Bear Creek Elementary School

Bear Creek Blast December 20, 2024
(Past issues of "The Blast" can be found here.)
Important Dates
Monday, January 6
...NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
...Late Start Wednesday
...Open Enrollment Lottery closes
Thursday, January 9
Friday, January 10
The Bear Creek Staff wishes you and your family a blessed Holiday Season. May your hearts be filled with love and joy as you gather with family and friends. See you in 2025!
Lip Sync Message from PTO
It was nice to see those who stopped by for coffee and lip sync Q&A at the flagpole yesterday! Even though the performance is in March, it's good to start thinking about groups now. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Kate Stricklan or bcpto.boulder@gmail.com if you have questions!
AVS Permission Form
Students without a Waiver WILL NOT be able to participate!!
They are coming to Bear Creek on Monday, January 13th during your students Specials time.
Code for Avalanche Waiver
Code for Discounted Avalanche Tickets
Spring Lifelong Learning Classes
28 Options for Spring Lifelong Learning Classes Begin the Week of January 27 at Bear Creek
Fill your student's spring with cooking, sports, arts & crafts, Spanish, STEM, film making and more! Register by January 22 for the first session.
Click to see your options:
After School Classes (scroll down the list for the Spring sessions)
Late Start Wednesday Classes (scroll down the list for the Spring sessions)
Call (720)561-5968 or email lifelong.learning@bvsd.org with any questions.
Reminder! Corporate Match Year-end Giving
All - Thank you again for your incredible generosity during the Tools for Learning Challenge. Your generosity enables Bear Creek to flex the school budget to create a rich and inspiring education for our children beyond what is possible with merely public funds.
As we approach year end, don’t forget that your contribution may be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. Corporate matching gifts are the easiest way to increase your annual donation and make an even greater impact for our students.
You received a donation acknowledgment letter via email earlier this fall, which you may need to submit to your employer. If you have any difficulty finding your letter please reach out to bearcreekelementarypto@gmail.com and we’re happy to resend it. Bear Creek’s PTO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID #84-1557749. Thank you!
Student Enrollment for 2025-2026
OPEN ENROLLMENT LOTTERY for 2025-2026 Closes 1/8/25
Call the District OE office with questions (720)561-5900
New Incoming Neighborhood Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is OPEN!
NEW neighborhood student enrollment is now open. Please follow these directions: Go to the BVSD homepage and click on the pull down option “Parents” Then click on the “Enrollment Center” selection and look for the blue link titled “Neighborhood School” in the center of the page. Please be careful to click on the appropriate link and not the “Choice Enrollment” link as that will place your registration into the wrong department. Also, make sure to choose the correct year as both this school year and next are enrollment options!!
If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to call Carolyn (720-561-3500)
Scholastic Storyworks Contest
If your 2nd-5th grader loves to write, check out the Kid Fiction Contest from Scholastic Storyworks. Students choose one of three sentence options to start their story, which can be between 800 and 3,000 words. Parents can submit their children's stories, or if you'd like for us to submit it, please send it to Megan electronically by February 26 (the submission deadline is March 1) at megan.vos@bvsd.org.
Important BVSD & BCE Information Links
Volunteer at Bear Creek? Click here for HelpAtSchool where we will get you connected!!
"No - Cost" Fundraising Opportunities
Milk Caps for Moola
Milk Caps for Moola - recycle your Longmont Dairy milk/juice caps and earn money for BCE. There is a trash can right inside the office door for you to drop them in. Thank you!
Mark your calendar for the 4th Tuesday of every month! 10% of all sales go directly to Bear Creek Elementary School! Only at the South Boulder Location.
BCE Security Reminders
BCE Security Reminders
*For safety and security of our building, please review this VIDEO on the Front Door Entry Protocol. There are also new instructions posted on the wall. Please read and follow !
*BCE Drop Off & Pick Up - Please watch this VIDEO, which highlights how to best navigate our parking lot.
Office and Health Room Information
BCE Office Information
Preschool & Enrichment Hours: 7:35am - 3:05pm
School Hours: MTuThF: 7:50 am - 2:50 pm, W: 8:50-2:50
Office Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Attendance line: 720-561-3502
Main Office line: 720-561-3500
Please keep your student home if they have a fever (>=100.4) or have vomited/had diarrhea within 24 hours. If your student has been prescribed an antibiotic for a communicable disease, please keep them home for 12-24 hours following the first dose. BVSD has also clarified its COVID guidelines. Thank you for helping us Stop the Spread!