Growing News
Clay County SD 4-H
October 2024
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4-H Record Books/ Journal
Record Books and Journals will be due to club leaders October 1st.
Stop in or call the office and we will print you paper copies otherwise email the office for any PDF versions to be sent to you.
All record book, journal and award form paperwork can be found on the Extension website you just must scroll down a ways until you hit the documents written in green text.
Award applications are also due with your books. There are a variety of awards to apply forโMember year pins: Agriculture, Personal Development, Shooting Sports, Home Economics, and Horse Sweepstakes; Farm Bureau Award; Dillion Jolley Award; County Citizenship, Leadership and Achievement Medals; Key Award; Overall Award; Molly's Award for dog members; Joe Mil-lette Outstanding Horse; and Outstanding Club Award.
Call or stop in the office to if you need help deciding which awards you are eligible for.
Rememberโ no record book or journal submitted mean no premium money paid.
D-Days Parade
Clay County 4-H will again be having a float in the D-Days parade!! We would like to fill our float with as many 4-Hers as possible so we ask anyone who is able to come join and hand out candy and wear you 4-H gear! Any older 4-H members/parents who are able to help decorate the float meet at the high school parking lot I will get times sent out once I know! Saturday October 12th
National 4-H Week
National 4-H week is quickly approaching mark your calendars for October 7-12 2024. This years theme is โBeyond Ready .โ Take advantage of this important week to highlight the remarkable 4-H youth in our communities and showcase the incredible experiences that 4-H offers young people. If you need promotional supplies or materials, please contact the office. We are able to print several things from the national 4-H website. If you do promote 4-H in some way, please send photos to the office to be highlighted in the next newsletter!
Here are some ways that 4-H clubs can celebrate National 4-H Week:
Wear 4-H attire: On 4-H Spirit Day, members can wear their uniforms or favorite 4-H clothing to participate in contests.
Window displays: Clubs can promote their projects and highlight their club with window displays that face public sidewalks.
Media events: Clubs can invite the community to participate in a media event, such as a giant clover photo.
Parties: Clubs can host a reception, bubble-blowing party, or ice cream social.
Fashion show: Clubs can put on a fashion show that includes an outfit from 1914.
Prizes will be awarded to those that participate in the most days and those that get the most friends to participate with them. They will submit photos on the google form: https://forms.gle/UG5S2cPgAH6mMRR98 Thereโs a link on the pdf page too
Trunk or Treat
Clay County 4-H will again be participating in Trunk or Treat at the Vermillion Library October 25th from 4-6pm. We would love to have as many 4-Hers as we can join us to help give out candy and promote Clay County 4-H! Let the office know if you can be there!
Join us to clean tables and promote 4-H during the Lions Pancake days! Don't forget to wear your 4-H shirt! ๐
State Fair Results
Yo can find all official State Fair results and photos at the link below!
New 4-H Year
The new 4-H year (2023-2024) begins October 1. Members can start re-enrolling in 4-HOnline 2.0 any-time after October 1. Members do need to re-enroll every year. Returning membersโ please do not set up a new profile! Call the office if you need help!
Club leaders & Volunteersโ donโt forget to re-enroll, too! You do not have to complete a new volunteer application but do need to pay the $10 fee by December 15 2023. Checks payable to Clay County 4-H Leaders Association
Western Junior Livestock Show & Western Family Consumer Science Show
ll youth are welcome to sign up and join in on the Western Junior Livestock Show and Western
Family Consumer Science Show October 9-12th at the Central States Fairgrounds in Rapid City.
These two events are not official 4-H events, so anyone can join, but do follow most of the 4-H
standards. The FCS show has adult contests as well!. For the WJ Livestock show you must pre-
register. The forms can be found in the show book and you can also find them at their website:
https://www.westernjuniorlivestock.com/ FCS is a come and go type show for most of the
contests. Find out more information at their brand new website:
*This event is not an SDSU Extension or SD 4-H sponsored event. We are sharing because there may
be value to some of the youth in SD 4-H.
SD Angus Association Youth Grant Opportunity
The South Dakota Angus Association is offering a grant opportunity for youth in our state to
receive a purebred angus heifer for production and show. This is a great opportunity for any
youth member looking to start their beef cattle operation, purebred angus operation, or beef
show career. Whatever the case, please see the attached application for more information.
Questions and application materials can be directed to the SD Angus Association (contact person
on application)
A Note from Missy the Fair Board manager-
Election time is coming up quickly! As you head out to vote, please consider how important our County Commissioners will be to the future of the fairgrounds and fair. We are going to need their support as we continue to look at our options for the future. There is a candidate forum scheduled for Oct 5 at the Library. They will be taking questions ahead of time...feel free to submit questions in regards to our future and general fair support. There are also some bills floating around at the state level that would impact Fairs and fairgrounds across the state but I am not as familiar with those bills...I believe one would give counties the ability to collect an additional sales tax to help fund specific projects at the County level and the other relates to state sales tax collected on fairgrounds going back to the Fairs.
4-H Coach and Chaperone Application
Each year, South Dakota 4-H members have the opportunity to compete at National
competitions and attend National leadership opportunities. We are continuously looking for
talented individuals to coach teams and accompany youth on these experiences. Anyone
interested in these opportunities should visit https://extension.sdstate.edu/4-h-coach-and-
chaperone-application and complete the application. The office is currently collecting
applications for individuals interested in coaching or chaperoning 4-H members competing in
2024. We are also looking for folks to chaperone experiences such as Citizenship Washington
Focus, summer camps, Performing Arts, and SkillsX (formerly Teen Leadership Conference)
Upcoming Dates
October 1 - New 4-H Year begins, Re-enroll in 4-HOnline!
October 1 - Record Books Due to Club Leaders
October 2 - Leaders Assoc. Awards Meeting
October 6-12 National 4-H Week
October 5 - SS Coach Training - Pukwana
October 5 - SS Coach Training - Belle Fourche
October 8 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
October 9 - Runnings Ladies Night : 4-H Promotional Table
October 11 - Extension Office Closed
October 12 - D-Days Parade :4-H Float
October 14 - Extension Office closed for Native American Day
October 15 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
October 17 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
October 19 - SS Coach Training - Burke
October 22 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
October 25 - Trunk or Treat - Vermillion Library 4-H Promotional Table
October 16-17 Lion Pancake Days : 4-H Promotion/ Community Service
October 24 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
October 29 - Dog 7-8pm - 4-H Center
November 11- Extension Office Closed for Veterans Day
November 17 - Recognition Event 2pm
November 28-29 - Extension Office Closed for Thanksgiving
December 7 - SS Coaches Training - Lennox
December 7 - SS Coaches Training - Potter Co.
4-H Requirements Policy
In January 2023, the Clay County 4-H Leaderโs Association adopted, the following policy in regard to 4-H Members earning premium money:
All members must meet the following requirements to receive fair premium money:
- Presentation at club level or higher (must be approved if outside of 4-H)
- Hand in journal or record book
- Participate in a county event (fruit sales, food stand, Dakota Days float, etc.)
- Attend four club meetings in four different months.
- Must participate in showmanship for any and all livestock species in which they exhibit to receive premium money in that area.
The Independent Club Members requirements are the same as above, except instead of four club meetings, they must participate in a minimum of four county events.
Leaders Association Charge Account Policy
At the March 2022 4-H Leaderโs Association Meeting, the following policy was adopted in relation to charges made through the office regarding tags & other fair fees, food stand charges, etc. All 4-H families are permitted to charge a balance to the Clay County 4- H Leaders Association for reasonable and expected costs associated with membership, at the discretion of the Leaders. All 4-H families are also permitted to charge a balance to the 4-H Food Stand during the Clay County Fair. It is expected that any balance due is paid in full within 30 days of receipt of the bill from the 4-H office acting on behalf of the Leaders. One reminder will be sent following 30 days past due. Should balances not be paid in full by November 1 of each club year, 100% of any awards, premium money, fruit sale rebate, or other participation incentives will be withheld from all enrolled members of that family until the balance is settled. Should unforeseen financial circumstances prohibit a 4-H family from settling its balance owed, they must contact the 4-H office as soon as possible to identify a solution to reconcile the balance.
๐2025 Clay County Fair Dates - August 7-9๐
Clay County Extension Office๐
Office Hours Monday - Friday 8-5 (closed over noon hour)
Raven Davis
Lauren Hollenbeck
4-H Youth Program Advisor
Email: clay.county@sdstate.edu
Website: https://www.claycountysd.org/extensionoffice4h.cfm
Location: 515 High Street, Vermillion, SD, USA
Phone: 605-677-7111
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/332499696769521