Emmanuel Baptist Church
March 29, 2023
EBC Family,
EBC Family,
Two notes for next week. First, our Good Friday service will be on Friday evening, April 7, at 7:00 p.m. Many of you shared with me last year about what a special and meaningful time this service was. Plan to join us that evening as we reflect on Christ’s death and take the Lord’s Supper together.
Second, Easter Sunday morning, we will NOT have nursery care during the worship service (there will still be regular nursery care during Sunday School). This gives all of our nursery staff the opportunity to worship with their families on Easter. That means that there will be crying babies and restless toddlers around you during the service. When you see them or hear them, thank God for them and their families! And also thank God for our nursery workers who serve us each week!
I was grateful for your attentiveness and careful consideration of the Scriptures yesterday. I’m praying for you as you prayerfully nominate men to be considered for the office of deacon. If you have any questions about the qualifications from Scripture, please come visit with me. Nomination forms are due by Sunday, April 30. You can give them to me, Tim Snider (deacon chair), or the church office.
Once we have received the nominations, every nominated man will receive a letter and questionnaire from me. Once we receive their questionnaire, the chairman of the deacons and myself will have an initial, informal visit with the man and his wife about eligibility, calling, and responsibilities.
If the candidate would like to proceed with the process, he and his wife will have a formal interview with our pastors and deacons. After each interview, our pastors and deacons will decide whether to extend an invitation to serve to each couple. If they accept, we will appoint deacons at a special church-wide ordination service.
I’m grateful to belong to the EBC Family,
Pastor Clint
Good Friday Service
Wednesday Night Meal
Wednesday, Mar 29, 2023, 06:00 PM
Senior Adult Trip to Branson
April 19 -21
We need CANDY!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Invite friends and join us for a fun gospel centered Easter celebration. Hotdog lunch provided.
Saturday, Apr 8, 2023, 11:00 AM
Mean's Park
Buildings and Grounds Meeting - 5:00pm
Deacon's Meeting - 5:00pm
Committee Meetings - 5:30pm
Finance Committee Meeting - 7:00pm
Cornhole and Stew
Men meet at the gym for an evening of brotherly fellowship, hot stew, and corn hole.
Friday April 14th; EBC Gym at 7pm
Secret Church
Friday April 21st, 5:30pm-1:30am
Where: Carter's house
Cost: $10, sign up at welcome desk
"Secret Church is an opportunity for us to gather and intensely study the Bible and pray like and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.
Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that happens annually."
For more information https://radical.net/secret-church/
Women's Retreat
April 21-22, 2023
Escape the routine and demands of life to connect with the Lord and fellowship with one another. Join us at Falls Creek as we study Scripture and worship together.
$75 for adults; $50 for students (ages 14-17)
Deadline to register is April 1.
Call the church office if you are attending.
Transportation will be provided. Departure time TBD.
The Big Serve
Do you know of someone within our church family or in your neighborhood that needs help? Please contact our church office to let us know.
Sunday, Apr 23, 2023, 12:00 PM
Off Campus
Summer Mowing
The Grove on Sunday Mornings
April 2nd
May 7th
Children will be dismissed from family worship after the offering.
Last Week at a Glance
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Budget Offering
Last Sunday ........................................ $4,987.75
YTD Budget Needed ........................... $139,059.44
YTD Budget Received ......................... $134,869.05
This Month New Building
Receipts This month .......................... $9,360.00
Received This Week ........................... $10.00
Grow Groups: 126
Family Worship: 191
Online: 40
Sunday Evening: 48
Sunday Servants
Preschool Care
4/2 Volunteer Needed
4/9 Volunteer Needed
Lead Usher
4/2 Chuck Marquis
4/9 Nick Nikkel
Welcome Desk
4/2 Robert and Cheryl Walker
4/9 Volunteer Needed
Deacon of the Week
Sandy Stark
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday Services
Grow Groups 9:30am
Family Worship 10:45am
Evening Study 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Activities
Church-Wide Meal 5:00pm
KIDS and Youth 6:00pm
Evening Study 6:00pm
Harbor - College 8:00pm
Website: ebcweatherford.com
Location: 719 North Kansas Street, Weatherford, OK, USA
Phone: (580)772-3413
Facebook: facebook.com/ebcwford