Titan Times Newsletter
Springwater Trail High School
Springwater Trail High School
Website: http://stweb.gresham.k12.or.us
Location: 1440 SE Fleming Ave, Gresham, OR, United States
Phone: 503-261-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpringwaterTrail/
Twitter: @STHS_Titans
Principal's Message
Dear Springwater community,
This week marks the end of our first 6-week progress report period. This time of year can be a challenging time for students to maintain their motivation. This can be especially true for 9th graders who are still acclimating to the academic expectations of high school. Please check StudentVue, ParentVue, or look for progress reports in the mail sometime during the week of March 12th. Please also reach out to your student's teachers if you'd like to discuss grades.
Last week our school headed down to the NW Film Festival. We watched the critically acclaimed documentary, For Ahkeem. The film's themes included racial equity, poverty, persevering and overcoming adversity, and the power of the human spirit. Afterwards, one of the directors answered questions from the audience. It was wonderful to see so many of our students stand up and voice their thoughts and feedback to the film director.
Our next optional school outing is a trip to the Oregon Humane Society on Wednesday, March 7th. Students should see Mr. Lurie if they are interested in attending the trip. Students may also sign up for a field trip to The Magic Play on Thursday, March 15th at Portland Center Stage. Again, students should sign up with Mr. Lurie if they are interested in attending the play.
I also want to give a “shout out” to Springwater’s Basketball team. The league tournament will be Tuesday, March 14th. The team has been professional and determined all season long. It has been great to see the team grow.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your students' teachers, the office, or me if you have questions or concerns.
2018-2019 Forecasting Dates
Its forecasting time again!
9th grade - Monday, March 12th (5th & 6th Period)
10th grade - Tuesday March 13th (4th & 7th Period)
11th grade - Thursday March 8th (1st, 2nd, & 5th Period)
Want a FREE Prom Dress?
Each spring, Abby’s Closet hosts a Prom Gown Giveaway event to distribute the dresses, shoes and accessories that have been collected throughout the year. Abby’s Closet will provide a free (that’s right, FREE… save your money for college!) prom gown to any high school student who wants one. Must show valid High School ID or proof of enrollment.
Saturday, April 7th, 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Sunday, April 8th, 9:00 am-2:00 pm
Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon
Have You Verified Your Information?
Eletronic Flyers
Gresham-Barlow Distict has launched a new electronic flyer tool called “Peachjar.” This service allows us to “go green” and will ensure that every flier is delivered to each household. Peachjar will provide flyers directly to your computer, tablet or mobile device.
To view school-approved flyers, simply click the Peachjar button on your school’s website.
Upcoming Events
Magic Play Field Trip
STHS is offering another opportunity to see live theater FOR NO COST. On Thursday, March 15 100 students will be attending the Portland Center Stage play The Magic Play. In order for students to attend the play they will need to have a signed permission slip. This will be first come, first served. The first 100 students will assure themselves a ticket. After the first 100, students will be put on a waiting list. Permission slips will be handed out the week of February 26th. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Lurie. Below is information about the play.
A theater is a realm of illusion. So is a magic show. Playwright Andrew Hinderaker mashes these traditions together with alluring results. The Magic Play follows a young magician trying to get through a live show just hours after his partner has left him. As the performance progresses, he confronts the fact that the spectacular tricks that impress people on stage don’t serve him as well when it comes to building truthful personal relationships. This mesmerizing new play questions the extent to which we must be honest with ourselves in order to be so with those we love. Run Time: Approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes, including one intermission. Note: Recommended for ages 16 and up. Contains adult situations and explicit language. Children under 6 are not permitted at any production at The Armory.
Interested in Volunteering at our School?
1) Go to the district website at www.gresham.k12.or.us
2) Hover over “About Us” and click on “Volunteer Information”
3) In the left-hand menu, click on “Volunteer Application Form”
4) Fill out the online application
5) Record your volunteer badge number
Once completed, the approval process can take up to two weeks.
Happy volunteering!
NOTE: The application is not mobile compatible. This must be done on a laptop or desktop computer.
Transfer Process
Parent Requests For IN-DISTRICT Transfers
Accepted March 1-30, 2018 * Deadline is March 30, 2018
The Gresham-Barlow School District will accept in-district transfer requests for the 2018-2019 school year during the month of March only.
If you live within the Gresham-Barlow district and want your child to attend a Gresham-Barlow school outside of your attendance area, you need to request an in-district transfer. If your student currently has an in-district transfer and is moving from elementary to middle or middle to high, please submit a new request.
Transfer request forms are available from (1) the district website: http://gresham.k12.or.us under Parent Resources (2) the main office at any GBSD school, or (3) the district office. Your completed form can be dropped off at any GBSD school, faxed to (503) 261-4553, mailed to the district office at 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham 97030, or emailed to dewitz2@gresham.k12.or.us in time to arrive by March 30, 2018.
You will be notified in writing after review of all requests. Please note: kindergarten and first grade requests may not be decided upon until late summer after elementary registration. For further information, contact the Gresham-Barlow School District Office at 503-261-4550.
Academic Support Mondays, Tuesday, and Wednesdays
Additional academic support is available at Springwater Trail High School. On Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:30pm-3:30pm our new Student Attendance Liaison, Jessica Hall, will be available for academic support. This additional time will allow students to utilize school resources such as the library and student computers for homework, studying, reading, etc. Students who attend this additional academic support time will need to have their own transportation home on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Wednesday school is also available every week and we encourage students to utilize this time to meet with their teachers, retake quizzes, and get homework help. Students can sign up for a bus ride home at 3:30pm each Wednesday. If you have questions regarding after school support, please call Jessica at 503.261.4624.
March Student Spotlight
Lindsay Averett-Morasch
Grade: 11
Interests: Psychology, and Photography
Favorite subject in school: English
Favorite thing about STHS: The great Teachers and Staff
Hobby outside of school: Volleyball
Jazmin Imlay
Grade: 10
Interests: Being outside, volleyball, and playing with my dog.
Favorite subject in school: Psychology
Favorite thing about STHS: The size
Hobby outside of school: Reading
Jake Gutensohn
Grade: 11
Interests: Music, drawing, and boxing
Favorite subject in school: Global Perspectives
Favorite thing about STHS: One on one attention
Hobby outside of school: Boxing
Jacob Reed
Grade: 10
Interests: History
Favorite subject in school: History
Favorite thing about STHS: Everyone is nice
Hobby outside of school: D&D
Morgan Pearch
Grade: 10
Interests: Culinary
Favorite subject in school: Math
Favorite thing about STHS: Small
Hobby outside of school: Reading
Aaron Whistler
Grade: 12
Interests: Outdoors and games
Favorite subject in school: History
Favorite thing about STHS: Everyone knows each other. Teachers and staff are awesome!
Hobby outside of school: Hiking