Cecilton Elementary Update
October 20, 2024
FY26 Budget Input from Families
Please help us prepare our budget request for FY26 this fall by completing this short survey to share with us any ideas for improvement that you may have regarding our current level of services, any needs that you feel the school or families have, and/or what you believe our budget priorities should be. You can access the survey HERE. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this information.
Elections are Coming! ✅ 17 Days and Counting!
On November 2nd, it is our opportunity once again to vote for leadership at both the local and national levels. While the national elections are very important for many reasons, our local elections will immediately affect your day to day life here in Cecil County. Please make sure that you have taken the time to research the platforms of those candidates asking for your votes. Make sure that they are truly supporting your wishes on local issues of importance. One aspect of the election that may greatly impact your children's lives are the candidates who are running for our local board of education. Below, you will find an infographic with the major roles of the members of the school board in Cecil County and the websites of the candidates. I encourage you to do your research in this area before making your decision.
Cecilton Elementary School Improvement 2024-2025 - part 2
Last week, we shared our school improvement goals around the foundational area of school safety. A second foundational piece of the School Improvement Plan requires the school to ensure the recruitment and retention of a highly qualified workforce. These two elements of the school improvement plan provide the foundation for a positive educational environment for students.
We are blessed with a truly exceptional teaching and support staff at Cecilton Elementary School, many of whom have worked here for years. We also regularly add new teaching and support staff to our building. This year, our new staff include: the Community School Advisor [Mrs. Morris], the Student Support Technician [Mr. Wesley], a new paraprofessional [Ms. Morales-Alicea], and several new teachers [Ms. Wiggins (media), Mrs. Critchfield (first grade), Ms. Cover (special education), and Ms. Moorman (band & strings)]. In order to support the growth and development of new staff, this year we will host several student teachers, several high school helpers, and a school counseling intern. We are excited to have these future teachers and support staff learn their new roles at our school.
We have two teams within the school to ensure a positive workplace environment. The School Culture Committee creates a plan to ensure a positive climate. For example, staff participate in a Pass the Tiger activity during staff meetings where we are able to acknowledge one another for helping us when we need assistance or for those who have gone above and beyond to support a program or event. This committee is also charged with researching and suggesting cultural enrichment events for students. This ensures that the programs that we bring to the school support either the academic or cultural goals of our grade levels and departments. The second team, our Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC), works with building administration to problem solve to ensure a smoothly running school building. The teachers meet monthly to brainstorm solutions and this is shared with the principal to maintain a positive work environment for all.
As a district and a school, we work to make sure that our staff feel that they have a say in how the building is organized and managed. That is why the school improvement plan is developed collaboratively with teachers, support staff, administration, and stakeholders over the course of the year. The plan that we begin the year with was actually created as the previous year was winding down so that we are able to "hit the ground running" at the beginning of each school year.
Beginning next week, we will begin talking about the inner workings of our classrooms and how the school improvement plan is designed to maximize the potential and achievement of all of our students.
BOOK SWAP - 1st Fridays starting in November
We are excited to bring back our monthly book swap opportunities for all students. Each month, on the first Friday, Mrs. Wiggins will open the library during arrival, breakfast and morning meeting times for students to exchange gently used books. This allows your child to get new books to read without always having to purchase new books or run to the library. Your child may keep the books as long as he or she wants (maybe even forever!). The next month, bring the books back and swap out for some new ones. If your child does not have books to begin the first month, please let us know that your child wants to participate. We can begin the whole process with them selecting a book to start with. Our first book swap of the year will be held on the morning of November 1st.
Survey Opt Out for Grade 4 - Opt Out Form Due THIS WEEK
On Tuesday, October 15th, students in grade 4 received an opt out form for an upcoming Social and Emotional Competency Survey. If you do NOT want your child to participate in the survey, please return the completed form to the school THIS WEEK.The survey will be completed during the window of October 28th and December 6th.
Calling All Veterans! - Updated INFORMATION
We are looking forward to honoring our Veterans at Cecilton Elementary School next month. As we prepare for the festivities, we need some information. Please forward the names and digital pictures of your veterans to Mrs. Morris (kamorris@ccps.org ) to be included in our slideshow presentation.
Updates from Cecil County Public Schools
Judy Center Schools - Here are images that you can use in your weekly newsletters:
Family Service Coordination - revised!
Little Learners Home Visiting- revised!
Playgroup Schedule - find your school’s schedule in this folder!
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
The Office of Multilingual Education will be offering virtual (zoom) parent workshops twice a month on Tuesdays starting on October 15, 2024. Time: 10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Flyer
Save the Date
Click the link HERE to the October school calendar. Click on the link in the calendar to read detailed information as it becomes available. Translated materials are also available at the link.
Changes will be made on the live calendar available at the link. Please check this link each week for any updates!
November is Election Season
On 10/22/24, the NAACP will host a candidate forum at Elkton High School beginning at 6:00 PM. All candidates for local office have been invited to participate.
The cutoff for voter registration is 10/15/24. Please visit the Maryland State Board of Elections for more information or to register to vote.
Local elections have a significant impact on our schools. Please make an effort to learn about the candidates running for local office and support and vote for those that are committed to supporting public education in Cecil County!
The Judy Center Playgroup @ CES
The Judy Center County Wide Opportunities
Cecil County Health Department
The Cecil County Health Department has a large number of resources for families including crisis services, mental health services, housing and emergency food support, and much more. Open the link below for contact information for any type of assistance you may need.
Food Resources
Adult Education Opportunities
Affordable Health Care