April 21, 2023
Building Excellence Successfully Together
April 24th-28th - Literati Spring Book Fair
April 28 - PTA Blooming Mornings
May 3-5, 9-11 - GA Milestone Assessments
May 12 - Field Day
May 18 - Talent Show
May 19 - Artist Day
May 25 - Last Day of School/5th Grade Promotion Day
Enjoy the sunshine today and family time this weekend.
With gratitude,
Heather Rucker
March PBIS Celebration
Our PBIS reward for March was extra outdoor recess! The spring temperatures had us all feeling joyful, and the students really enjoyed their extra time outside. We are always happy to celebrate all our Explorers who choose to be respectful, responsible, and engaged in their learning.
Literati Spring Book Fair Gift Card Link
Artist Day Treats and Volunteers Needed
We are so excited to host our second Artist Day at Northwood on Friday, May 19. Please support our day by sending in some treats or by volunteering some of your time. You can sign up for either or both via the links below. If you have questions about volunteering with artists that day, please contact andreavandervort@gmail.com. Please make sure that you are a FCS registered volunteer!
Is Your Child Leaving Northwood Elementary?
Please help us prepare for the 2023-24 school year by letting us know if your current Kindergarten through 4th grade student will not return to Northwood Elementary in August. The withdrawal process is easy. Simply email the completed withdrawal form that is attached at the bottom of this newsletter to Mary Lou Fleming flemingml@fultonschools.org.
There is no need to re-register returning students.
Georgia Milestones Promotion Information for 3rd and 5th Grades
Get Ready for Georgia Milestones
What can I do to help my child prepare?
Be certain your child gets plenty of sleep and has a healthy breakfast.
Be certain your student is at school on time, so they are not worried about being late.
Remind students that cell phones and smart watches will be collected and stored in the secure testing room during test administration times. It’s best for students to leave them at home if possible.
Please have students bring their fully charged device every day.
Get information and practice using this link: Georgia Milestones Resources (gadoe.org)
Experience the online testing session using this link: http://www.gaexperienceonline.com/
What happens if my child is absent?
There will be rolling make-ups throughout the testing window. Please do not send your child in if they are sick.
Can visitors be in the building?
During GMAS testing, we will not be allowing visitors in the building before 11:30 am, and there will also be no lunch visitors these days.
FCS Summer Learning Information
FCS Kindergarten and New Student Registration
Parents, please encourage your students to check regularly for lost items in the Lost and Found. Please mark all student belongings clearly with the child’s name so that it can be identified. Unclaimed items are donated to local charities after the last school day of every month. April’s date is Friday, April 28th.
Cafeteria News
Cluster Program News
Centennial Cheerleading 2023 Mini Camp Links
How: https://app.picklejuiceapp.com/a/ureg/open/event/0925A815
Questions/Email: chscheerminicamp@gmail.com
Blooming Mornings RSVP Link
Please click the following link to RSVP for Blooming Mornings:
About Us
Heather Q. Rucker, Principal
Michelle Levine, Assistant Principal
Together We SHINE!
Email: NorthwoodAttendance@fultonschools.org
Website: www.fultonschools.org/northwoodes
Location: 10200 Wooten Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-6390
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodElementaryPTA/
Twitter: @FCS_NWES