade students 2-3 times weekly in groups to provide social/emotional support, curriculum, and skill development lessons during Hive Time. If you would like more information about Hive Time for your middle school student, please contact Ms. Thompson at thompsonm@gilbertschool.org.
By Josh Penn, Gilbert Athletic Director
GNH Football has been battling all season. They are 0-3, but two of their loses have come by 3 points each. They look to bounce back with a win against Woodland on 10/5 @ Housatonic.
Girls Soccer has played well over the last couple of weeks. The team needs 3 more wins to secure a place in the state tournament, which has not been done since 2010 for Gilbert Girls Soccer.
Volleyball is 3-2 on the year! With wins against Oliver Wolcott Tech, Terryville, and Lakeview. The volleyball team looks to make States as well this year behind Seniors Emily Fedorowicz, Neela Gilbert-Alfar, Gabby Sosa, and Mackenzie Steeves.
Cross Country has been improving with every run. Senior Ritchie Reeves set a PR at their last match and looks to run a sub-20-minute 5K against Terryville. The team saw every member PR this year at their last meet.
Middle School sports are officially underway. Boys and Girls soccer have both been playing hard and are showing their Yellowjacket Spirit at every game. The Middle School Cross Country team had their first home meet on 9/30 and was able to compete on both the boys and girls side.
Cheer photo credit: Holly Cassaday
Gilbert Athletics Dates & Information
Remaining Fall Home Games at TGS:
- 10/8 - Girls Soccer vs Lakeview
- 10/10 - Volleyball vs Nonnewaug
- 10/16 - Volleyball vs Lakeview
- 10/22 - Girls Soccer vs Nonnewaug
- 10/26 - Football vs Watertown
- 10/28 - Football vs St. Paul
- 10/22 - Girls Soccer will take on Nonnewaug on Van Why Field here at Gilbert.
- 10/26 - Football takes on Watertown, a rematch of the State semi-finals last year.
Miscellaneous Information:
- The Travel Release Form can be found here on the Gilbert Website and is an online form. Once completed, the Athletics Office will receive a notification.
- Game schedules are posted on the Gilbert Athletics website. I look forward to a great fall season and hope to see the stands filled with Blue and Gold!
Contact Josh Penn, Gilbert Director of Athletics 7-12 at: pennj@gilbertschool.org or call 860 379-3721 with any questions regarding Athletics. If you have specific questions regarding practices and games please contact the coach directly.
- Cheerleading - Megan Schibi schibim@gilbertschool.org
- Cross Country - Scott Mueller muellers@gilbertschool.org
- Football - Scott Salius saliuss@gilbertschool.org
- Golf (Boys) - Shane Centrella centrellas@gilbertschool.org
- Boys Soccer - Kris Kelsey kelseyk@gilbertschool.org
- Girls Soccer - Jared Fritch fritchj@gilbertschool.org
- Volleyball - Gerald Brochu brochug@gilbertschool.org
- MS Cross Country - Gene Michaud michaudg@gilbertschool.org
- MS Girls Soccer - Bryan Sundie sundieb@gilbertschool.org
- MS Boys Soccer - Nikita Tarabara tarabaran@gilbertschool.org
International Students Celebrate Fall in Winsted
By Lauren Orr, International Program
Workforce Opportunities Career Fair & ECSU Campus Tour 10/31
On October 31st, the School Counseling and Career/Tech Ed departments will be taking 50 high school students to the Aerospace Components Manufacturing Workforce Opportunities Career Fair at the Hartford Convention Center.
The goal of this trip is to make students and their families aware of the wide array of employment opportunities and well-paying careers available in the local aerospace industry. Students will have the opportunity to meet representatives from over 90 local aerospace firms to learn about what employees look for when hiring new employees and the leading-edge technologies that modern manufacturers are using.
After the morning fair, we will continue to Eastern Connecticut State Univeristy for a campus tour and lunch with admissions representatives from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Students in grades 11-12 will have priority; students in grades 9-10 can sign up if space is available. See Mrs. Fiducia in the School Counseling office to sign up. Click on the button below to watch a video about the event!
SENIORS: Important Post-Secondary Planning Info
SENIORS & JUNIORS: College Reps Are Coming To TGS!
Wondering what it takes to get accepted into a certain college or university? Curious what campus life is like there, or if they have they have the majors you're considering? Speak with an Admissions Rep to find out! Reps for the colleges/universities listed below will be visiting The Gilbert School this fall. College rep visits are for junior and senior students, and will take place in the library. Students should click HERE to sign up for College Admissions Rep visits at TGS. Students are responsible for all missed classwork. Check your email, Naviance, and/or future issues of the newsletter for an updated list, as additional colleges/universities are being added daily!
- 10/4 - University of Rhode Island - 11:30 AM
- 10/7 - Randolph College - 10:35 AM
- 10/11 - George Mason University - 1:00 PM
- 10/15 - University of Hartford - 1:00 PM
- 10/17 - Mitchell College - 1:00 PM
- 10/21 - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - 10:35 AM
- 10/22 - Central Connecticut State University - 11:30 AM
- 10/23 - University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth - 11:30 AM
- 10/24 - Savannah College of Art and Design - 9:45 AM
- 10/28 - Southern Connecticut State University - 11:30 AM
- 11/6 - Lasell University - 1:00 PM
- 11/7 - Lincoln Technical Institute-East Windsor - 10:35 AM
- 11/13 - Plymouth State University - 9:45 AM
FRESHMEN: Counselors Will Be Visiting Your Classes
High school counselors will be pushing into grade 9 classes in October to provide information about high school, graduation requirements and how to get assistance when needed.
GRADES 9-12: Upcoming College Fairs
Hundreds of colleges and universities from the US and worldwide will be ready and waiting to talk with you at an upcoming in-person college fair. Don't miss these free, one-day events for high school students and families. See the info about the next fair below.
- NEACAC College Fairs, various Fall dates & locations
AP Students: May 2025 Exam Registration
Our AP courses are in full swing. Students completed summer work for each course and are already starting to progress through their rigorous college-level curriculum. Fees for the mandatory AP tests (required for the course) will be due to Mrs. Fiducia soon; listen for the announcements on when and where to turn in your payments. Those students who pass the test will be refunded money back as an incentive from Gilbert. Also, many colleges accept scores 3 and above for college credit (check specific university/college requirements for credit). Students who take AP courses in high school are proven to perform better academically in post-secondary programs than those who do not. If you have any questions about AP courses, please contact your school counselor.
For 2025 testing information and dates, please visit this link on the College Board website.
GRADES 9-11: Get FREE Customized Online SAT Prep
Khan Academy, in conjunction with College Board, offers free customized SAT prep based on a student's performance on the PSAT/SAT. Generated SAT practice is tailored specifically to focus on those areas in which the student requires the most practice. Click on the button below to find out more information!
GRADES 9-11: Additional SAT & ACT Test Dates
In spring 2024, all junior students participated in the Connecticut SAT School Day at The Gilbert School. However, any student (not just juniors!) can register online to take the SAT and/or to take the ACT throughout the year - as many times as you choose. Like anything else, the more you practice, the better you'll get!
*Please note that The Gilbert School is no longer a testing site and will not be hosting SAT testing on alternate dates.
By Darlene Webb RN BSN, Director of Health Services
National Suicide Prevention Helpline
Connecticut experienced a heartbreaking rise in teen suicides this summer. The 988 National Contact Center services include rapid 24/7 access to trained staff who can help students (and adults) experiencing suicidal, substance use and other mental health crises, provide referrals to resources, and perform warm transfers to Mobile Crisis or emergency services as needed/desired. Additional information, resources, and materials for Connecticut residents can be found at the links below.
Required Physicals
All Grades 7 & 9 Students Are REQUIRED To Have A Physical By Their Physician
Students are required to have a physical exam for seventh grade, and also during ninth grade prior to the start of tenth grade. "Blue" physical forms were mailed out in your student's back-to-school packets in August. Forms can also be found in physician’s offices, the TGS main office, as well as the nurse's office. Physicals are also required every 13 months for students who are trying out for sports. If you have any questions regarding this State mandated requirement, please contact the nurse. If your child has already had a physical, please submit it to the Nurse's Office. If you would like to have your physician fax a copy, the confidential direct fax number is 860 738 9651.
Sports Physicals
Does your child want to play a sport? Don’t forget to book your sports physical! Students need a current physical on file in the nurse’s office to try out for a sport. Physicals should be dated within 13 months.
We Are Cooking in the Gilbert Kitchen!
Pictured below: Chicken Fillet Sandwich with Waffle Fries and local Roasted Vegetable Medley.
Coming soon…Philly Steak & Cheese and Chili with Corn Bread!
Join Our Team!!!
- Would you like a part time job with summers off?
- Are you available to work during school hours?
- If you answered yes, School Food Service may be the place for you!
Opening for cafeteria workers, daily, or on a substitute basis. The work schedule follows the school calendar, approximately 5.25 hours/day, on an as needed basis. Applicants must be flexible with times, as school lunch schedules occasionally change. No experience needed, will train. Application, resume, letter of intent and 2 letters of reference are requested. Interested individuals should click HERE to apply online.
An Important Note From The Main Office
The Main Office reminds all parents to submit your student's school forms as soon as possible, if you haven't done so already. The school forms were included in the Back to School Packets that were sent to each Gilbert family in August. If you've misplaced your child's packet, please email Mrs. Battista at battistas@gilbertschool.org.
Bus Information for 2024-25
Click on the button below for bus stop and pick up information for bussing to and from The Gilbert School.
GRADES 7-11: Make-up Picture Day is 11/6
For all underclassmen and middle school students, make-up School Picture Day is 11/6. Order forms were distributed during Advisories. If you didn't receive an order form, there are extra forms available in the Main Office. Please email Mrs. Zap at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org if you have any questions.
SENIORS: More Portrait Dates Have Been Added
For those seniors who haven't taken your senior portraits yet, the last round of sessions will be on Wednesday, 10/23 and Thursday, 10/24. You should have all received an appointment code via your Gilbert email, but if you have not, please reach out to Mrs. Zap. All photos will be taken from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Gilbert library.
Purchase Your 2025 High School Yearbook NOW To Get Early Bird Pricing!
2025 Gilbert High School Yearbooks are on sale now for $75. Prices will only increase, so get it now before the price goes up! Click on the button below to purchase your yearbook and add ons.
Yearbook Pricing:
- $75 from 10/1-11/30
- $85 from 12/1-12/30
New this year: Donate a yearbook to someone in need! Click on the button below to donate an entire yearbook to a student, or you can donate any dollar amount towards a yearbook. Any questions please email Mrs. Zaprzalka at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org.
Buy An Ad For Your Business or Your TGS Senior!
Business yearbook ads are now available for purchase. Creating an ad that will seen by local parents, students, and community members is a fantastic way to promote your greater Winchester area business. Click on the button below, and scroll down to purchase an ad.
Personal yearbook ads are also available for purchase! Personal ads for your students are a great way to support them and show them how proud you are of all their accomplishments! Ads can be purchased and created on the yearbook website by clicking on the button below.
Any questions please email Mrs. Zaprzalka at zaprzalkas@gilbertschool.org.
PowerSchool Registration Instructions
Unsure how to set up your PowerSchool account? No problem! Follow these simple steps:
- Begin at The Gilbert School Webpage www.gilbertschool.org
- From the Parent dropdown menu, choose PowerSchool
- Click on the PowerSchool logo
- Click the create an account button
- Completely fill out the form
(The Access ID is your child’s student ID number, and the Access password is the first 8 letters of your child’s last name.)
- At least 7 characters
- At least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (!,$,&,*, etc.)
Should you need assistance, please contact battistas@gilbertschool.org
Parking Policies for Dropoff/Pickup 2024-25
AM DROPOFF (7:00-7:45 AM):
Morning student drop-off procedures: Students may ONLY be dropped off in the student parking lot in the morning OR at the bottom of the hill on the faculty side. Parents may NOT pull up to the teacher lot and drop at the door unless students have significant physical impairments that require handicapped parking to drop off (ex: crutches, injury, etc.).
If you are dropping off paperwork to the office or making a quick stop to school, we will have a Short-Term Parking spot available for you to make a fast trip into the building and out with no worries of where to park. If you are here for a meeting with staff, please use one of our “Visitor Parking” spots. They are located in the teacher lot and accessible for public visitors during school, or right after school hours.
PM PICKUP (School Dismissal 2:00-2:30 PM):
Afternoon pickup procedures: Students may ONLY be picked up in the student parking lot in the afternoon OR at the bottom of the hill on the faculty side. Parents may NOT pull up to the teacher lot and park in the teacher parking lot to wait unless students have significant physical impairments that require handicapped parking-which is where they may park to wait for dismissal (ex: crutches, injury, etc.).
Important Dates to Remember
No School
10/14 - Columbus Day
Early Dismissal (12:16 PM)
School Picture Day Make-ups
Senior Portrait Days
PSAT School Day
Spirit Week
Pep Rally
Homecoming Game