Westside Unified
...Serving the Unique Needs of All Learners
We'd Appreciate Your Help To Support Our Unified Activities Program
February 8th at Lake Zorinsky - Plunging Begins at 11:00am
Polar Plunge - Help Support Inclusive Activities in Westside Community Schools
The Special Olympics Polar Plunge is coming to Omaha February 8th, 2020. #BeBoldGetCold
We are excited to support Inclusive Activities in Westside and need your help to support our Westside Unified team of polar plungers!
Individuals 16 years and older are welcome to join and plunge with the team. Those wanting to stay a bit warmer (or who are under age) are encouraged to help support these brave individuals with a donation or to come cheer them on as "Fans in the Stands."
All funds will be used to support the Unified Activities programs in Westside Community schools such as our K-8 Unified Activities Program, WHS Unified Bowling, Unified Track, WHS Sparkles, etc. With your support, we hope to continue to expand these opportunities across our district and community.
(Check out just a few of the great things that have been happening already this year!)
What Are Unified Activities?
The Special Olympics Unified Schools Program is a fast-growing initiative that brings students with and without intellectual disabilities together.
As Unified Champion Schools, we partner with Special Olympics Nebraska to implement a three-component strategy focused on Inclusive Sports, Inclusive Youth Leadership, and Whole-School Engagement. These three components bring students with and without intellectual disabilities together to promote a positive school climate, develop physical fitness, prevent bullying, enhance student engagement, and promote student leadership skills.
Westside Community Schools - Unified Activities
The mission of the Westside Community School District, as an innovative educational system, is to ensure academic excellence and to serve the unique needs of all learners.
Westside Community Schools will relentlessly pursue innovative educational ideals and promise to personalize learning for every student. We invite the challenge of developing a community of learners who embrace a broader, richer definition of success.
Email: westsideunified@westside66.net
Phone: 402-390-6475
Facebook: https://facebook.com/WestsideUnified
Twitter: @WestsideUnified