Hillside MTSS-B
What does it mean to be an MTSS-B school?
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior
The system of defining, teaching, frequently reinforcing, correcting when necessary, and supporting each student’s growth in their behavioral and social-emotional education.
At Hillside we believe that positive and consistent instruction and response to behavior is critical to our mission to support a diverse community of learners, and to foster learning by providing a quality educational experience within a secure and challenging environment. Both in academics and behavior, our school follows a model known as Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. This model provides students as much support as they need in order to make successful growth, as well as to keep them challenged and engaged in learning.
3-Tiered Approach
This tiered structure is broken down into 3 layers.
Tier 1 - School-wide, all students
Tier 2 - Providing extra support or challenge for some students, typically through small groups
Tier 3 - Providing individualized support or challenge for a few students
Tier 1 - School-Wide
Tier 1 behavior instruction is provided to all students at Hillside. We designate time each week for a longer lesson and each day to check in with students and address their Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Tier 1 Instruction consists of:
School-wide expectations
Plans for teaching expectations
social skills
SEL curriculum
Acknowledgement Systems
Tiger Tickets
Positive Office referrals
Effective Procedures for dealing with problem behavior
Data-based decision making
Family/community involvement
Hillside has developed, and annually reviews, a matrix of behavior expectations.
These can be seen on posters throughout our building and are articulated in our 3 school rules.
Hillside School Rules:
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Tier 2 - Additional Support
Tier 2 provides additional tools to students on top of their school-wide instruction. Several supports are available as part of Tier 2:
Check In - Check Out
Class Pass
Positive Peer Reporting
Behavior Contract
Individual and Small Group Counseling
Social-Emotional Skills Instruction
Tier 3 - Individualized Support
In some cases, an individually designed plan is the best support for a student. Tier 3 support plans involve analyzing the function of the behavior and collaborating with staff, parents, and the student to develop a plan that meets their individual needs.
MTSS-B Staff & Student Teams
MTSS-B Team (Staff): Jenny Victor, Cynthia Bailey, Paula Barta, Anige Combs, Sara Elder, Nelly Fumagalli, Carli Lambert, Kacey Lee, Kerri Lewis, Monica McKevitt, Sahida Nadimulla, Jenny Nekuda
MTSS-B Student Team: 5th and 6th grade elected students, TBD (applications coming home with students soon!)
Supporting our Students: MTSS-B at a Glance
MTSS-B Team: Jenny Victor (Chair), Cynthia Bailey, Paula Barta, Anige Combs, Sara Elder, Nelly Fumagalli, Carli Lambert, Kacey Lee, Kerri Lewis, Monica McKevitt, Sahida Nadimulla, Jenny Nekuda
MTSS-B Student Team: 5th and 6th grade elected students, TBD
EduClimber: Interactive district-level to whole-child data management that strengthens MTSS implementations, including student need identification and intervention effectiveness as well as major and minor behavior referrals.
Tiger Tickets: An orange ticket handed out to students with a verbal praise identifying a positive behavior. Tiger Tickets are redeemed in the classroom and in the front office for prizes.
Tiger Pride Day: Tiger Pride Day is an annual event where we spend a WHOLE day committed to team building at the classroom level and building level through expectation stations, classroom activities, a little bounce house fun, and a pep rally-style assembly to set us up for a successful year with common language and expectations for what it looks like to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible at Hillside Elementary.
Tidy Tiger: A laminated award given to a student when they are observed keeping our school and grounds clean. Students can take it to the office for a prize and then return it to the staff member who gave it to them.
Tiger of the Month (TOM): Tiger of the Month assemblies will happen on the last Wednesday of the month. There will be two all school assemblies (August and May). After the assembly, winners will report to the library for group and individual photos. A week prior to the assembly, teachers are responsible for entering their tiger of the month on the spreadsheet and putting the student’s photo and name into the slideshow. Students will receive a certificate, and a reusable swag bag with logo sunglasses and other goodies.
Positive Office Referrals: The idea is to replace the negative stigma associated with office visits with an opportunity for students to anchor positive outcomes from their “above and beyond” behavior choices. Students are recognized with a trip to the front office, but for a good reason. This recognition might be for consistent above and beyond behavior or recognizing a positive choice that is typically difficult for a student to make.
Tiger Ticket Store: Once students have earned 50 tiger tickets, they will be invited to the Tiger Ticket Store to choose one item. The Tiger Ticket Store is located on the stage and open on Fridays. All items are redeemed with 50 Tiger Tickets. Grade levels can determine how to visit the Tiger Ticket Store: everyone goes, one teacher takes the eligible students, etc.
Breaks & Skill Teaching: When a student break is needed, outside of planned time, a teacher will walkie for a break. Someone will remove students from the classroom and offer a walking break, the swing room or room 106. Staff providing the break will use this time to coach the student using break cards.
Calm-Down Corner: A place in the classroom where students can go to calm down. It may include brain tools or other calming activities and should have the teacher’s set expectations listed in the area.
Gateway Behaviors: Behaviors that are typically ignored, but might indicate to adults that a student is struggling or needs help with something. They may be insignificant behaviors that will likely lead to bigger, more disruptive behaviors.
Safe Seat: A safe learning space in the classroom where staff can send students who need to work away from others. At some point in the first month of school, send students to the safe seat for a positive reason.
Office Referrals: When a student earns an office referral, a call is made to the office to let the office know that a student has earned a referral and whether someone needs to come get the child or if they can walk down on their own. Office referrals are logged in EduClimber and families are often notified.
Total and Perfect Silence (TAPS): A strategy to encourage calm hearts, calm bodies and calm minds.
We Want to Hear From You!
Hillside Behavior Support Team
All staff at our school are part of the Hillside MTSS-B team and are trained in implementing positive systems of behavior support. In addition, there are several individuals you may wish to contact if you have further questions.
Administrative Support:
Cynthia Bailey - Principal
Kerri Lewis - Assistant Principal
MTSS-B Chair:
Jenny Victor - School Counselor