Art Newsletter
Updates from Lowell Artists & Ms. Chroneos
Learning Goals
PreK & Kindergarten: Self-Portraits in Motion, Printed Cityscapes
I can create a self-portrait with cardboard shapes that shows my favorite physical activity.
I can use observation to notice my hair type, skin color, and other unique features and create them on my portrait.
I can incorporate colors, patterns, and textures into my clothing on my portrait.
I can print shapes using cardboard and other materials to create the image of a cityscape.
First Grade: Tradition Pictures, Animals with Tails
I can finish my tradition picture with details.
I can brainstorm animals with tails.
I can notice the shapes of an animal that has a tail and draw it.
I can create a tail for my animal with felt.
I can mix colors to create the colors of my animal and its habitat.
I can add details to my animal's background.
Second Grade: Animals from Brazil
I can notice the shapes that I can draw to create an animal.
I can learn about the Amazon Rainforest and animals from Brazil.
I can create a background inspired by images of plants from the Amazon Rainforest.
I can use oil pastel resist and watercolor to finish my picture.
Third Grade: Embroidery Self-Portrait
I can create a self-portrait from observation.
I can use embroidery and fabrics to create a background for my self-portrait.
I can learn about an artist, Aminah Robinson.
Fourth Grade: Delicious Foods Painting
I can notice the shapes I can draw to create a picture of my favorite food.
I can mix colors to accurately represent my favorite food.
I can create a background with my choice of analogous or complementary colors and patterns.
Fifth Grade: Plaster Masks
I can brainstorm a mask idea.
I can work in groups to create plaster masks.
I can paint my mask in layers with acrylic paint, starting from larger areas and then smaller detail work.
I can incorporate three-dimensional layers and details with a variety of materials.
I can write an artist statement about my mask.
February Artist of the Month:
March Artist of the Month:
Contact Information
Email: sofija.chroneos@watertown.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ms.chroneos_artclass/