Louise Radloff Newsletter
Sept 2019 - Vol.3
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Message from Principal Johnson
Greetings Radloff Family,
It's hard to believe that we've been in school over five weeks. The students and teachers are getting settled into daily routines, expectations, and instructional practices. I have some great news; Radloff has exceeded our initial enrollment projection. This means that we will not be losing any staff members but actually gaining. With the growth of about 80 new students, there is a need to decrease some of the class sizes. There will be some changes to student schedules coming in the next two weeks. It is never our goal to disrupt the learning of students, but in order to ensure we have a balance of students on teams, some changes will have to be made. Currently I am working on a plan that will have the least amount of changes to student schedules. Most students will remain on their team but may be moved around to balance class sizes. There will be some students that will move to different teams that have smaller numbers. If your child(s) team is going to be changed, you will receive a letter and personal phone call. Even though it will present some short term challenges, I am just excited that I get to keep all of the teachers and staff members.
We are no longer able to send out phone blasts and reminders, so it's important that you continue to check emails for school updates. As always, I appreciate your support as we work through our growth to ensure all students are receiving the best instruction. All of our teachers plan together, give the same assessments, and utilize the same instructional practices. If a student has to change teams, it will be a seamless transition. Radloff is growing and we are excited about welcoming our new Raiders to the family.
If you have changed your phone number, email address, or moved, please let the school know. For a new address, you will have to bring a copy of a new lease or HUD Statement to the school with a utility bill. Parents, I can't stress the importance of us having the correct information on file. This will allow us an opportunity to get in touch with you in case of emergencies and disseminate information in a timely manner.
Principal Johnson
Congratulations to our 2019 Teacher of the Year Mr. Brad Zickefoose!!
Great News!!
Two of our students were accepted into Gwinnett County's honor orchestra program. Gwinnett is one of the few school systems in Georgia that funds two honor orchestras. These groups provide an opportunity for students to gain experience playing orchestra repertoire that is above and beyond what is offered in the local school. It's a great chance for our students to improve their musical skills and become part of a county organization which promotes excellence in music.
There were four Title I middle school students accepted into the group this year and Isabella Castro and Michael Neal are our representatives.
6th Grade August Students of the Month
Wheeler Team
Dayanira Mora-Torres
Juan Oyuela Bohorquez
Stephanie Martinez-Salas
Dilan Casillas-Gutierrez
Freeman Team
Brian Gonzalez-Cruz
Lesdy Barragan
Galgal Team
Sebastian Acevedo-Rojo
Suani Vasquez Flores
7th Grade August Students of the Month
Charlton Team
Alexmarie Rubio
Daniel Calderon-Cruz
Hinkson Team
Adriana Mancia Linares
Braxton Dale
Hernandez Team
Naelys Morel Heredia
Ceasar Gerardo-Simon
Love Team
Knowledge Foote
Nabila Sayeed
8th Grade August Students of the Month
Brown Team
Krone Sizemore
Nyla Kassamba
Lone Team
Damari Wright
Jaqueline Serna-Mandujano
Germano Team
Valeria Quijada
Andy Reyes
Dr. Chelko
Brian Bamaca Patino
All Student Help Sessions begin at 8:15 Monday through Thursday every week. Students can be dropped off as early as 7:30 to wait in the Media Center. If a student arrives after 8:30, they will not be able to attend the sessions due to limited time remaining. Parents, please try to have student here by 8:15 on Help Days.
Monday, 9/9 - 8th Grade CogAT Testing 9:30 - 11:30
Tuesday, 9/10 - 8th Grade CogAT Testing 9:30 - 11:30
- Adult English Classes 10:30- 12:00 must be registered
Wednesday, 9/11 - 8th Grade CogAT Testing 9:30 - 11:30
- Adult English Classes 10:30- 12:00 must be registered
Thursday, 9/12 - Local School Council Meeting
Friday, 9/13 - 6wks Progress Reports go home with students
Save the Date:
September 26 - I am inviting you to the first Principal Chat Meeting this year. I would love to get some ideas about how to make Radloff a better school for all. Time: 8:30 - 9:30 am, light breakfast will be served. Look forward to seeing you at the meeting!!
Adult English Classes are offered every Tues & Wed from 10:30 - 12:00, please make sure you are registered.
Parents our teachers are here, ready to help students!! If your child needs help with school work, please try to arrange for them to attend our Weekly Help Sessions.
Local School Council Information:
- Louise Radloff Middle School’s Local School Council is composed of teachers and parents.
- Members serve on the School Council for two years, with new members joining the team each year.
- The School Council meets four times a year and all meetings are open to the public.
- The primary responsibility of the School Council is to assist the school in making decisions that will improve student achievement, increase parent participation, and help maintain a safe and secure school for teaching and learning.
Here are the dates for 2019-20 Local School Council:
Thursday, September 12, 2019 @ 4:45 PM for a 5:00 PM start time in the LRMS Media Center
Thursday, November 7, 2019 @ 4:45 PM in the LRMS Media Center
Thursday, January 16, 2020 @ 4:45 PM in the LRMS Media Center
Thursday, March 18, 2020 @ 4:45 PM in the LRMS Media Center
Please consider this your invitation to attend so that you may know more about your school!
Do you want to learn how to speak or write English? Our PIC Mrs. Judy Ruiz will be offering Adult English Classes starting Sept. 3rd. Please complete the attachment below and return to the school by your child or drop off at the Parent Center.
How to Set Up A MyPaymentPlus account
Free and Reduced Application - Will be available starting July 20th. Click the link below..
Need Help with school supplies!!
Please Contact Mrs. Judy Ruiz at 678-245-3417 or Judy_Ruiz@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Louise Radloff Middle School
Email: Chekquita_Johnson@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Website: https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/2224
Location: 3939 Shackleford Road, Duluth, GA, USA
Phone: (678)245-3400