The Eagle's Nest
🦅February is School Board Appreciation Month.
🦅February is CTE Awareness month.
🦅February is Black History Month.
🦅February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week.
🦅February 4, Art Club @ 3:45 PM
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 6, Archery Practice @ 8:00 Am
🦅February 7, Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 8, Archery Tournament at Elon
🦅February 11, Art Club @ 3:45PM
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 13, PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 14, Show Up Day
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 15, Valentines Day
School Resource Officer Day
🦅February 17, Professional Development Day
🦅February 18, Teacher workday, school closed
🦅February 19, Q3 Interim Reports
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 20, Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 21, Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 22, Nock N Shoot Archery Tournament @ AM
🦅February 24, Good News Club @ 3:45 PM
🦅February 25th, Art Club @ 3:45 PM
Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅February 27, Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
National Digital Learning Day
🦅February 28, Archery Practice @ 8:00 AM
🦅March 3, Good News Club @ 3:45 PM
Dear Elon Families,
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the start of February. This month is filled with exciting learning opportunities and special events for our students. As we move forward in the school year, I want to share a few important updates and reminders with you.
Black History Month
Throughout February, our students will be engaging in lessons and activities that highlight the achievements and contributions of Black leaders, innovators, and changemakers. We encourage families to continue these discussions at home by exploring books, music, and historical figures together.
Celebrating Kindness & Friendship
February is a great time to focus on kindness, inclusion, and friendship. Our students will engage in activities that promote these values, especially during National School Counseling Week (Feb. 3-7) and Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb. 10-14). We encourage you to talk with your child about ways they can show kindness at home, in school, and in the community.
Valentine’s Day Celebrations
Many classrooms will be hosting Valentine’s Day activities on Friday, February 14. If your child’s class is participating, teachers will provide details on how you can contribute. Please remember that any treats brought to school must be store-bought and follow our allergy-safe guidelines.
Attendance Matters
As we progress through the second half of the school year, we want to remind families of the importance of regular attendance. Every day in school is an opportunity for learning and growth. If your child must be absent due to illness, please notify our attendance team in writing or provide a doctor’s excuse upon return.
Looking Ahead
• No School – Monday, February 17 or Tuesday, February 18 (Teacher Professional Learning)
• Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thursday, February 20
• Spring Picture Day: Tuesday, March 11
Thank you for your continued support in making Elon Elementary a wonderful place to learn and SOAR! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Mrs. Saunders
1st Grade
Mrs. Domarsky's class had a fun filled lesson about the Chinese New Year.
Music Class
Career Awareness In STEAM Class
In 2018, the Virginia Department of Education established regulations requiring that all
students develop an Academic and Career Plan Portfolio (ACPP) in elementary school. The ACPP
allows students to explore a variety of career exploration tools, including information about
their skills, interests, and career values such as responsibility and dependability, in an electronic
format. Throughout their school experience, students will continue to revise and update their
electronic portfolio as they refine their career plans.
Third, fourth and fifth grade Elon students will use the Virginia Education Wizard this year to
develop their Academic and Career Plan Portfolio. The Wizard provides valuable career
exploration and awareness resources for both students and parents. Each student will have a
personal Wizard account in which to develop their career exploration.
Amherst County Public Schools is excited about the opportunities the Wizard provides students
and families, and the alignment this online tool has with our current Virginia school counseling
career standards. Families may go directly to the Virginia Education Wizard site through their
student’s Clever account. We encourage you to take advantage of this valuable resource for
career exploration!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Gail Moore, STEAM and Instructional Technology
Resource Teacher at gmoore@amherst.k12.va.us. Thank you for your commitment and
continued support.
Gail Moore
Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT)
STEAM Teacher at Elon Elementary
Glow Up
Show up for GLOW UP!
3rd and 4th grade had the best attendance in December!
Quarter 2 Awards
Way to soar Eagles!
January Show Up Day
Show up for a snowball fight with Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Curd.
Click on the link below for a Kindergarten snowball fight.
Click on the link for a 1st grade snowball fight.
Click on the link for a 2nd grade snowball fight.
Click on the link below for a 3rd grade snowball fight.
Click on the link for a 5th grade snowball fight.
Click on the link for 4th grade snowball fights.
Principal Appreciation Week
January 19-25 was Principal Appreciation Week.
Elon would like to thank Principal Saunders and Assistant Principal Curd for their commitment, love, understanding, kindness and leadership.
Elon continues to SOAR because of your dedication to our students, faculty and staff.
School Counselor Appreciation Week Feb 3-7
Happy School Counselor Appreciation Week Mrs. Mays.
Thank you for your thoughtful encouragement and consistent presence. You continue to help students feel seen and supported, reaching beyond the school walls to support students and families
In the coming months, many activities are planned so that our students can witness real-life examples of the character traits needed to be contributing members of a community. Our social media accounts will show off all of the great things happening in our schools while connecting those activities to important character traits. Each month will have a theme, such as encouraging students to be kind, thankful, or healthy.
Lunch Times:
Kindergarten- 10:55-11:25
1st Grade-11:15-11:40
2nd Grade-11:30-11:59
3rd Grade-12:35-1:04
4th Grade-11:45-12:14
5th Grade-12:15-12:44
Tammy McCray
Ms. Tammy does an amazing job with the bulletin board in the cafeteria.
Thank you Ms. Tammy for putting smiles on our beautiful faces.
Staff Snacks
A big shoutout to all the 1st and 2nd grade parents who donated snacks for the faculty & staff. The pick me up keeps us going thought the day.
Hello February!
Throughout the month of February, students are given extra encouragement and opportunities to spread kindness and show love to one another and those in the community. We are also intentional about helping students build self-esteem and learn to love themselves in a world that often sends the opposite message. Child development experts describe self-esteem as a child’s ability to accept who they are and choose to like themselves as they are (www.cambermentalhealth.org). Positive self-esteem helps to set a strong foundation for self-love and resilience. Students with a healthy self-esteem are more likely to grow up feeling capable and confident. This can contribute to long-term success.
Here are a few ways that you can join us in empowering our students and help them SOAR!
Model the Right Attitude: We have the power to show our children how to face difficulties through the way we respond to life’s challenges. Demonstrating healthy responses to negative situations, how to take pride in a job well done, or how to be resilient can promote a positive attitude and further develop healthy self-esteem.
Promote Helping, Giving, and Sharing: Another self-esteem strategy involves helping children see how their positive actions matter to others. Providing opportunities to help out, no matter the location (home, food bank, etc.), can allow children to further develop positive self-esteem by seeing how their role, regardless how big or small, can help to make the world a better place.
Encourage Smart Social Media Habits: Social media can have a significant impact on a child’s self-esteem. It is essential that we keep an open dialogue about the positive and negative impacts of social media. Teaching our children to be able to identify what appropriate social media use should look like, and what it does not, can go a long way in helping them develop a healthier self-esteem. Talk about the differences between positive and negative influences and how to set boundaries in their social media use. Work together as a family to find a social media balance that makes sense for you.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kristy Mays, BSW, MAT, CTP-E
School Counselor
Congratulations Eagles for soaring to the top.
Kindergarten- Henry Myers
1st Grade-Kharis Saunders
2nd Grade-Parker Tweedy
3rd Grade-Jedidiah Jordan
4th Grade-Hannah Ellis
5th Grade-Bradley Sale
Lydia Meador, a 2nd grader at Elon, has been selected as January's Star Student because she has worked so hard to make progress in all academic areas. She has developed a love for reading and is always ready for her next book. Lydia is on task and accountable for her work and always SOARS in the classroom. Congrats Lydia!
Nominated by: Bonnie Gannon
Joy Kurko, Reading Specialist at Elon, has been selected as January’s Star Staff because she is a key player in our literacy programs at EES. Whether she is working with students or supporting colleagues in the classroom, Ms. Kurko is always thinking about the bigger picture. We appreciate how she has supported the new curriculum roll out and is able to connect the dots when teachers have questions.
Thank you Mrs. Kurko for all you do for our SOARING Eagles!
EES kicked off the Eagles closest project and it is going well. PTO purchased items for the
closet to give a great jumpstart. If you would like to purchase items here is the link to the wish
list. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ZZ0AOMVULXG8?ref_=wl_share
February is right around the corner Stock the teachers lounger is live for 1st grade in January
and second graders have the month of February.
Spring Fling event coming up soon in April be on the lookout
Want to get involved? We invite you to join us for our monthly meetings on the second Thursday of
each month at 6pm in the school cafeteria.
- The next PTO meeting is February 13th 6pm we look to have it at the school this month
weather permitting and we will still have virtual option as well.
Dates through the end of the year are:
February 13th
March 13
April 10th
May 14th
Thank you, parents and guardians, for all you do!
Elon Elementary PTO
Happy February, Elon Eagles!
January was quite the start to the 2025 year with all of the snow days and delays. However, I’m
happy to be back to our normal schedule and seeing both the children and parents’ smiling
Safety tip of the month of February: “Move Over” Law
February is the month of love, and Amherst County LOVES their first responders and tow truck
drivers. With increased traffic enforcement in the Elon area and increased response from
Fire/EMS due to increased call volumes, let’s remember to move over for our first responders
and our tow truck drivers.
Per Virginia Law, Code Section 46.2-861.1, if you are on a four-lane highway and it is safe to do
so, you must move over to the lane that is not adjacent to the stationary vehicle. For example, if
you are on Route 29 (regardless of whether it’s the expressway or the bypass), you must move
over to the lane that does not have the stationary vehicle. Exceptions where you can’t move
over safely may include side roads or Route 130. Remember, if there is an emergency vehicle
that is driving with their lights and sirens, PLEASE MOVE OVER – DO NOT SIT IN THE
MIDDLE OF THE ROADWAY. Failure to obey this law may result in a reckless driving
charge, which is a class 1 misdemeanor (an offense that you cannot just prepay, you will
have to show up in court).
If there are any further questions or concerns, please reach out to your local friendly SRO via
email or phone! P.S., Just a quick reminder. School ends at 3:45pm, please be in the car
rider line before 4:00pm. -Deputy Brianna Aiken
-Deputy Brianna Aiken
All students must have their NAME on items with a SHARPIE marker. This prevents us from donating these items.
All items that are not claimed will be donated at the end of each 9 weeks (quarterly)
ACPS is partnering with Johnson's Dental Clinics to provide dental cleaning services for all elementary schools in the district!
Parents, please fill out the electronic forms which are linked below before 2/10/25 if you would like your child to receive these services.
Check out the short video that will explain all of the services provided. Schools also have physical copies of of the forms in English and Spanish.
Video: https://youtu.be/ccjDrZrswEs
English electronic consent forms: https://tinyurl.com/SBOHP-Dental-Packet
Spanish electronic consent forms: https://tinyurl.com/Spanish-Dental-Packet
2024-2025 ACPS School Calendar
Good News Club
The Good News Club will continue on February 24th @ 3:45 PM
Archery: Please see dates above under Important dates for practice times.
Elon 2024-2025 Attendance Policy
Dear Elon Families:
Your student’s attendance is very important to us! We believe that school attendance is directly related to academic achievement and that the development of good attendance habits is important for ALL students. Please review Elon’s Attendance Policy outline below to ensure you are familiar with how to submit notes if your student must miss school and the processes the division follows regarding attendance accountability.
When a student is absent:
Parent/Guardian must provide a written note/email or doctor’s note within 3 days of returning to school, stating the reason for the absence.
Absence notes can be sent directly to the teacher, but please include Mrs.Curd, Assistant Principal at hcurd@amherst.k12.va.us in the absence communication.
Parents/Guardians may excuse 10 days of absences with a parent/guardian note per school year.
Once a student has reached 10 days of parent/guardian notes then a doctor’s note or other documentation will be required to excuse any further absences.
3 Unexcused Absence Contact:
After a student has missed 3 days of school, Mrs. Mays, EES School Counselor, will make a call home to check on student/family and encourage notes to be turned in.
5 Unexcused Absences:
After a student has 5 unexcused absences an in-person Attendance Meeting will be held with the parent/guardian and Mrs. Curd, Assistant Principal, to create an Attendance Plan.
If an unexcused absence occurs after the Attendance Plan is created the Amherst County Public School’s Division Attendance Officer will handle any further absences.
Ten unexcused absences will result in a truancy petition with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Curd or Mrs. Mays.
Just a few reminders:
- It is time for coats and warm clothes.
- Please remember not to send medication to school with students.
- If a student has a fever keep them home fever free for 24 hours, Anything above 100 and higher.
- Strep Throat -Students must stay home 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic
- If I have sent cloths home with your student please send these items back after they have been washed.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me Karen McDaniel School Nursel/EMT)
434-528-6496 #2
Please see the attached document regarding returned checks.
If you are interested in volunteering at Elon or plan to chaperone a student’s field trip you are required to have had a background check and fingerprinting completed. These are conducted at the School Administration Building (153 Washington St, Amherst, VA 24521) in the Office of Human Resources on Monday– Friday (except holidays) from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Background checks are done at no charge for ACPS chaperones and volunteers. For more information or questions please contact the Human Resources Office at (434) 946-9376 or email hr@amherst.k12.va.us
*Remember to allow 4 to 6 weeks for results