January Counselor Corner
Helpful tips, tricks, and dates from the Counseling Office!
Dear Students
The counseling office is excited to welcome you back to campus and start off 2021 with a fresh mindset! If you need someone to chat with about your mental health, remember you can always sign up to see me here calendly.com/mperkins42 or email me. You can also email your grade level counselor at any time.
This month's newsletter theme is all about friendships and spreading kindness around to start the new year. You will also find grade level updates below! Please read carefully to ensure you aren't missing deadlines/events.
Missed the December edition of our newsletter? Click here to review.
-Mrs. Perkins: Prevention Counselor (mperkins@colliervilleschools.org)
Try this easy 30 second activity if you need help calming down!
Interested in learning more about navigating friendships/bullying?
Librarian Pick of the Month: Taking Control by Katherine Hengel:
Patrice, a skilled basketball player whose mother is an alcoholic, does not feel like she has anyone she can trust after Deena bullies her and keeps her from sitting with Akil, Marcel, and Tre, but Akil shows Patrice that she can count on him.
Grade Level Updates and Reminders
If you need to contact your counselor, you can visit the office during school hours, email (can be found on the website here), or call 901-854-2340. We are here to help you with academic concerns, social concerns, and emotional concerns- even when we are virtual!
Grades 9-11: Start thinking about courses for next year! Sign ups will begin soon.
12th grade- Counselors: Ms. Czosek (A-L) and Ms. Loeffler (M-Z)
- IMPORTANT! Graduation fees are 100 dollars and are due by March 26th. You can pay online or bring a check to Mrs. Czosek in the Counseling Office. Graduation is scheduled for 5/13/21.
- Mid-Year Transcripts with updated rank & GPA will not be available until 1/19/21. Midyear transcripts will not be available until after this date. Continue to check Schoology for updates!
- In order to remain eligible for TN Promise, all students must file the 2021-2022 FAFSA by February 1, 2021. Keep in mind that students will need their parent or guardian's 2019 tax information to file. Please click here for additional information on the FAFSA and to view our FAFSA Filing Dashboard.
- If you haven't turned in your PE waiver to satisfy your .5 credit PE requirement for graduation, your schedule will be changed to Lifetime Sports. Come to counseling to get a form if you need one.
- Begin to apply to scholarships from colleges you've been accepted to. Each school has their own scholarship applications & deadlines that can be found on their website.
- Community scholarships will be made available in the end of January. They will be posted on the CHS website.
- The national February ACT deadline is 1/15/21. Sign up on act.org if interested!
- The deadline for Yearbook Senior Ads and Sales has been extended to January 31. Seniors can purchase and design their ads at balfour.com under Collierville High School and Yearbooks.
11th grade- Counselors: Ms. Krotzer (A-K) and Ms. Johnson (L-Z)
- This semester is your last semester to improve your GPA before college applications. Do your best this semester and remember not to wait until the last minute to turn in work! The counselors are here to help- reach out to us for ideas and tricks to find success!
- The national February ACT deadline is 1/15/21. Sign up on act.org if interested!
10th grade- Counselors: Ms. Smith (A-Johnson) and Mr. Moskal (Jones-Z)
- New Year New You! Even if last semester didn't go as planned, Semester 2 is a great time to start fresh with new goals and habits. We are here to cheer you on and help you in anyway we can- just stop by or send us an email!
9th grade-Counselors: Mr. Stevenson (A-Le) and Ms. Bittick (Li-Z)
- Welcome back! This new semester gives each of you a new start. Take some time to reflect on your grades and performance from Semester 1. If you are happy with how things went, keep up the good work! If you are not happy with your grades, set new goals and keep in mind you still have this semester to improve!